Saw a video where Viagra etc was discussed. One of the commentators said that for Viagra ( and others) to be really really effective, you need to start on statins. The theory is those will clear up the blood vessels , thereby making Viagra much more effective. Not sure if this has been corroborated by studies.
The only thing that will clear up blood vessels properly and treat the root cause is Vitamin K2.
It's responsible for carboxylating(activating via carboxylation) all calcium binding proteins in the body. Since virtually 99% of the population is deficient in this due to normal sources being eating animal and animal byproducts(butter, cheese, eggs, etc) that eat grass and are exposed to sunlight(sunlight turns the K1 they eat in grass into K2). Since the vast majority of people don't spend the money to buy products from grass fed, free range animals, they have very few options for getting K2. Fermented soy(Natto) is a fantastic source as is homemade sauerkraut and kefir.
Without K2, calcium gets stuck in the smaller blood vessels, arteries and soft tissues instead of ending up where it should in the bones and teeth.
K2 by itself has been found to reduce all cause mortality from cardiovascular events by 57% and in tests has reduced atherosclerosis plaque on the arteries by 50% in only 6 weeks.
Every man should be taking this along with proper levels of D3 and Magnesium to fight the calcium battle the FDA has set us up for by allowing massive calcium fortification in literally everything you eat now. It's initial purpose was to help prevent osteoporosis but they have found it's completely ineffective for that and often times makes it worse because it's very rare for them to not have enough calcium, it just can't get to the right places in the bones where it should be.