The Groupie Effect is bizarre


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Well i was a rock guitarist
So i know
If only we had a better singer it would have been alot more

so actually despite rock groupies i still got alot more with PUA
Why did you get more with PUA? Also why didnt you guys get a better singer?

And how can you respect them after seeing the groupie effect?


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

The deal is that it’s not about you at all. It’s about them. The groupie. You are an object just like beautiful women are objectified by men. The groupie wants to be able to brag (like the NHL chick mentioned above) as though her w h o r I n g around pro athletes is somehow cool.

It isn’t.

It’s gross.

A friend of mine is a retired pro hockey player. Guess how I met him? Stopped for a quick bite on my way home from work on a Monday some years ago. Two guys sitting next to me strike up a conversation while a baseball game is on at the restaurant. Guess what we were all discussing? US constitutional law. No kidding. One guy is a Kiwi and the other is Canadian. They are business partners and were impressed that I had the intellect to discuss the subject matter. I did not care that he was an ex pro athlete, he was charming & handsome & masculine & engaging. That was what mattered. And he was used to beautiful women. So we acted normal around one another from the jump. Groupies do not do that.

Groupies are seeking to elevate themselves by association, which feels smarmy because it IS.

My fiancé has long hair, is very handsome and looks like a rock star. He also has great vocal chops. Women come onto him flagrantly sometimes when we are out and about. It’s always “Who are you? What band are you in?” And he just rolls his eyes and says “I’m enjoying an evening with my wife.” and shuts up & goes back to his meal/drink/our conversation etc.

And these women are standing there looking foolish because he couldn’t care less about them. Just as I do if some dude blatantly hits on me when he goes to the men’s room.

Happened this past Saturday night. We are out with friends & he goes to the men’s room. A 30 something dude literally walks up, sits down & starts trying to chat me up “You’re gorgeous” etc.

I told the dude he needs eyeglasses. He starts saying “No, I REALLY think you’re beautiful….” And I said “Well you appear entirely blind to the fact that I’m with my husband and on a double date with another couple. My husband will find it very disrespectful of you to assume sitting next to me at our table is Ok. So off you go…..”

The guy’s jaw dropped. I said “Did I stutter?” Meanwhile the other couple (the man is in incredible shape and can be physically intimidating) and I are all staring at rude dude. So he left. Idiot.

It’s not about you as a person OP. You are correct to think you could have been anybody and that is rather dehumanizing.

So she has shown you her combination and her brand of shallow. Now you know who/what you are dealing with. Act accordingly.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Why did you get more with PUA? Also why didnt you guys get a better singer?

And how can you respect them after seeing the groupie effect?
with PUA it was like i was on stage multiple times a day.

with a band at most we were playing gigs a few times a week.

definitely should have gotten a better singer but he was a long time friend and he always got the bands put together. He always was frankly more alpha than us. Most of the guys i was in bands with including me were very laidback…

i am not sure i gave much thought to the groupies. I liked that they enjoyed our music first and the sex was an added benefit…didnt even really think about the other bands they could have been going after members in


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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Started training combat sports about 5 yrs ago at 33. Lately I have been into BJJ. I did a big tournament and invited my sister and mom. My sister invited her friend from college.

I have known her friend for over 10 yrs. She never ever looked at me in any interested way. She is a hot chick that literally only dated professional atheletes. I cant get into details on how she has access to them but she does. She comes from a sports family.

So i did 4 matches and lost 2. I am a fairly average BJJ player but when I won my match I saw a glint in her eye. Not only did I win my match I also had a gf/ plate cheering me on. She got a double dose of hypergamy.
I got social proof from having a gf and my hand got raised in a stadium.

I swear I never saw a girl look at me like that before. She kept her gaze on me a split second extra and I would catch her staring at me. I could not believe it.

Later that week my gf brought it up and I felt better about it. It showed that I was not making it up in my head.

The groupie effect is so bizarre. Im still the same guy. Im still a 30 something underacheiver man child but just because I get my hand raised in a stadium I am suddenly sexually attractive.

I understand why atheletes dog out these type of chicks. It makes you feel like not a human. She is not looking at you as a person. You just turned on a switch in this little groupies brain. It could be any guy.

Guys that are high status really do live in a different world. I guess this is how instagram girls feel when guys only like them for their looks.

Idk man it was weird because I have never really been a " winner".
You triggered her tingles. That attraction is animalistic and her body language couldn’t hide her desires. Even your girl friend noticed. Like that meme of the interviewer biting her lip while she talks to the fighter. She’s horny AF seeing your performance and social proof.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Yes good topic.

The groupie effect, as you noticed, is one of the more powerful tools to seduce women. It must've happened to you personally to even be aware of this.

Soon as there's a imbalance of power this occurs. Mind you , it could be a slight imbalance, like a manager or a teacher/instructor. I geuss it triggers something in some women that makes them "take on the challenge " and see how far they can take it when they seduce a man whose above them in some way.

Its challenging for average Joes to achieve and maintain this position. Soon the spark of this imbalance will disappear due the man's "need to even things out."(aka raise her up instead of keeping her beneath him) this thread made might be such an example.

