TheManMasenko Approach/Field Report Thread


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2022
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Inspired by Jesse Pinkman, encourage by my fellow sosuave brothers/sisters and months of rigorous self-improvement:

I have decided to take the steps in approaching women. The goal is 10 successful lays before June 1st 2023.

I'll give context, reference number/phrases for the girls I talk to and give some details about my personal self too. If you're interested to learn more about me and the women I approach you can send a direct message. As I became a young man I realize the greatness of networking and understanding if you can do this properly, you will have a great abundance in life.

Honestly, I don't like to talk about myself much...I want this to be cut and dry. I may add spice here and there.

Enjoy the journey.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Looking forward to seeing your approaches/field reports.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2022
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It's January 26, 2023. Girl Reference #001

I told myself I'm done masturbating. I seen the damages and I didnt like it.

So what?

Welp, I got up and went to school to approach women. I saw a girl. She gave a quick look at me, I barely gave her some mind. Then...I was like "why not?" I turned around and said "excuse me." I asked her about her interest and her major in school. I asked for the number afterwards and kept it moving.

I texted her an hour later and said some **** I saw about Andrew Tate on getting I did the normal "hey my name is xyz, nice to meet you" but added an emoji at the end as Mr. Tate suggested. I did not receive a message from her till Friday night. I deleted the message because **** her...honestly.

Fast forward 36 hours or so, she texts me at midnight.

I'm going to respond Sunday night and ask her about her weekend.

(Honestly, I'm going to wait a few days between meeting each women and posting/logging since I can build more of a story and include more details about the approach, interaction, etc.)



Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2022
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It's January 28, 2023. Girl Reference #002

I went on a car date (which lasted 3 hours) with this girl I went to high school with. A decent chick but her mind is disrupted. She's been through men and things, to say the least. She had intercourse with two of my friends in middle school but she doesn't know I know :)

This is a message to all my brothers on SS, for god's sake, don't mess with women with hella red flags. I didn't even have the heart to kiss this woman because I know she sucked hella d's before. Women like this won't be taken seriously by me and honestly, thank god I had this interaction because if I didn't and I met women like her I most likely would've been a super saiyan simp!

All in all, it was a good learning experience. On a decent date, I did not initiate sex and she didn't hint that's what she wanted but she said this to me, "most men nowadays just want sex and nothing more, I want a relationship." Cool. But not from me :)

I'm going to ghost her for a few days and come back to be super bold + direct. I'll tell her my intentions and if things go left...

Oh well.

(If I don't post an update about #002, I did not have the heart to have sex with this caliber of woman.)


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2023
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It's January 28, 2023. Girl Reference #002

I went on a car date (which lasted 3 hours) with this girl I went to high school with. A decent chick but her mind is disrupted. She's been through men and things, to say the least. She had intercourse with two of my friends in middle school but she doesn't know I know :)

This is a message to all my brothers on SS, for god's sake, don't mess with women with hella red flags. I didn't even have the heart to kiss this woman because I know she sucked hella d's before. Women like this won't be taken seriously by me and honestly, thank god I had this interaction because if I didn't and I met women like her I most likely would've been a super saiyan simp!

All in all, it was a good learning experience. On a decent date, I did not initiate sex and she didn't hint that's what she wanted but she said this to me, "most men nowadays just want sex and nothing more, I want a relationship." Cool. But not from me :)

I'm going to ghost her for a few days and come back to be super bold + direct. I'll tell her my intentions and if things go left...

Oh well.

(If I don't post an update about #002, I did not have the heart to have sex with this caliber of woman.)
so you didn't escalate physically or build attraction in the first date at all? Isn't that necessary before you ghost her for few days and come back boldly with your intentions?

How can you reel the fish in before it is hooked?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2023
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Inspired by Jesse Pinkman, encourage by my fellow sosuave brothers/sisters and months of rigorous self-improvement:

I have decided to take the steps in approaching women. The goal is 10 successful lays before June 1st 2023.

I'll give context, reference number/phrases for the girls I talk to and give some details about my personal self too. If you're interested to learn more about me and the women I approach you can send a direct message. As I became a young man I realize the greatness of networking and understanding if you can do this properly, you will have a great abundance in life.

Honestly, I don't like to talk about myself much...I want this to be cut and dry. I may add spice here and there.

