Who suffered from depression while or before coming here


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
I had it in eighth grade at the diagnost with chickenpox and having my father passed away . How has this place helped you


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Hi Eli,
Losing your Dad irons anyone out,at the end of the Day you still have to pick up your bundle
and get on with it regardless.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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I had it in eighth grade at the diagnost with chickenpox and having my father passed away . How has this place helped you
There are many forms of depression. SS helped me because at some piont I put" all my money on love ". So when i lost this " bet" it was soothing to learn many other men went through similar or worse situations.

Ss is all about women and seduction. If you pedestalize women like i did, you will end up depressed once reality kicks in.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I've never been one to really get depressed. Maybe when the weather is rainy/cloudy for several days, but thats pretty mild. Whenever I do feel it coming on, I get up and do something and change my direction. Like @Scaramouche said, pick up you bundle and get on with it. Somebody always has it worse than you.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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I too am someone who has never had time for depression. If something is wrong, I spring into action to correct it.

I do remember, as I gradually began to internalize evolutionary psychology and the true nature of the modern socio-sexual marketplace, that I was very shocked and quite sad that the world that I thought I lived in was really non-existent.

Then I learned to fiddle while Rome burns…


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
Had to take medication for it was never suicidal but had one class maté in junior high commit suicide forgot the reason working out really helps and this site. helped me get over one girl who had more issues than rolling stones in high school . She's now divorce and married to another guy.what doesnt kill you makes you stronger.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Depression is a funny thing.

I was never diagnosed but, in retrospect, I stood atop bridges several times and had plans drawn on how I could do it at home. So there were low points.

The way it manifested for me first was feeling life was ultimately meaningless and pointless. I always felt in life I tried to do the right thing and act with honour, and everything fell apart. My ex partner went schizophrenic and I spent a few years trying to help her survive alone and I couldn’t. I had to leave and the guilt killed me. It was that, or never start a family or have a normal life. Just as that Happened a woman tore me into shreds for enjoyment (this was NOT a kind of “changed her mind” thing, this was a seriously mad chick). At the same time a machievelian narcissist at work sensed vulnerability and tried to get my fired with a campaign of smears and lies. Then my mother lost her mind and had a breakdown .

At this time, as I said, I felt like nothing mattered. Three times someone mildly irritated me and I straight up punched them in the mouth. I beat a friend half to death over a lighter. I would sometimes order about £300 of coke and Mandy and sit in, alone, all weekend. I would do weird and strange things because nothing mattered.

This is how depression hit me. Relentless drug and alcohol abuse but also a real desire to do the wrong thing.

then when I realised what I’d done to my reputation and relationships I got very sad. One day I was almost crying with my boss as I lost a pitch, and he basically told me to sort it out or I’m out. The threat of my career, the last thing I had, was the final straw.

I got clean, ocasional social alcohol and drug use, but nothing like before. I started doing exams. I lost about 40lb. Found a girl, got married and I’ve never looked back.

depression for me wasn’t like the world in black and white, it was like the world being a computer game, a pointless one where nothing means anything.

I always harboured an idea that if I was a decent guy and did the right thing, the universe would repay me. It was realising that wasn’t true and inferior, self serving men by chance of fate had things a lot better - all these things happened to me while others, less moral, less responsible, they had the world at their feet. It flipped me out and I thought notning matters.

now i just accept it and get on with it.

long post, thanks for reading


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Depression is when bad environment exacerbates a predisposed chemical imbalance in the brain. It is not something that can just be voluntarily “fixed.” It requires a combination of psychotherapeutic strategies and SSRI medication.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Depression is when bad environment exacerbates a predisposed chemical imbalance in the brain. It is not something that can just be voluntarily “fixed.” It requires a combination of psychotherapeutic strategies and SSRI medication.
a massive middle finger to US pill popping culture from your vulturous doctors.

Every 3rd American has ADHD. Or an opiate addiction because of a bit of back pain.

Not having a go at you personally, I lost my friend to a benzo complication from doctors who thought it was a good thing.

I dont doubt for the minority of cases SSRIs might help but I believe the US systems is a drug sales office as much as a health care service. Virtually no adults here have ADHD and getting an opiate script is so difficult you literally have to be dying of cancer or have a leg hanging off.

Kids on Ritalin, adults on meth, sorry, adderal.

I want to preface this with the fact our system has loads of probs and the US is a great country but the medical system is so distorted by profit motive the general public think that conditions our doctors send you home to work yourself over need to be cured With pills, when they don’t, they just want your money.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
a massive middle finger to US pill popping culture from your vulturous doctors.

Every 3rd American has ADHD. Or an opiate addiction because of a bit of back pain.

Not having a go at you personally, I lost my friend to a benzo complication from doctors who thought it was a good thing.

I dont doubt for the minority of cases SSRIs might help but I believe the US systems is a drug sales office as much as a health care service. Virtually no adults here have ADHD and getting an opiate script is so difficult you literally have to be dying of cancer or have a leg hanging off.

Kids on Ritalin, adults on meth, sorry, adderal.

