Article reveals the truth about single women over 30
- An older woman realized she felt sad at the thought of being single and couldn't pinpoint why.
- discovered a key problem across all cultures was "messaging".
- message: as a woman, you will be complete when you will be able to form a family, to have a permanent partner.
- In Australia, 1 in 3 women aged between 30 and 40 had no partner and there was only one man "available" for every five women
- Women are more economically independent than ever before and yet the quality of male partners hadn't necessarily improved.
My thoughts:
Men don’t want economically attractive women. Men want to partnered with fertile sexy young woman in their 20s. The most important thing for a man is a women get pregnant in her 20s. Her education, money, experience means nothing to a man. Nothing. If she was a powerful world leader at 45 or a young hot waitress at 22, a man would take the 22 year waitress any day.
'Man drought': The truth about being a single woman after 30
Did you know there's a "man drought" on? Or that in some places those who don't have a partner are known as "leftover women"? Yep, it's a jungle out there.
- An older woman realized she felt sad at the thought of being single and couldn't pinpoint why.
- discovered a key problem across all cultures was "messaging".
- message: as a woman, you will be complete when you will be able to form a family, to have a permanent partner.
- In Australia, 1 in 3 women aged between 30 and 40 had no partner and there was only one man "available" for every five women
- Women are more economically independent than ever before and yet the quality of male partners hadn't necessarily improved.
My thoughts:
Men don’t want economically attractive women. Men want to partnered with fertile sexy young woman in their 20s. The most important thing for a man is a women get pregnant in her 20s. Her education, money, experience means nothing to a man. Nothing. If she was a powerful world leader at 45 or a young hot waitress at 22, a man would take the 22 year waitress any day.
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