Cold approach is becoming impossible

Don of the north

Don Juan
Dec 3, 2022
Reaction score
Hello everyone.

Has anyone else had the cops called on them on multiple occasions just for saying Hi and giving a basic compliment and leaving immediately and respectfully if they say they are not interested or ignore me? The approaches are done in heavily trafficked areas. For those worrying about being arrested, that's not going to happen. We actually still have a constitutional right to free speech. Harassment is repeated unwanted advances, not asking one time. But having the cops repeatedly called is untenable. And forget about it in malls/private stores since they can kick you out if someone complains.

Just google cold approach and reddit and see how the crazy feminists are acting. It's now considered creepy just to approach. And if you're unattractive it's 100 times worse. The thing that really frustrates me is that most men won't stick up for you when called "creepy" or "predatory." They always blame you for being "creepy". Even in the pickup community I've seen them blame the guy. With the modern woman, if you're ugly = creepy while Good looking= =Not creepy while doing the exact same thing. We all know this. Just because a women PERCIEVES you as creepy doesn't mean it's true. Facts before feelings.

I know many on here will blame the guy for his "vibe" or whatever if the police are called. But facts before feelings. The police shouldn't be called if nothing illegal was done. If she doesn't like your vibe, she should just say no thanks. This is common sense.

Imagine if an unattractive women came up to you and said you look handsome and do you want to get coffee? Any decent man would just say no thanks, but I'm flattered! I would rather a woman call me the ugliest guy she's ever seen then call the police on me.

This is out of control. I thought women were supposed to be strong, independent, and powerful and equal? Why can't they handle a man saying hello without putting the cops on them? Really disgusting behavior. Are women high priestesses or celebrities that can't be approached? What the hell is this crap?

I wish I could take a time machine back to 1950! Horrible female supremacy we are living under. I've had many women thank me and told me that I made their day so it's not all of them, but it's very frequent that they get creeped out. Maybe 2/10 get creeped out. Even by as simple hello! Rejection is fine but calling the cops for saying hello and asking for a date is despicable. Shame on them. Cold approach is my best bet for my situation.

It never used to be like this when I did cold approaching years back. There is clearly a social stigma about this nowadays.

Is it better in places like Poland? I know the UK/Australia is probably worse from what I've heard. How are you supposed to cold approach when you have to worry about them calling the cops? I've had jobs in sales requiring rapport building. I know how to talk to people, and I'm totally relaxed because I've done so many approaches. I was a nervous wreck when I first started many years ago, but I'm good now. Plenty of good interactions including groups where their smiling and laughing.

Sorry for the long post. Very frustrated by this lack of freedom. I feel like a second class citizen as a man.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Generally police have common sense and can sort through these things. That said, if you get called on more than once you will get annoying.

This is out of control. I thought women were supposed to be strong, independent, and powerful and equal? Why can't they handle a man saying hello without putting the cops on them?
As you know, feminism is really about female supremacy. Most importantly they don't want to ever have to submit to a beta male.

Very frustrated by this lack of freedom. I feel like a second class citizen as a man.
yep I hear ya man.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Generally police have common sense and can sort through these things. That said, if you get called on more than once you will get annoying.
It depends if the officer likes you or not or what disposition they are in when they are involved and who they are listening to. They have a gun, and a badge and can always get away with murder or injuring someone by claiming that they "feared for their life", after the fact. They might make him sign a paper that says he can't come around XYZ premises and if he's called again then it would be a tresspass. Also if the police really wanted to get someone, they can put charges for "resisting arrest", "distubing the public peace", or even criminal tresspass and put him on lock-up for 24 hours or before a bail hearing. While there other inimates can beat him up or sodomize him or end up in a filthy urine and feces infested cell. So it's no small matter when a police gets involved.

Therefore, depending on various circumstances, you are presenting a best case scenario. The worst case the OP could end up dead.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
The thing that really frustrates me is that most men won't stick up for you when called "creepy" or "predatory." They always blame you for being "creepy". Even in the pickup community I've seen them blame the guy. With the modern woman, if you're ugly = creepy while Good looking= =Not creepy while doing the exact same thing. We all know this. Just because a women PERCIEVES you as creepy doesn't mean it's true. Facts before feelings.

