Not sure if it's so much about 'trust' per se, but rather, as in your case
@Dr.Suave , you are literally a GOD to her.
She's very young, you're her first, a virgin when you met, and as such she worships you (
I've been there myself so can relate).
You can do no wrong in her eyes so she will accept your seeing other women casually (for fun, nothing physical) and be OK with it.
Perhaps even tease you about it! Which can add to the passion in some cases for BOTH of you.
NOT saying she doesn't trust you, I'm sure she does but it's not about that. It's about again, she worships you, you're her KING.
For many men, it's where you want to be, my ex (first love) LOVED it. And I loved that HE loved it, it was excitingly for both of us.
Every couple has their own dynamic and this is yours with your girl.
I applaud the fact you're
honest with her about it, this reflects character and integrity.
That is key and imo the difference between what you do and what
@Chowdah is doing.