Average Joe can achieve this by being a stud. The gym fellows..because think about it; most women won't ever get the opportunity to "challenge " a true famous HVM man, so they'll move the goal post untill they feck some McDonalds manager as a surrogate .

Then the game becomes catch and release. To make the best out of this initial spark, and throw the fish back in to the water before YOU get exposed as "just a man /human being"( what we all are eventually).


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Yes good topic.

The groupie effect, as you noticed, is one of the more powerful tools to seduce women. It must've happened to you personally to even be aware of this.

Soon as there's a imbalance of power this occurs. Mind you , it could be a slight imbalance, like a manager or a teacher/instructor. I geuss it triggers something in some women that makes them "take on the challenge " and see how far they can take it when they seduce a man whose above them in some way.

Its challenging for average Joes to achieve and maintain this position. Soon the spark of this imbalance will disappear due the man's "need to even things out."(aka raise her up instead of keeping her beneath him) this thread made might be such an example.

Average Joe can achieve this by being a stud. The gym fellows..because think about it; most women won't ever get the opportunity to "challenge " a true famous HVM man, so they'll move the goal post untill they feck some McDonalds manager as a surrogate .

Then the game becomes catch and release. To make the best out of this initial spark, and throw the fish back in to the water before YOU get exposed as "just a man /human being"( what we all are eventually).
I know this because Ive done plenty of things that allowed me to see this groupie behaviour first hand like making music and perform on a decent level with some bigger media covering me ,being on television amd in newspapers ect.

Thats how I also know that the spark WILL fade away when you start to respect this "groupie ". You are right though, it's not the most flattering way of getting attention and seducing women. They're in it because of THEIR fantasies, and soon as you normalize, or let's say don't act how she expects you to, the spark will disappear and it becomes clear you were just a fantasy. She never liked you for you.

When your momentum (15 minutes of fame) are gone, you are back to average Joe. Thats why GAME is neccessary on ALL levels. No game = she'll leave you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Firas Zahabi on the Watering Down of BJJ - YouTube

Vast majority of BJJ gyms are fagg0t bullsh1t. Especially the egotistical, wannabe politicians who train in them. Wait until those injuries start mounting after rolling with these douchebags.
I agree to a large extent. Even since Mark Zuckerberg Facebook guy started doing BJJ its not cool anymore. I also BJJ guys are very egotistical. They think that BJJ is the best martial art ever. Little do they know that they also need striking. I train both but only compete in one.
  • Wow
Reactions: BMX


Senior Don Juan
May 12, 2023
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I agree to a large extent. Even since Mark Zuckerberg Facebook guy started doing BJJ its not cool anymore. I also BJJ guys are very egotistical. They think that BJJ is the best martial art ever. Little do they know that they also need striking. I train both but only compete in one.
Muay Thai > BJJ


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Former local DJ here. Had a kind of medium billing in my local area (would be 2nd tier on adverts not headline but not filler either).
At the start I was quite fit and I’d get a new woman every weekend pretty much. I had a couple girls who would hang on.

As I got deeper into it I was doing too much drink and drugs and this often became the point, I wasn’t too interested in the women, I’d be too high to lay them anyway. This was followed by binge eating and drinking the days after so started to get chubby.

I STILL got attention from chicks but it was literally just to get the kudos. Quite a few times when I was high and unattractive girls would float around me trying to get in the booth and hang with me after my set in the VIP Area. Sometimes they’d invite me back for parties but often they’d kiss and when it came to alone time they’d make excuses.
They wanted to be the girl who got the semi famous DJ to come back but didn’t want to screw the really drunk overweight guy. Some did though, guess they liked me despite this.

as people said above it’s mostly about her kudos - groupies want to brag about pulling the famous dude.

I had a few girls in my phone who would orbit me a bit but the moment I gave up DJing they instantly evaporated.

Without blowing my trumpet, I was terrible in being a socialite and getting a following - some DJs aren’t good they just have an entourage. I got work because i came from a musical background and I was really good at my craft even when high off my ass. I got respect from the other DJs and got some time with some big names and that’s how I got my place. The girls who were really into the scene dug me because some of the bigger fish gave me respect and some were using me as a way to get in with the bigger fish. I’d be seen interacting with some semi stars, I’d get their demos quite early too.
I was regarded as a talented guy but a bit of a mess and ameteur in my promotion. I just wanted to get high and spin bangers. Looking back I wish I’d worked on the promotion side but I was totally anti that at the time and had a kind of arrogance that I didn’t need to because i thought i was gods gift to vinyl and 1210s.

its a really complicated game of social climbing for these chicks.

One of the darkest triad moments i had was this fittie hovvering aroubd me all night and me being stuck in the booth. some chad guy had been annoying me by asking requests and being a bit ****y and critical (complaining i didnt have certain records or wouldnt play what he wanted). the dude started trying to dance with this girl so i got the staff to eject him on the basis of his coming up to the booth.

pretty low but as usual, the girl seemed to dig the corrupt use of power.
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