I know many on here will blame the guy for his "vibe" or whatever if the police are called. But facts before feelings. The police shouldn't be called if nothing illegal was done. If she doesn't like your vibe, she should just say no thanks. This is common sense.
Agreed. Sometimes you don't know whether it's the feminazis or the chadlites / normies. They get a bit of female validation then they think they are better than you and side with them (not referring to this board). Guys will sell out for a breadcrumb of female validation. Really sad what things have come to.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
@sangheilios just deleted an interesting post. He said something to the likes that women are in a state of awkardness when guys approach them because they too don't have much social skills as the millenials and gen z have too much screen time and not real social life time.
You delete that and then like a post that's critical of this thread. What's your deal?


Because you don’t feed trolls. Why do you care so much, Luke?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2019
Reaction score
sorry but you have no constitutional rights. those rights that they tell you about are imaginary. see jan 6th defendants. look up right to a speedy trial, right to assemble, and right to protest the government.
yes, a lot of crazy women out there who act creeped out for no reason. protecting your privacy is the goal here. never pay with a credit card at places where you approach. you don't want them to have your name. always pay in cash.
if cops get called on you, don't be an idiot and say "well I have done nothing wrong, I will stay here and explain my constitutional rights"
pigs are not interested in your constitution. number one priority is to get the hell out of there. cops are lazy and they won't pursue further if you are not there. worst case they will write a stupid report which will never be seen again. but most likely they will say "there is no crime here" because again they are lazy they don't want to write the report. but of course the hore that called them will make up stuff "he assaulted me" (you never touched her).
if you dont know cops have been called and they show up out of the blue, your only answer is "no comment" or "I plead the fifth"
they need reasonable suspicion to ask for id, hore calling them is reasonable suspicion in most cases so you have to show id, but that's it. everything else "I dont answer questions without my attorney being present"
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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
sorry but you have no constitutional rights. those rights that they tell you about are imaginary. see jan 6th defendants. look up right to a speedy trial, right to assemble, and right to protest the government.
yes, a lot of crazy women out there who act creeped out for no reason. protecting your privacy is the goal here. never pay with a credit card at places where you approach. you don't want them to have your name. always pay in cash.
if cops get called on you, don't be an idiot and say "well I have done nothing wrong, I will stay here and explain my constitutional rights"
pigs are not interested in your constitution. number one priority is to get the hell out of there. cops are lazy and they won't pursue further if you are not there. worst case they will write a stupid report which will never be seen again. but most likely they will say "there is no crime here" but of course the hore that called them will make up stuff "he assaulted me" (you never touched her).
if you dont know cops have been called and they show up out of the blue, your only answer is "no comment" or "I plead the fifth"
they need reasonable suspicion to ask for id, hore calling them is reasonable suspicion in most cases so you have to show id, but that's it. everything else "I dont answer questions without my attorney being present"
Really? There are lots of youtube vids that show that they tend to shoot first and ask questions later. If you say "no comment" they can say "stop resisting!!!", or "HE HAS A GUN!" and go crazy on you.

You are really advising the OP to be comfortable if the cops get called on him because they are lazy without knowing his background?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2019
Reaction score
Really? There are lots of youtube vids that show that they tend to shoot first and ask questions later. If you say "no comment" they can say "stop resisting!!!", or "HE HAS A GUN!" and go crazy on you.

You are really advising the OP to be comfortable if the cops get called on him because they are lazy without knowing his background?
ok, keep the talking to a minimum. "I never touched her and I won't answer any more questions without my attorney being present"

I never said the op needs to be comfortable. I just said he needs to protect himself against false charges. the op makes it seem like cops are being called without a crime having occurred. of course if he has committed a crime worth pursuing, the lazy bastards might actually give up the donut for an hour and look into it.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
@sangheilios just deleted an interesting post. He said something to the likes that women are in a state of awkardness when guys approach them because they too don't have much social skills as the millenials and gen z have too much screen time and not real social life time.
You delete that and then like a post that's critical of this thread. What's your deal?
Honestly, I'm kind of seeing it as pointless to reply to these threads on here from these new(ish) posters lately that seem to be super trolly. Like the 37 year old who met a "Ukrainian Hottie" on Okcupid lol.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Has anyone else had the cops called on them on multiple occasions just for saying Hi and giving a basic compliment and leaving immediately and respectfully if they say they are not interested or ignore me?
No, this has never happened to me. My photos rate in the 6.5-7.5 range though.

