Why is OLD the last couple years borderline unusable??


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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No, I don't just mean because it's a lot of fat chicks on there. I'm talking about more paywalls, less features. Bumble and Tinder for example are not even useable unless you pay for the premium ones. Match has taken away features, and POF wants you to pay now if you want to send more than like 2 messages a day. Upward app was free and easy. Now Match LLC bought them and only gives you a few swipes a day before you have to pony up.

I will say BEFORE covid hit, and the first year of covid OLD was a lot easier to use. Less paywall, more features and a ton more women. I mean there were some hot women on the apps and sites and fairly easy to get their phone numbers after exchanging a few messages.

Now I'd say 90 percent of the women on OLD across the board are undesirable and overall less women overall.

I'm guessing because it's post covid and people are going out a lot more now because they were locked up in their homes. Less OLD users means they gotta jack prices up and take features away. That's why you're seeing less women on there and the ones that use OLD and paying more are desperate because they're fat and ugly.

The Match owned apps seem to have a ton more fake profiles too. The feds are going after Match LLC for fraud. Wouldn't you think they would clean their act up?

Basically the dating apps are like cell service. Only a couple providers. Bumble, Match LLC, or free one facebook. It's a monopoly now. Quality always goes down with monopolies.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
The only one that’s unusable unless you pay is tinder. I have managed to get laid off bumble and hinge without paying a dime.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
The swipe apps have been bad for a long time. The fact that you're just noticing it within the last 2 years means that you were on borrowed time. That borrowed time has now run out for you. My photos have been rated in the high 6s/low 7s so I'm a decent option.

I have been off the apps for a while.

I would say that most guys need to pay on all 3 of the big apps now to have a fighting chance. With most men have a match rate of less than 1% on their right swipes, they will need to have the unlimited swiping capability that paying offers. They need to make a large number of swipes to compensate for a less than 1% match rate.

Unless you're a 90th percentile man or better, your time is better spent on another form of arranging dates.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
I've been on them for about a decade. They used to be great; started going to **** sometime around 2015-2016 and they are only getting worse over time. And I'm not even bitter about it; I've had lays with 10 new women from them in the past year and get 100s of matches but it's still a fiasco most of the time.

These apps are not designed to get you off them. They're profit-driven and use the same tactics as social media platforms. They're just another tool to feed into delusion and entitlement, especially for narcissistic women. They all chase the top 10% of guys and continually get AW'd, or think the men are never good enough and ignore all men at or above their own SMV. Likewise since they get flowered with attention (from simps) they think they're a 9 when they're really a 5.
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Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
They're running a business, they are not your friend and they only care about maximizing profits. They figured out how to exploit the general weakness of men a long time ago, but still a lot of men are fooled by it. It's way easier to meet women the old fashioned way, but for some reason a lot of men think OLD is somehow better. It's just not and even if you waste money on it you'll have to put in the effort anyways to take them to bed, that's just a bad deal.

It doesn't work, ignore it and do what works.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
They're running a business, they are not your friend and they only care about maximizing profits. They figured out how to exploit the general weakness of men a long time ago, but still a lot of men are fooled by it. It's way easier to meet women the old fashioned way, but for some reason a lot of men think OLD is somehow better. It's just not and even if you waste money on it you'll have to put in the effort anyways to take them to bed, that's just a bad deal.

It doesn't work, ignore it and do what works.
OLD can work, but it takes far more effort than it should. Once you learn vetting and narrow in on the most high IL women you can get consistent dates without wasting much time. I also don't believe the women on them are necessarily much different than most women in general. That said OLD is probably best as a supplement, nothing more...


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
The swipe apps have been bad for a long time. The fact that you're just noticing it within the last 2 years means that you were on borrowed time. That borrowed time has now run out for you. My photos have been rated in the high 6s/low 7s so I'm a decent option.

I have been off the apps for a while.

I would say that most guys need to pay on all 3 of the big apps now to have a fighting chance. With most men have a match rate of less than 1% on their right swipes, they will need to have the unlimited swiping capability that paying offers. They need to make a large number of swipes to compensate for a less than 1% match rate.

