Bumble, Tinder, Hinge & dating apps are destroying America


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Same experience here

The only decent people on these apps most of the times are the tourists ( if you live in a very touristic place) or women who just started using ( but even those, usually come from a brake up or something most of the time )

I think that dating apps are still not a strong option for dating caliber women
Yes you have a small pool of women that go on the rebound straight after a break up and it makes them feel better because there's a large pool of cheap and easy attention available from idiots , but quite frankly you do not want to be dating a woman that is straight out of a relationship anyway

Tourists again its only ever going to be a short lived fling

Ultimately the quality of both males and females on these apps is poor and everyone knows it , they are a laughing stock

Your doing your self a disservice and devaluing yourself merely being available on them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
How do you define success?
I met my current partner from it and all of my previous relationships have been from it. It is my only method for getting women like @SargeMaximus said.

I've been on a handful of app dates in my time and the recurring theme I notice is that the women are nearly ALWAYS socially awkward and are on these apps for very good reason

One girl who was effectively a Femcel catfishing herself as a "normal woman" , within 10 mins I realised I had been sold down the river

After that experience I deleted all of them because I realised
"Normal women" have strong enough social circles and interpersonal skills to enable them to meet "normal men" in the real world
Sounds like a cope to me. You just couldn’t land a date with a non whale on the apps is what I’m hearing. 90/10 rule applies to everything including the apps, so it’s not like you are picking hot women in robes behind a curtain. I know plenty of awkward normal women too, so I’m not buying it. The women I pull from there are hot and normal, so I cannot relate at all.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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So I was out a couple weeks ago meeting a group that was early 30’s, and they all wanted to know what app we met on and were legit shocked we met in person.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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I met my current partner from it and all of my previous relationships have been from it. It is my only method for getting women like @SargeMaximus said.

Sounds like a cope to me. You just couldn’t land a date with a non whale on the apps is what I’m hearing. 90/10 rule applies to everything including the apps, so it’s not like you are picking hot women in robes behind a curtain. I know plenty of awkward normal women too, so I’m not buying it. The women I pull from there are hot and normal, so I cannot relate at all.
Online has its customers

If your not prepared to do the real world stuff and like hiding behind a screen its ideal for a man who wants to make very low effort / investment into the game , the problem is you get exactly that back in return

Half assed women with truck loads of baggage and or damage who are just on there because nobody wants them In the real world or they are too jaded / unrealistic

Any man who is prepared to screen women thoroughly will quickly realise a majority of the apples on these apps are tainted badly

Of course again for the low effort man this isn't a problem he just wants instant gratification and doesn't particularly care about the energy and time wasted or if its going to bite him in the ass later down the line


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
If your not prepared to do the real world stuff and like hiding behind a screen its ideal for a man who wants to make very low effort / investment into the game , the problem is you get exactly that back in return
It’s really not, if you go on OLD with low effort pics and not learning how it works you will get bad results. I have decent pictures, I am 13% BF, and I have developed my personality away from the Pill poison which has helped me emotionally connect better with women. Plus, I live in a prime location in my city and not in the suburbs or middle of nowhere.

Half assed women with truck loads of baggage and or damage who are just on there because nobody wants them In the real world or they are too jaded / unrealistic
Easy Solution: don’t swipe on them

Any man who is prepared to screen women thoroughly will quickly realise a majority of the apples on these apps are tainted badly
That’s literally the point of dating and spinning plates. If you are trying to commit to the first girl that has sex with you then you are doing it wrong.

