I seem to care more about dating than my career...


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
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New York
Hey all, been a while...

So im coming to realization I am putting woman first over my career, when i know it should be the complete opposite. Im 35 years old and I pretty much am broke right now since the last company i worked for went under. I need to change my mindset around and focus on money more than woman. Has anyone here having the same issue as me, or had the same issue and switched it around?



Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2021
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Men need to work and strive to better themselves. Women are not valued for their careers, but for their youth and beauty. Young, pretty women ATTACH themselves to men with a direction. Game is used to signal to women that you have value and a strong direction in life, but no signal can completely contradict the reality it is derived from. Therefore you must have value to get women in the first place. Your physique and career are two of the biggest indicators of this value. So get your career going and your body in order, and women will start smiling at you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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I did for a bit in my 20s. Get back on your hustle. Women can smell it on your skin. They are much more compliant and easier to deal with when your career is your main focus.
Not true at all. Women hate that I’m career focused. They want a guy who has money AND has nothing but free time.

With that said, I’m glad I’ve focused on my career and am where I am financially.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2009
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Worked well for me.

Just because it is not your style doesn’t mean it is a real phenomena in relationships. Three big reasons why my advice if very valid:

1) Having a good career means you are not a loser of resources. A loser is literally the worst thing woman can call a man. A woman will tolerate all types of men but never the loser

2) A circle of friends means you are pre-vetted. If a woman likes you and you are pre-vetted, the woman will pursue you.

My neighbor was friends with his future wife’s brother. I was friends with my future wife’s sister. This is a recurring pattern in married couples.

I’ve seen women fall in love instantly with men who were pre-vetted.

In most if not all cases of love-at-first sight, pre-vetting is the secret sauce in the equation for women.

3) Focusing on career means you are not looking, therefore you are disinterested. Women love disinterested men. They hate interested men.

In summary, I fail to see how you describe these 3 fundamental concepts in understanding women as simply “lol”.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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My theory is a guy has a good job, and women in his social circle find out about his good job. Then prospective wifey comes on to him. Isn't that how most white collar marriages occur?
Depending on where you are, but for the most part a $100k salary doesn't cut it. Because that's what women make too. Which makes their standards higher. And if you ask me, a $100k salary is a very good salary in many places besides LA, NY and Miami.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
Hey all, been a while...

So im coming to realization I am putting woman first over my career, when i know it should be the complete opposite. Im 35 years old and I pretty much am broke right now since the last company i worked for went under. I need to change my mindset around and focus on money more than woman. Has anyone here having the same issue as me, or had the same issue and switched it around?

Money first, pvssy after.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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MONEY is for WOMEN and BETA MALES. That is because to get money in the current system you have to play by the CORRUPT rules of Capitalism, Hyperconsumerism, scamming, sales etc etc.

Attempting to make money in the current system WILL make you a weaker person, less masculine and Alpha. This is why women can do most jobs without complaining, because they dont question the system they just do. Intelligent, independant, masculine ie attractive men will not fit into this current economic system and makes lots of money.

So, if you wanna win with women you are gonna have to take a flexible, low-stress career that just gives you enough money to not be poor and then you have to prioritise relationships, game and social life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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Not true at all. Women hate that I’m career focused. They want a guy who has money AND has nothing but free time.

With that said, I’m glad I’ve focused on my career and am where I am financially.

With FREE TIME you can be anything you want.

No woman wants a guy who is a slave, submissive to some crappy job. Women want INDEPENDANT men who are somewhat selfish, ie Time for himself, his food, his house being clean, his learning, his hobbies, his life etc.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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I agree with this to some extent. Office jobs where you act like a cuck all day every day are absolute cancer for your game.
It also v bad for your game to just be interacting with 'normal' society. Especially work. There is just too much negativity energy out there, too much pressure to hit targets, work is just too stressful and demanding, and IT WILL AFFECT YOUR GAME.

Recently I found myself with the privelege of temporarily having a place to live with no rent or bills to pay, and not having to work for the time being. I have to admit my mental and emotional health is so much better not having to interact with normal society, working or just going out. I have become more of a recluse. I can maintain my pure energy in my own space but going out is like a major turn-off due to negative and game-less energy out there.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I saw the other thread you wrote and it sounds like you are in a hard situation. How are you dealing with women?


