But most of the women on there are not attractive. What percentage of guys stoop to that level? Do you think the guys on here dumpster dive on OLD but are a shamed to admit it?
Most men obviously don't admit this, but as you can tell by this thread its slowly becomes known and talked about.
Most men aren't dumpster diving on purpose, it just happens and tend to go that way. Imo you can say that a man sometimes matches with women few points below his SMV. What he does with it is on him..if you try to kill a dryspell or something it might be a option.
Going back on topic, OLD should supplement your life. Maybe switch off that brain receptor that tells you that you NEED to have women in your life? The funny part about life is that you really don’t attract what you try to pursue. When you focus on other things in life, things you actually want just come naturally. It’s almost like if you don’t manifest it, good things will come. Call my book The Common Sense
Dont know if I'm the only one, but somehow i have trouble doing both OLD and real life approaches.
This brain receptor thing you talk about is interesting. In my case i have to admtr that after some time the low quality of OLD gets to me. When you match with a bunch of women aren't attracted to you take it with you into the real world.
Despite all the facts given, such as male female ratio is screwed, you'll always date beneath your smv or find a hot one that batshyte crazy, and OFCOURSE the apps that try to get money outta you. Despite all of this the brain simply reacts emotionally to short term impulses . Not getting what you want = feeling bad.
I will try to get back on OLD sooner or later, but for now I am fine without it. It also gives me more incentive to go out and talk to womem in real life.