Of course again for the low effort man this isn't a problem he just wants instant gratification and doesn't particularly care about the energy and time wasted or if its going to bite him in the ass later down the line
The same guy can do this in a non OLD situation as well. I know plenty of guys that settle for low value women in social circles and in person settings. My friends have tried hooking me up with single moms, emotionally unstable women, and etc. I could’ve easily said yes to one of these women for a date and been trapped.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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It’s really not, if you go on OLD with low effort pics and not learning how it works you will get bad results. I have decent pictures, I am 13% BF, and I have developed my personality away from the Pill poison which has helped me emotionally connect better with women. Plus, I live in a prime location in my city and not in the suburbs or middle of nowhere.
I know exactly how it works most lazy men will swipe right on anything because they think it increases their probability of getting something in the net

Women by nature are selectors so are 100X more picky meaning they can literally select the absolute best specimen they can possibly find

What's worse is women who are swipe app regulars are hyper aware of this meaning even if they do swipe you they quickly get buyers remorse and want to go back browsing for something better which usually means dum dum dum........ GHOSTED

If your in bar or anywhere in the real world , the vast majority of men will not be approaching women (swiping right) because they are either too nervous or too worried about rejection

Women know full well in this environment they don't have the luxury of being super picky , they can't choose which men approach them like they can on the apps

Which guess what......it puts the power back into the hands of the man that is willing to approach !!

I rest my case.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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All I see here are a bunch of b*tches whining about reality.

Not getting results from online dating? Find out what works and f*cking do it instead of whining about it on here and posting articles that “support your claim”. Because you may be right, but you’re still not getting laid, Poindexter. Great job.

It’s no wonder why so few of you get laid.

Yes, dating apps make money. And you know what? THATS A GOOD THING. I now have access to a solid app that is a household name and is thought of first when a woman gets the idea that she wants to hook up.

And I pay for the perks for the paid version of the app to both save time and get myself ahead of the line.

If you’re not paying for the apps and doing the things you need to succeed on the app (good photos, solid bio, etc.), then you’re getting exactly the results you deserve with your low effort and constant whining about “femcels” or single moms or whatever dumb sh*t the users on this site complain about.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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By the time you were in college, dating websites like OkCupid and Plenty of Fish were de-stigmatized and mainstream.

I was in college between 2001-2005. Dating websites were moving from stigmatized to mainstream while I was in college. Most undergraduates were not on dating websites in the 2001-2005 time frame. During that time, it was mostly post-college people who used dating websites.

I think after I finished college, there was a short time where it would have been acceptable to be in college and use a dating website like OkCupid or Plenty of Fish.

Social circles and referrals make things easier for finding one girlfriend, both in college and post-college. Things get more difficult with social circle over an extended period of time if you act like a serial monogamist and don't commit to social circle facilitated girlfriends. Most social circles have a blue pill ideology towards relationships and get pissed at men who don't marry women, even if the non-marital relationships last for 1-4 years. Eventually, someone will burn through their social circle acting like a serial monogamist who doesn't marry. Player type behavior is even more frowned upon in social circles than serial monogamist behavior.

In-person approaching is always an option on college campuses and at parties at apartment complexes and off campus single family houses.
My friend with the highest body count of people i know personally used plenty of fish back in the day.

I am way way better at opening and cold approach than him and apparently have had more long term relationships than him. To be fair he wasn't using plenty of fish to find anything long term and he did have a pretty painful breakup from the mother of his first child.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
the problem is abuse. getting on their to find a date was its ential intent. now its used a a validation and depession tool for women.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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According to the Tinder Pressroom, there is a renaissance in dating being driven by authenticity which will lead to the most successful marriages yet. Gen Z(roughly 18-25yo) is prioritizing value-based qualities such as loyalty (79%), respect (78%) and open-mindedness (61%) over looks (56%.)

Press Release:

Full Report:

So if this is true, perhaps all the older guys trying to get young girls can put the dumbbells down and stop going to work! Looks, Money, Status should be replaced with Loyalty, Respect, and Open Mindedness.



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
So if this is true, perhaps all the older guys trying to get young girls can put the dumbbells down and stop going to work! Looks, Money, Status should be replaced with Loyalty, Respect, and Open Mindedness.

It's not true and won't happen. I'm also LMFAO at that.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
And I pay for the perks for the paid version of the app to both save time and get myself ahead of the line.

If you’re not paying for the apps and doing the things you need to succeed on the app (good photos, solid bio, etc.), then you’re getting exactly the results you deserve with your low effort and constant whining about “femcels” or single moms or whatever dumb sh*t the users on this site complain about.

