Diet, diet, diet. Cut out all added sugars and refined carbs, cut out butter and oil, eat more fruit and vegetables, and drink only water, tea, and black coffee. The pounds will fly off.
I will probably brag about this again and again , but late 30 and lost 10 kg in 3 months. Last year i was ripped AF, got depressed and gained weight like crazy, in combination with the wrong arrogance thinking the body ive worked so hard for is a God gift .Its not..lose 5 % of strength a week, meaning approx 20 weeks of doing nothing and you are back to square one. I have to say, I do notice my metabolism is slowing down but tbh i was just living extremely unhealthy.
You gotta find a routine you can do at home. Try some tabata . A plain exercise like like jumping jacks for 4 minutee straight is harder than you might think ..or simple push ups.
Diet wise you have to literary change your taste. The stuff you eat and like might not be the best food to obtain your goals .
I agree with
@EyeBRollin that all those small details will long way. Cutting butter and fat, sugar alcohol and most snacks and sweets is essential. Become aware what it is that your eating. There are so many foods nowedays that seem innocent, and will add up pretty damn fast to a calories surplus.
One tip about eating and working out. What helps for me is cutting the normal portion of food on my plate in half. I eat one half before ,and the other half after working out. I've noticed my stomach got way smaller because of this .
Normally i would eat a bigmac menu with extra burgers , now i am full after just the fries. Recently i ate just a few sandwiches and went to sleep, woke up not being extremely hungry. If i was a muslim i would go through doing Ramadan with ease.
Remember, our brain is hardwired to store as many food as possible. We are still animals at the end of the day. Another trick that worked for me is waiting 20 minutes after dinner, to see how i feel then. Turns out that after 20 minutes your body is cool with the amount of food it got. But during eating your brain and body love the sensation and telling you to keep stuffing your self unnecessary.
You could try to switch up the routine. Meal prep , eat diner in the afternoon amd someting light at work during night shift. Make yourself a great sandwich or two and some small snacks