I'll speak more to the general cold approaching environment in the next quote. I have been a non-bar approacher since the early 2010s, but did dabble in it as early as the mid-2000s in a post-college urban environment.

The approaches are done in heavily trafficked areas. For those worrying about being arrested, that's not going to happen. We actually still have a constitutional right to free speech. Harassment is repeated unwanted advances, not asking one time. But having the cops repeatedly called is untenable. And forget about it in malls/private stores since they can kick you out if someone complains.

Just google cold approach and reddit and see how the crazy feminists are acting. It's now considered creepy just to approach. And if you're unattractive it's 100 times worse. The thing that really frustrates me is that most men won't stick up for you when called "creepy" or "predatory." They always blame you for being "creepy". Even in the pickup community I've seen them blame the guy.
Most men are not going to have the cops called on them when doing non-bar approaches in major cities. Here are my guidelines to not getting the cops called on you as a non-bar stranger approacher.

1. Look reasonably good.

You don't have to be a 6'0"+ guy with big muscles (top tier looking) in order to set dates while non-bar approach or get rejected without cops being called. Most guys who are average looking will be fine in non-bar approaching in terms of avoiding the cops being called. These average guys are likely to take a ton of rejections in their approaches, but they won't get the cops called on them. The typical rejection won't even be a hard rejection. It's more likely to be a 30-60 second conversation that goes nowhere, so the man won't even get the opportunity to ask for a date or even a phone number.

2. Don't linger in the same place too long.

If you are doing grocery store approaches, get out of that grocery store in less than one hour. A good grocery store approach session is 45-60 minutes. You won't draw any suspicion from store personnel if you're out in less than one hour. When I grocery shop, I can usually complete shopping in 20-30 minutes if I have a girlfriend and am not doing approaches. If I am unattached and needing new prospects, I will linger longer and take grocery store approach session to 45-60 minutes if I am trying to get some new sexual prospects. In the past, I have had weekends where I did one hour in one grocery store + one hour in a 2nd grocery store on the same weekend. I find that's the most effective way to do grocery store approaching. However, even doing that might not result in much success.

A similar idea is true at the malls and on outdoor paths/the street. Lingering in the same place too long will draw attention. Move to a slightly new place every 30-60 minutes.

Your gym or a fitness class is a different animal. On the general gym floor, most women will be wearing earbuds and oblivious to you. Don't approach women with earbuds in your gym unless you get good IOIs. Most men who are under 6'0" and without big muscles won't get big time IOIs. For most men, the best gym-based approach is fitness classes. A lot of gyms have group fitness classes and there are also fitness brands where their entire business model is a class based studio. Fitness classes eliminate the earbud problem and offer the advantage of having far more women than men. Even with no earbud problem and good ratios, many women simply aren't sociable before/after class, so getting a date from fitness class is more difficult than it might seem based on the earbud and ratio factors mentioned. In a gym, your bigger issue is pissing off staff and possibly having membership revoked as compared to police calls. Most men won't have issues on their cold approaches in gyms with gym staff so long as they look average-ish and have average social skills. They might take a fair amount of rejections, mostly soft rejections in the form of short conversations that go nowhere, but they won't piss off the staff or have to deal with cops.

3. Don't spam approach in retail venues

The approachers that tend to get into trouble either with store personnel or the police are the guys who show no social skill and approach every woman, often with weak or crappy lines. In retail venues, an indirect, observational approach won't draw attention from store personnel or the police because you have plausible deniability. Indirect approaches might not get you dates or even conversations exceeding 60 seconds, but they won't get you a harrassment allegation.

It's obviously better to approach with indicators of interest, but most men don't get a sufficient amount of IOIs to be able to rely upon them. Also, an IOI doesn't mean that you'll get a date from her, but the approach quality will at least be better.

The only place where you're able to spam approach is in a night venue. Approaches are expected in night life.

If you're approaching outdoors, try not to spam approach either. You can go more direct on their looks with a London Daygame Model type approach. Lingering in one place outdoors won't be good either.

4. If you must live in a Western nation, try not to live in one of the metro areas with the most extreme feminist ideologies.

The follow Western metro areas are what I would call some of the most extreme feminist/SJW areas. It's not meant to be exhaustive. Even if your metro area isn't on the list, it doesn't mean that it is immune from issues.