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
Hey all, been a while...

So im coming to realization I am putting woman first over my career, when i know it should be the complete opposite. Im 35 years old and I pretty much am broke right now since the last company i worked for went under. I need to change my mindset around and focus on money more than woman. Has anyone here having the same issue as me, or had the same issue and switched it around?

This happens when a man is rather emotional than rational. The emotion of the thrill of the hunt is difficult to replace, especially when your own brain gets hardwired to believe there is nothing in this world that is better than sex.

At some point ( probably a point of no return) , working a dead end job wont be as satisfying as chasing pretty women. A job with more substance and money MIGHT make a man happier. Unfortunately there's a point in life where it becomes harder to change your "caste " in life. E.g after 30 it's hard to get into the military. After 40 it's harder to find a job that's willing to pay for your education.

You gotta give some to take some, right? At this point you need to thoroughly evaluate what women are worth to you. If you step back from dating and focus more on career only to get back into the game, do you think it will benefit you in the long run ?( 2 steps back to make 4 steps forward -model).

To refer back to my first paragraph; I personally also struggle with this. This thread is kinda similar to the thread about " girls motivate me more than anything ". 1. A man who hits the gym to get women. 2. A man who hits the gym for health reason. Most men will be number 1. It's almost sounds like cap when a man says otherwise. Still, somehow it's better when a man believes he's doing it for nr2. You can replace fitness with anything; money cars clothes eating good ect. Where when and how does external motivation becomes internalized?

MONEY is for WOMEN and BETA MALES. That is because to get money in the current system you have to play by the CORRUPT rules of Capitalism, Hyperconsumerism, scamming, sales etc etc.

Attempting to make money in the current system WILL make you a weaker person, less masculine and Alpha. This is why women can do most jobs without complaining, because they dont question the system they just do. Intelligent, independant, masculine ie attractive men will not fit into this current economic system and makes lots of money.

So, if you wanna win with women you are gonna have to take a flexible, low-stress career that just gives you enough money to not be poor and then you have to prioritise relationships, game and social life.
Deep one. I know you have a alternative mindset when it comes to dating, but I really like it . Before people start to flame you I would like to point out that this theory is connected to the infamous " Pookie and Rayray " lifestyle. Pookie Rayrays isn't talked about too much, probably because it's still viewed upon as a detrimental , not maximum beneficial lifestyle for men . But there's a reason why the local weed dealer gets more poosy than the average guy that brings in 100 k a year.

We've been told that if we become 30 and have a good job a wife will come naturally. So men go to work from 9-18:00 comes home maybe hits the gym. Weekend is for recharging and rinse and repeat. Meanwhile Stacy is fecking with the local weed dealer and this " reward of life"never shows up. When it does most of the time it's not even a good fit for the man, but rather more stress.

This is a difficult topic.

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
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Tijuana, Mexico
To have more in life you must move more. Same sh!t with your bankroll. Thats why I only chill with the 2 girls im currently seeing only once a week at most. Sometimes even once every two weeks. They know that I'm a man of moments.
They work fulltime demanding jobs so they know the get down.
We can go days without texting. When we do kick it tho over a cold glass of wine the conversations are more lit. Law 16. use absence to increase respect and honor.
You feel that law to the flesh after not seeing them for a week or more.
I throttle my availability now more than ever.
Everytime they see you they should be able to tell that you are making strides with your hustle by just grasping the subtitles. Move in silence.

Heres the kicker though, I brutally honestly think that girls dont give a damn about your bag as long as you dont look and smell like a bum, break frame, remain stoic , give them their space, and "fvck em mean and proper till their lights are zapped"

I have had broke friends with mad game nab some baddies and they be driving her car. But thats a another pimpology convo..

Regardless, my current ones know I make my living on repeat business , if they still need what Im offering they got my number.


Sep 10, 2014
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Not true at all. Women hate that I’m career focused. They want a guy who has money AND has nothing but free time.

With that said, I’m glad I’ve focused on my career and am where I am financially.
Depends...I used to think working long hours to get ahead was the way to go...had an entire year where I averaged 65-70 hours a week and then for 10+ years worked 55ish hours a week.