Unless you're a 90th percentile man or better, your time is better spent on another form of arranging dates.
I don't think they were bad for a "long time." Maybe in your case but I've only noticed it the last couple years. Bumble it makes you pay after a few swipes/

Did you try signing up for the swipe apps right after deleting your profile? If you deleted Tinder and made an account within the last 30 days you get shadow banned. You need to get a burner phone number like a google voice number and sign back up. If not you got shadowed banned and no one is seeing you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
Guys don't use Bumble or Tinder. Hinge is the only app worth using.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
OLD can work, but it takes far more effort than it should. It's better as a supplement once you learn vetting and narrow in on the most high IL women.
Maybe now, but 3-4 years ago it didn't take much effort to get a 20 to 25 percent reply rate and that was with using just a couple crappy pics as well. Majority of guys get maybe a 5 percent reply rate if lucky, depending on the type of women they're messaging maybe 1 percent. I was averaging 20 sometimes25 percent when I used OLD across the board and I wouldn't message/swipe on women below HB7 as well and I'm not 6 foot or higher as well and I'm not rich. Between summer of 2019 and early 2021 I probably exchanged about 150 phone numbers.

Getting their cell number is key here to save you time and money. When you get that you can do a reverse lookup and then get their name and search them on facebook. you can then see if they're using current pics and are not land whales.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2022
Reaction score
OLD is a sham. 90% are males. They can fake profiles but they all exploit men (the ones who pay). Look at Ashley Madison who got caught almost ten years ago just because they got hacked. But I remember back then joining some websites and I could see that most of profiles were fake.
Do you think Tinder, Bumble, etc are different? "5 girls liked your photos" and similar scam tactics are used for you to pay.

If the ratio were 50/50 and girls were going to the top 10%, those guys wouldn't be able to handle that many women. Eventually girls would have to lower their standards but since the percentage of men is 10X...



Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
OLD is a sham. 90% are males. They can fake profiles but they all exploit men (the ones who pay). Look at Ashley Madison who got caught almost ten years ago just because they got hacked. But I remember back then joining some websites and I could see that most of profiles were fake.
Do you think Tinder, Bumble, etc are different? "5 girls liked your photos" and similar scam tactics are used for you to pay.

Zoosk is the worst of them all. You get a ton of likes in order to get you to join then it's crickets.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
OLD can work, but it takes far more effort than it should.
Well, yeah, it can work, but there's no fun in it the same way that can be had by meeting women in the wild. There's not really much effort involved anyways if you're having fun, but I guess a lot of guys (and probably also women) look at dating like it's a chore.

I also don't believe the women on them are necessarily much different than most women in general.
I disagree with this, there are some types of women you will never met on any OLD platform. In that way OLD has a rather limited pool of women. It's easy to think it gives a ton of options, but in reality only certain types of people even bother giving it a chance so it just excludes a lot of possibilities.

This effect was more noticable in the early days of OLD, but even now that it's more mainstream I believe this effect is still very relevant.

That said OLD is probably best as a supplement, nothing more...
On this we agree. I would never waste money on it, I wouldn't waste my time on it, I definitely wouldn't rely on it and I'd have it there only passively in the background. I wouldn't even bother sending first messages, more effort than it's worth. If they send first message then their interest level might be high enough to be worth a try.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
Well, yeah, it can work, but there's no fun in it the same way that can be had by meeting women in the wild. There's not really much effort involved anyways if you're having fun, but I guess a lot of guys (and probably also women) look at dating like it's a chore.

I disagree with this, there are some types of women you will never met on any OLD platform. In that way OLD has a rather limited pool of women. It's easy to think it gives a ton of options, but in reality only certain types of people even bother giving it a chance so it just excludes a lot of possibilities.

This effect was more noticable in the early days of OLD, but even now that it's more mainstream I believe this effect is still very relevant.

On this we agree. I would never waste money on it, I wouldn't waste my time on it, I definitely wouldn't rely on it and I'd have it there only passively in the background. I wouldn't even bother sending first messages, more effort than it's worth. If they send first message then their interest level might be high enough to be worth a try.
IRL I hardly see any girl I know using OLD. Around here I'd easily spot them due to the limited pool.