Washington DC
San Francisco
Portland (Oregon)

In the USA metro areas on this list, a lot of men in these metro areas are wimpy and becoming more and more cucked. In the USA metros, there are men who are very thirsty in these metros, but because they are wimps, they are often doing game on the swipe apps and Instgram instead of in-person. If they are doing in-person approaches, it's more likely to be in bars than in non-bar venues. Non-bar stranger approaching is a very difficult form of game and most men are too wimpy to do it.

Very frustrated by this lack of freedom. I feel like a second class citizen as a man.
If you are a Western man, you are a 2nd class citizen, especially if you are a White man. White men are considered a life form lower than pond scum in the West. Cold approaches in public are not nearly the biggest problem for Western men, especially Western White men.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
“Miss quick question” “ok shoot” “heard on the news that women are calling the cops on men lately for saying hi to them”


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
ok, keep the talking to a minimum. "I never touched her and I won't answer any more questions without my attorney being present"

I never said the op needs to be comfortable. I just said he needs to protect himself against false charges. the op makes it seem like cops are being called without a crime having occurred. of course if he has committed a crime worth pursuing, the lazy bastards might actually give up the donut for an hour and look into it.
Right and a cop can just tase him or beat him up because he's being too smart and take her word over his (ie depending on the tone and how that line is being delivered to the cop). Sure, he may eventually get the charges withdrawn, or sue the police department if the police act unlawfully and get over a million dollars or more, but then if he ends up with a cracked skull or broken jaw or other issues in the interim, then that's still a nasty experience to go through.

Without knowing the background and what geographical part of the USA the OP is in (assuming he is American which is assumed since America is the country with the cop-crazy culture where "Karens" can call the cops over nonsense), it's impossible to give advice in this regards. If all the checkmarks are there, then the best advice would be to forget about cold-approaching because any cop interaction is too risky. Some cops may be lazy, but other cops may have nefarious intentions and motivations for being in the force.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
I'm convinced low quality mass approaching is a complete waste of time.

Only talk to women who give you IOIs - same as the overall principle in only pursuing women who show high IL right away. You can get away with only doing 1-2 approaches per month, as long as you choose quality over quantity, right girl, right place at the right time, etc.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I'm convinced low quality mass approaching is a complete waste of time.

Only talk to women who give you IOIs - same as the overall principle in only pursuing women who show high IL right away. You can get away with only doing 1-2 approaches per month, as long as you choose quality over quantity, right girl, right place at the right time, etc.
IOI's are fleeting as some of these girls can turn on a dime or you might mis-read an IOI. 99% of the time, in day-game, women are really concerned about their own lives and are glued to their devices so they won't be aware of the surroundings to give IOIs in the first place.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
I'm convinced low quality mass approaching is a complete waste of time.

Only talk to women who give you IOIs - same as the overall principle in only pursuing women who show high IL right away. You can get away with only doing 1-2 approaches per month, as long as you choose quality over quantity, right girl, right place at the right time, etc.

Never forget, cold approach = money begging. Now that's a extremely negative comparison, but you get what I am saying.

There is a difference between spam approach and subtle cold approach. The latter means you are on a mission, but more in stealth mode. You might ne slenkng a day outside on the hunt, but you don't force interactions. Subtlety is the key in all this.

If you get the cops called on you ,you really gotta reevaluate your game.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
Right and a cop can just tase him or beat him up because he's being too smart and take her word over his (ie depending on the tone and how that line is being delivered to the cop). Sure, he may eventually get the charges withdrawn, or sue the police department if the police act unlawfully and get over a million dollars or more, but then if he ends up with a cracked skull or broken jaw or other issues in the interim, then that's still a nasty experience to go through.

Without knowing the background and what geographical part of the USA the OP is in (assuming he is American which is assumed since America is the country with the cop-crazy culture where "Karens" can call the cops over nonsense), it's impossible to give advice in this regards. If all the checkmarks are there, then the best advice would be to forget about cold-approaching because any cop interaction is too risky. Some cops may be lazy, but other cops may have nefarious intentions and motivations for being in the force.
That’s crazy talk. Maybe if you were that guy the other day who turned around and stalked some chick for a block in the dark, but by simply saying hello to have a police response and even then, complying if they come, you’re not getting tased.