Enjoy the journey.
just curious why your goal is 10 lays and not like... a girlfriend who is a "10" or something?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2022
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so you didn't escalate physically or build attraction in the first date at all? Isn't that necessary before you ghost her for few days and come back boldly with your intentions?
Why do I need to escalate immediately? Why are things necessary to ghost?

Emotions build slowly, but can change quickly. So...why show my hands so quick?

How can you reel the fish in before it is hooked?
When people catch a fish, prior to catching there are moments when they speed up to catch the fish and others moments when they rearrange and position. This is exactly what I'm doing.

She wanted to chill and hang out. She's on the hook. If I catch her or not...well it depends on how I play it.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2022
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just curious why your goal is 10 lays and not like... a girlfriend who is a "10" or something?
I was fat in HS (Junior/Senior year). I tried approaching but I came up short overall. Now that my body is in shape, I want to F*** and learn more about women.

I had GFs in the past but I lacked what's necessary to maintain them. That's what I want to learn because ultimately, I want to understand women like the back of my hand. Follow by one day having a GF become a wife and build a big family.


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2023
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Why do I need to escalate immediately? Why are things necessary to ghost?

Emotions build slowly, but can change quickly. So...why show my hands so quick?

When people catch a fish, prior to catching there are moments when they speed up to catch the fish and others moments when they rearrange and position. This is exactly what I'm doing.

She wanted to chill and hang out. She's on the hook. If I catch her or not...well it depends on how I play it.
just steer clear of friendzone...don't let her view you as an asexual human.. coz i have been there sadly


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2022
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Both Girls #1 & #2 have been cut.

Girl #1 said she was talking to this guy from HS. All good, I'll move on.
Girl #2 stop responding. I asked her about a week later if she was down to link out of the blue. Honestly, this girl was ugly and I just wanted to see if I could f***. From now on...I'm not talking to women I know are hoes or women I don't feel comfortable sleeping with. The fact I even gave this woman the time of day only to be rejected by someone of her caliber is comical. Not again. Nope.

I went to the gym and saw this new sexy woman at the front desk. I only said, "nice to meet you" and she responded, "nice to meet you too". I could've said more but my heart and soul weren't there.

Something I noticed...when I don't masturbate approaching seems so damn natural and easy. When I do jerk off, I have more thought and anxiety about approaching women. It's the same thing when I eat junk food versus eating clean. I gotta control my mind more and start living harder...I know these endeavors will make me a better man. The journey is such a thrill. Battling myself and leveling up are the perks of being a young man.


Dec 30, 2022
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I like you so I'm going to give you 2 gems:
1) Best way to approach women is this; Ask them to rate you 1-10. This is a tri-fold thing... within seconds it tells you how much attraction a girl has for you, it does the job of b reaking the ice/opening , and if she says 8-10 or w.e it basically gives you a green light to escalate/move further instead of waste your time on low interest women. not to mention the 1-10 is like a game,a nd its fun. and usually they always ask u to rate them back .. its funny when they give you a 10 and you hit em with an 8 lol. guys, we are more realistic

2) Ask them if they are single. Hit em with a quick opener/it can be a compliment, but dont say it plainly , be like "dam you're smokin hot, are you single?" If shes interested she'll say yes, if not, she'll say no but, or no i have a man..

See, guys like me we dont waste time.. we get str8 to the nitty gritty... the first one works best for me becase i know i look good. i just want to hear it from the girl because afterall everyone has their preferences.. regardless, its an easy opener and i dnt have to think much about what to say. There's a reason I close 75% of the time I go out. Why? I elminate all the possible bull.**** or cloudiness and find the girls that are interested in me, i validate that interest, then i seduce.. and close.

P.s. both these simple openers work best during night game, out in the bar /club scene when women are inebriated enough to be comfortable and confident


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2022
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I like you so I'm going to give you 2 gems:
1) Best way to approach women is this; Ask them to rate you 1-10. This is a tri-fold thing... within seconds it tells you how much attraction a girl has for you, it does the job of b reaking the ice/opening , and if she says 8-10 or w.e it basically gives you a green light to escalate/move further instead of waste your time on low interest women. not to mention the 1-10 is like a game,a nd its fun. and usually they always ask u to rate them back .. its funny when they give you a 10 and you hit em with an 8 lol. guys, we are more realistic

2) Ask them if they are single. Hit em with a quick opener/it can be a compliment, but dont say it plainly , be like "dam you're smokin hot, are you single?" If shes interested she'll say yes, if not, she'll say no but, or no i have a man..

