There's a long way to go before women give up the "you can have it all" feminist mantra. Women have been fed the "you can have it all" tripe for 50-60 years. "You Go Girl!" stuff has been around since Gloria Steinem made a name for herself in the Second Wave Feminism of the 1960s-1980s.
If you think back to 1900-1969, it was mainly men in the workforce with some unmarried and childless women in some traditionally feminine roles, such as nurse, administrative assistant, K-12 teacher, and medical assistant type roles. Men overwhelmingly dominated both blue collar/physical labor type roles and white collar/mental labor type roles.
When women entered the workforce, not too many of them were focused on blue collar/physical labor type roles. They instead moved from their administrative assistant type roles (think the secretarial pool in "Mad Men") into higher level individual contributor roles into middle to upper management roles in some cases.
What women didn't realize about white collar work is that it is exhausting in a different way compared to manual labor. White collar work involves long hours, stress, and often substance abuse.
@LARaiders85 made a good thread about how white collar work impacts your well being. Women don't like the impact of it either, even less than men.
If you are here then you value being attractive to women and having options in your choice of women, whatever the ultimate goal might be. Here is why the short term boost to your SMV from a well paying, high status job is the opposite of consistent, long term success with women: Looks: 1. Long...