Know what I found out once I started working as a software engineer and worked 40 hours max and made significantly more money?

All that extra time at work isn't worth it to me. All that time trying to get ahead but you lose time which is far more valuable than money. No matter how much money you have the one thing you can never get back is time.

The bum on the street with no money panhandling has the exact same amount of time in a day as the rich dude living on a yacht...and nobody is promised anything so planning for a time 30 years out that may never come isn't all it's cracked up to be either.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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MONEY is for WOMEN and BETA MALES. That is because to get money in the current system you have to play by the CORRUPT rules of Capitalism, Hyperconsumerism, scamming, sales etc etc.

Attempting to make money in the current system WILL make you a weaker person, less masculine and Alpha. This is why women can do most jobs without complaining, because they dont question the system they just do. Intelligent, independant, masculine ie attractive men will not fit into this current economic system and makes lots of money.

So, if you wanna win with women you are gonna have to take a flexible, low-stress career that just gives you enough money to not be poor and then you have to prioritise relationships, game and social life.
Game is a combination of looks, money, status, and charisma/personality. Alpha and sigma males can use money to get laid.

I agree that workplace stress is bad for game.

The better jobs for males who want masculinity are manual labor/blue collar jobs. If a man must work, it's better for his masculinity to do something in the blue collar/manual labor realm. The skilled trades are good.

Office jobs where you act like a cuck all day every day are absolute cancer for your game.
Women entering the work force has destroyed white collar work. They've turned the white collar work space isn't something far less masculine.

There are a lot of beta males and even some cucks in office jobs.

It's a bad environment for men who value masculinity.

My theory is a guy has a good job, and women in his social circle find out about his good job. Then prospective wifey comes on to him. Isn't that how most white collar marriages occur?
This happened to one of my cousins. He was in his late 30s and news of his now ex-wife filing for divorce spread quickly in his social circle. This was a failed, childless marriage so limited baggage. He had a great social circle because he had lived the entirety of his life (except of the 4 years of college) in the same area. When the news of his divorce process spread, there were women coming on to him. That's because he had a solid white collar job in a mid-sized metro area. The classic big fish in a small pond scenario. His social circle introduced him to some woman and he quickly got re-married.

I'd say that the scenario that happened to this cousin isn't that common anymore because most people have weaker social circles than they had 20-30 years ago.

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
A true workoholic generally doesn't value leisure time much. They get things out of working that overcome the appeal of leisure. I don't get it. I need liesure time to recoup from the stress of work and to justify doing most types of work to myself.

Some traits I've noticed in workoholics(one or more traits):

1. Autistic desire for dopamine from repetitive activities.
2. Autistic view of money/greed/hoarding mindset, i e money for its own sake rather than seeing it just as what it can buy.
3. Narcissistic drive to obtained power and success at any cost,
4. Narcissistic drive to get attention and validation, and co-workers/clients can be a good source of that.
5. Relationship addiction: replacing your personal interests and desires with your partner. So you don't want to do anything other than what she wants, so there's no need for time off for your own interests. Ditto Family addiction: providing for children supercedes your autonomy.
6. Fear of failure/goal orientation/frog in boiling pot management pressure: the fear of career loss or setback and a long term view of goals. This was why I fell into workoholism briefly, although once you realize that your reward for working long hours now is even longer hours later, you won't last long without the prior 5 motivators.

Im listening. What is your input on young women 20s early 30s who take their full time job religiously seriously to the bone? Alright I get it the bills don't pay themselves but man they be breathing that sh1t.
With the girls Im chillin with right now I notice that's what is on their minds the most. Work BS and gossip from work. They both hold supervisor/manager positions. One at the airport for TSA and the other at logistics at an Amazon plant.
Sometimes they ask for my guidance and advice. I counsel them with my wisdom then derail the convo to something else.
I feel like when they with me they try to unplug from that but at the same time I would not want to girlfriend a woman who all her mental capacity and exhaustion goes towards a corporation where she is just a number.
The best girl I ever had ran her own small business. No punching in. No male coworkers. No drama.
She was very committed to our relationship.
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