From what I've seen with OLD it actually works best for fatties. I mean men and women. The fatty uglies usually pair up with each other and have longer relationships. Because those guys are going after the low tier women who are in less demand.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I've had lays with 10 new women from them in the past year and get 100s of matches but it's still a fiasco most of the time.
You're doing better than most with the swipe apps.

Guys don't use Bumble or Tinder. Hinge is the only app worth using.
The last time I was on Hinge, it was complete shiit. Nothing but overweight women and/or single moms. Perhaps that's something particular to my city.

Maybe now, but 3-4 years ago it didn't take much effort to get a 20 to 25 percent reply rate and that was with using just a couple crappy pics as well. Majority of guys get maybe a 5 percent reply rate if lucky, depending on the type of women they're messaging maybe 1 percent.
In the old days of dating websites, my response rate to messages was around 10-15%.

I could get around the 20-25% reply rate on my swipe app matches in the past so that's not unreasonable and I've been hearing from others about reply rates on the swipe apps dropping. My match % was the bigger issue on the swipe apps.

Between summer of 2019 and early 2021 I probably exchanged about 150 phone numbers.
That's pretty solid for a 35+ guy.

Getting their cell number is key here to save you time and money. When you get that you can do a reverse lookup and then get their name and search them on facebook. you can then see if they're using current pics and are not land whales.
I did that when I used swipe apps too.

From what I've seen with OLD it actually works best for fatties. I mean men and women. The fatty uglies usually pair up with each other and have longer relationships. Because those guys are going after the low tier women who are in less demand.
There are a lot of overweight/obese people in the United States and some other Western nations. Makes sense. Also, normal weight men can pull overweight/obese women on swipe apps too.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
My last two bangs this year were from badoo, I find that app to be a place where the underbelly of society congregate, societies rejects if you will, people hiding from tinder, bumble and hinge. You have to wade through the trannies and cross dressers though.

I should maybe download POF again to smash some tramp 2 miles away. I find all apps the same, all trash.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
You're doing better than most with the swipe apps.

The last time I was on Hinge, it was complete shiit. Nothing but overweight women and/or single moms. Perhaps that's something particular to my city.

In the old days of dating websites, my response rate to messages was around 10-15%.

I could get around the 20-25% reply rate on my swipe app matches in the past so that's not unreasonable and I've been hearing from others about reply rates on the swipe apps dropping. My match % was the bigger issue on the swipe apps.

That's pretty solid for a 35+ guy.

I did that when I used swipe apps too.

There are a lot of overweight/obese people in the United States and some other Western nations. Makes sense. Also, normal weight men can pull overweight/obese women on swipe apps too.
But most normal weight guys don't go for that. I mean sane, normal. IMO the rate is dropping because on the dating apps I'm seeing less hot women and more tatted, trannies, and fat women. A lot less decent looking women.

So you have the same amount of men competing for even less and less attractive women. Of course your reply rate will go down when there are more. That's simple math there. However, the one thing I notice is women are A LOT more hesitant to give out their numbers right off the bat. That could be the media scaring them too with all the stories you hear about women getting raped from online dating and stalked. It goes for men too. You hear about men going to meet a chick only to get robbed and beaten.

Tinder I don't use much but somehow I still get skinny women "liking me" even though being so inactive. How do you feel when you get fatties liking your profile if you're fit? Do you find that insulting?


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2021
Reaction score
I don’t know why but I’ve found Bumble to be a complete waste of time. I’ve met and banged several women from Tinder and Hinge however.

I too have found the apps seem to have gone downhill. Especially on Tinder, I only find maybe 5% of the women attractive. The best women out there generally don’t need dating apps to meet men.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
I don’t know why but I’ve found Bumble to be a complete waste of time. I’ve met and banged several women from Tinder and Hinge however.

I too have found the apps seem to have gone downhill. Especially on Tinder, I only find maybe 5% of the women attractive. The best women out there generally don’t need dating apps to meet men.
If you notice on the swipe apps they list their instagram page. They're using that to get followers. Everyone wants to be a social media star.