I want to preface this with the fact our system has loads of probs and the US is a great country but the medical system is so distorted by profit motive the general public think that conditions our doctors send you home to work yourself over need to be cured With pills, when they don’t, they just want your money.
This is all justified criticism. I was just making the point that there is a genetic biochemical component to depression. Genetics load the gun, environment pulls the trigger. The US in particular has an extremely unhealthy lifestyle- poor work life balance, poor diet, insufficient exercise, high poverty for a hyper developed country, and a corrupt profit based health care system. Therefore, the US is a perfect storm for breeding mental health disorders like depression.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
Reaction score
Miami fl
a massive middle finger to US pill popping culture from your vulturous doctors.

Every 3rd American has ADHD. Or an opiate addiction because of a bit of back pain.

Not having a go at you personally, I lost my friend to a benzo complication from doctors who thought it was a good thing.

I dont doubt for the minority of cases SSRIs might help but I believe the US systems is a drug sales office as much as a health care service. Virtually no adults here have ADHD and getting an opiate script is so difficult you literally have to be dying of cancer or have a leg hanging off.

Kids on Ritalin, adults on meth, sorry, adderal.

I want to preface this with the fact our system has loads of probs and the US is a great country but the medical system is so distorted by profit motive the general public think that conditions our doctors send you home to work yourself over need to be cured With pills, when they don’t, they just want your money.
Right on


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
This is all justified criticism. I was just making the point that there is a genetic biochemical component to depression. Genetics load the gun, environment pulls the trigger. The US in particular has an extremely unhealthy lifestyle- poor work life balance, poor diet, insufficient exercise, high poverty for a hyper developed country, and a corrupt profit based health care system. Therefore, the US is a perfect storm for breeding mental health disorders like depression.
OK agreed, I wanted to be clear I wasn’t just trashing the states and I appreciate you taking this in the spirit intended.

So many ADHD sufferers in the states and I’ve never met an adult here who had it, it’s rarer than hens teeth, unheard of.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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So many ADHD sufferers in the states and I’ve never met an adult here who had it, it’s rarer than hens teeth, unheard of.
Partly because here in the UK they don’t like to diagnose adults with ADHD, not totally sure why but I was told that by a psychologist, maybe they think if you made it to adulthood you will be fine. ADHD caused some of my depression, really messed up my childhood and teen years.

I had to see a therapist and psychologist to get diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago. I always knew I had it. They prescribed me anti depressants (never took them) and tried to box me off with “low mood”, I had to explain my low mood was due to my ADHD, it was a long process for me to be diagnosed and they clearly wanted me on drugs I didn’t need. Many would have just accept the BS they tried pushing on me.

Once I knew I had ADHD I set about to improve my life through diet (cutting sugar is essential) and other means which has been great, I’m like a real person now, mostly.

I think many people suffer ADHD like autism and cancer these days, due to vaccines, poison, lifestyle, the internet. Things will only get worse.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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Don’t tell me you actually believe vaccines cause autism
Have you ever researched the links between vaccines and autism? Have you spent any time looking at the dramatic increase in autism numbers and when these fluctuations happened?

I have to say this because I’m done arguing with people on here about things they clearly haven’t put any time or effort into understanding.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Have you ever researched the links between vaccines and autism? Have you spent any time looking at the dramatic increase in autism numbers and when these fluctuations happened?

I have to say this because I’m done arguing with people on here about things they clearly haven’t put any time or effort into understanding.
I have. I found the link is coincidental. It’s mainly due to older mothers and fathers. Around the time MMR came in people started having kids in their late 30s


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
Reaction score
Miami fl
Partly because here in the UK they don’t like to diagnose adults with ADHD, not totally sure why but I was told that by a psychologist, maybe they think if you made it to adulthood you will be fine. ADHD caused some of my depression, really messed up my childhood and teen years.

I had to see a therapist and psychologist to get diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago. I always knew I had it. They prescribed me anti depressants (never took them) and tried to box me off with “low mood”, I had to explain my low mood was due to my ADHD, it was a long process for me to be diagnosed and they clearly wanted me on drugs I didn’t need. Many would have just accept the BS they tried pushing on me.

Once I knew I had ADHD I set about to improve my life through diet (cutting sugar is essential) and other means which has been great, I’m like a real person now, mostly.

I think many people suffer ADHD like autism and cancer these days, due to vaccines, poison, lifestyle, the internet. Things will only get worse.
So true


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
I had severe depression most of my teen years, starting around age 14, and lasted until my mid-late 20s, though the worst of it was definitely around my high school years. I would say only within the past 4-5 years I got a handle over it. SS or game/pickup had absolutely nothing to do with it. I thought that doing cold approach and getting laid would help but it did nothing.

Honestly looking back I think the main reason I got better is simply due a few different factors:

The fact that "with time, all wounds heal" and I never let myself veer too far off course
Psychedelic use which helped reorient my life
Generally building wisdom from books, lectures, research, etc.

I've never taken SSRIs or any other prescription medication. I tried years of therapy; didn't work. To this day I am convinced almost all depression and "mental illness" in general is caused by environment/lifestyle, particularly the social/parental environment in which you grew up.

Two books I would recommend to anyone:

The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz and In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate.

I also have found Zen Buddhism and Roman Stoicism to be particularly helpful. If you're a nihilistic atheist you're almost guaranteed to have a mental illness; it's no surprise that leftists have significantly higher rates of mental illness across all age groups.
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