You are their prime customer write them a review

Nobody's whining ,the majority of users here are in total agreement they are a complete waste of time and money and aren't designed to get you quality results

I actually speak to people in the real world too and a lot of them ( male and female ) are saying exactly the same things



Senior Don Juan
May 12, 2023
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From FaceTime and instant messaging to the plethora of social media platforms on the internet, “interconnected” has perhaps become the most fitting term to describe contemporary society. And indeed, with our ability to communicate with anyone at the click of a button, we now have more opportunities to connect than ever before. All of this considered, one question remains: Why do so manyAmericans feel more lonely now than ever?

The ultimate goal of online dating apps should be to function as a conduit in creating committed relationships, right? Wrong. The realm of online dating has become a multi-billion dollar industry — an industry that profits primarily off of user addiction, especially by keeping its users single. The way that the industry accomplishes this is twofold, relying on qualities ofgamification and what psychologist Barry Schwartz refers to as the “paradox of choice.”



Bro hack the game to your favour

Take HQ pics, create a fantasy

It's like Instagram, you can complain or just build a dope lifestyle that gives that hoe FOMO.

I have zero photos on my iG and I just post stories

Taking a limo to grab Ice cream at 4AM with some hoes

Mansion party story

On a yacht (highest response)

At the spa with this hoe

And these hoes be hitting ya up to join in on the fun lmao

It's like Advertising... "Cambridge Analytics" documentary spreads fear...

People use basic Facebook Ads to make mills.

Find the formula and extort it.

Anyways personally for me, I hate dating apps as unless the hoe is chasing you and is super super down for who you are, you will get drowned in the sea of Joes w/ Fishes and Trucks.

And Im a terrible texter. My style is super direct.

Be polarizing and memorable. Do what it takes to win or not lol. Everything works if you're committed to it.


Senior Don Juan
May 12, 2023
Reaction score

You're a film director.

Watch films that make you excited.

Create films inspired by those films.

"I steal from every movie" - Quentin Tarantino


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN

You are their prime customer write them a review

Nobody's whining ,the majority of users here are in total agreement they are a complete waste of time and money and aren't designed to get you quality results

I actually speak to people in the real world too and a lot of them ( male and female ) are saying exactly the same things

When you flock with the turkeys, you become one. Fly with the eagles aka winners. Rather you like it or not, there are guys killing it on the apps. You can either sit and cry at the pity bonfire or get up and do something about it.
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
It’s really not, if you go on OLD with low effort pics and not learning how it works you will get bad results. I have decent pictures, I am 13% BF, and I have developed my personality away from the Pill poison which has helped me emotionally connect better with women. Plus, I live in a prime location in my city and not in the suburbs or middle of nowhere.

Easy Solution: don’t swipe on them

That’s literally the point of dating and spinning plates. If you are trying to commit to the first girl that has sex with you then you are doing it wrong.

The same guy can do this in a non OLD situation as well. I know plenty of guys that settle for low value women in social circles and in person settings. My friends have tried hooking me up with single moms, emotionally unstable women, and etc. I could’ve easily said yes to one of these women for a date and been trapped.
I am sorry but if you only ever used apps to get women your opinion in this matter is coloured. If Hitler provides your bread you'll love Hitler.

We all know that ; Kimberly is a 6. Jimmy is a 6. Kimberly will only swipe on 7 plus. Jimmy will start to swipe on sub 5. Why? Because they can. If Jimmy keeps swiping on the 7 plus he will get zero matches . So he lowers his standards, reluctantly, and thus create a false sense of his own SMV. Just like Kimberly. Now kimberly looks down upon Jimmy while in the normal world they would've been a perfect match.

Newsflash; women dgaf about men in general. No woman gaf that the men she matches with are actually above her SMV and that she creates a vacuum where 63 % of men become invisible.

Real world approaching is where a man can punch above his weight. I've got women using every method known to man. And OLD simply gives me the least favorable results. All personal , but funny to see that I am not the only one with this story.