See, guys like me we dont waste time.. we get str8 to the nitty gritty... the first one works best for me becase i know i look good. i just want to hear it from the girl because afterall everyone has their preferences.. regardless, its an easy opener and i dnt have to think much about what to say. There's a reason I close 75% of the time I go out. Why? I elminate all the possible bull.**** or cloudiness and find the girls that are interested in me, i validate that interest, then i seduce.. and close.

P.s. both these simple openers work best during night game, out in the bar /club scene when women are inebriated enough to be comfortable and confident
Thank you for the advice I'll try them out and post them on the forum.

Do you have any advice on escalating?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2022
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I approach this girl in the lounge at my college. I looked at her, she noticed me and then I approached.

I had a good convo w/ the women but maybe I oversold myself. She said I had 15 minutes to talk to her, then out the blue, she saw her friend and had to go (I didnt see anyone). I asked for the number and she denied me. Honestly, she gave me small indicators that she wasn't interested but I was feeling myself so much I just had to ask for it. I wonder how I'm going to respond in a situation like this next time. This girl was average at best.

Just a thought, reflecting, I dont know but for some reason majority of the women I get with in the past feel waaay above my "SMV". It's like the average women reject me but the hot ones like me. I don't even think I'm all that tbh (I'm 5'6, black/american/jamaican - I look like a smaller version of Low tier god or Tyreek from Power, women say I look like Tyreek alot). But it just baffles me...I have a dry streak then I land a hottie, then another dry streak then I land a hottie again. Maybe I'm just aiming at the wrong women.


Dec 30, 2022
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Thank you for the advice I'll try them out and post them on the forum.

Do you have any advice on escalating?
Hell yea man, I got more stuff but I don't like sharing everything all at once.. might drop some more gems down the line.

As far as escalating, it's all about how you feel and cues.. Women tell you everything you need to know all th etime, they just dont speak, so its all body language/cues, the way they look, the faces they make, to quote Scarface "The Eyes Chico, they never lie"

For me, whenever im dealin wit a hot girl, the primary thing my mind wants to do is put hands on them, pull them in and makeout with them and take them home.. The key is to not just give into that urge and to do things as they feel right and as the cues women give allow you permission..

If you are going for a number close, you dont have to worry about too much body language.. i jus do the lingering handshake sometimes or jus reach in for the hug and be like "alright i'll make sure to give you a call soon ".. the lingering handshake can turn into a pull close and kiss though in the right situations.. its all cues/feeling once again.

if you're going for the sex close, aka take them home, it depends on set and setting.. If you want to makeout with them, always take them from where u are, ie: in the middle of a crowd for example at the club.. "lets go by the bar ".. take them by the bar and you can jus go for it sometimes.. depending on how much rapport you created while talking to her.. i mean really, after the opening and knowing shes intereste din you, convo and flirtation will follow naturally. when you bring a girl away from the original setting... shes already thinknig "hm i wonder what hes taking me here for".. so its easy when the attraction and rapport is there to just go for further flirtacion/seduction/escalation. better than the bar is usually the dark corners of the bar/club where its more private.. This is even better cuz u can avoid any weird ****block friends who suddenly decide they dont like whats going on


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2022
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Live Evil.

I spun the block on girl #2 and like an idiot she called me see..if someone calls me out on a problem I fix it. She called me weird and inconsistent. My homie was on the phone and said another issue I had with women: being too direct. Welp, I know what I gotta do. Honestly, I use to care a lot what people think. I kinda do but don't. I'm not getting too in depth about that...

Moving on, my plan is to date but not be loyal. Yes, it's a lame move. No, I don't care. Heart is stone cold. In addition to what she said...I gotta be more consistent and in addition to what my homie said, I can't be too eager for sex. This is solid advice. I plan to apply it.

Side Note: I had this girl from class show interest in me but I had a gf at the time. I literally toyed with her for damn near 6 months. She showed interest of fkn but I was not eager. But post-breakup and post-advice me, I know what I should do.

I do want to apologize to my SoSuave bredrens for going back on my word. But I realize my heart is becoming evil only to protect my soul. I don't plan on settling down till I creased a good amount of cheeks. Plus, their is so much more for me to do finically. I want to be rich.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2022
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Additional Note: The more you talk to multiple women and reflect on past women, the more you realize where you went wrong. This experience I'm receiving is priceless. One day, I can apply this knowledge/skills on my wife so we can have a long and happy relationship.