Agreed, women want attention and if they don't get it from their partner - they'll get it elsewhere. It can be on social media, work, dating apps, etc. This blends pretty well with the drama thread, it's a balance. The men that keep to themselves and avoid conflict will soon be replaced.Why do women complain and say that guys need to communicate more?
I believe all of them have been through the evolution of a traditional relationship and seen it go from healthy "back and forth" in the beginning of the relationship into less and less communication from the man's side. When you look at relationships that ultimately fail you will notice the same familiar pattern, the woman grinds the man down through war of attrition, where she will work on the man, all day, every day, 365 days a year. Not because of malicious intentions, this is just how they are wired when there are no clear boundaries and they feel unhappy. I think most guys with experience are familiar with the danger in the saying "give her a finger and she will take the whole hand". That's why we know the importance of calling out her nonsense from day one. Women will talk just to ventilate, they will complain, sometimes b itch, sometimes be wonderful but many many relationships (outside of the manosphere?) evolve into her talking and complaining and the guy turning more and more quiet or agreeing for the sake of peace and/or escaping into his "safe zone", which can be the garage, the car, another room, friend etc. which frustrates the lady because it makes her not feel heard (= not important), until it's over one day and that is when she decides to create an account on tinder to get a better guy the next time and because communication (and feeling heard) is very important to her she writes about it in her profile.
You will not hear it from women in happy relationships because the guys they're with didn't cave in the 451th time she complained about why you didn't put the toilet seat down after you. It comes naturally with having a spine. Being aware of relationship dynamics and game helps too. Being a good "communicator" seems to come naturally for a masculine man.