After going broke being arrested and going to rehab yes!
Mike "The Situation" went from being a partying player type to a sober Christian who doesnt drink or do drugs.. still is on the show though. Got married and had a kid with his college sweetheart.
Pauly D went on to have a successful DJing career and is booked year round with big contracts in Vegas and Miami.
Vinny was never that much of a Guido and the only one who didnt tan or hit the gym as much. He ended up becoming more mature and developing a better physique and also is a published author that talks about what its like being an introvert while being on a hit reality show.
Snooki went from being a wild reckless party animal to settling down in a successful marriag and becoming a mom and housewife
Sammi left after Season 4 and went on to build a successful clothing brand/company and some other businesses.
The only one who had any detriment was Ronny but he always had issues. The show did not really accelerate any of that. What it did do is afford him a nice house and money.
He went thru a pretty toxic relationship but thru that process became sober and gained full custody of his daughter.
Jwow went thru a divorce but thats pretty normal for anyone. She has multiple successful businesses.
So 1 person out the whole cast was slightly a trainwreck and this is your example of what fame and money does to people? He still has all his money and is doing much better now too.
You coulda probably named 1000 other examples that made more sense. The Jersey shore is a great example of how average people can become successful through social influence/ becoming reality stars if anything.