On this topic, I don’t want to go veggie or vegan as it’s the same people recommending it that also recommend drag queens go into schools and talk to kids. It’s a toxic brand to me.
I assumed it’s because it would lower test - which seems to be what they want, a compliant set of young men. While I think Andrew tate is a predatory bell end, he is right on that one.
However, recently someone reminded me that a silverback gorilla eats nothing but leaves. And he still turns into a massive slab of beef. So maybe not.
I do hate factory farming, so free range organic for the win. I don’t care the animal dies, it only lived to be eaten, and we all die. If we didn’t eat them, most the animals would have never lived at all, so ironically by killing it you’re also giving it life. And if that life is a happy one, then I haven’t got an issue.