yeah , it happens . But you never know the full story of a good looking girl that is with an ugly guy . Maybe they are just friends , maybe she is a prostitute , maybe he knows a lot of important people and she wants to go under his skin , maybe he is very rich and have a sugar daddy type of relationship , maybe he is family , etc etcIts true. I have seen some fairly cute women with dudes I would consider uhly af. But then again that girl might not thjnk I am a 5.
OP rant is basically dont put your self worth in this game
what I am trying to say is that if you would see constantly ugly dudes with good looking women , then you can say that it can be a thing
Usually these type of scenarios are just exceptions that happened due to a wild card that is very difficult for most men to get
What matters is what happens most of the time , not the exceptions that we see or hear about
out Of curiosity , have a look at the Victoria secret models or any other true top value woman and see who she is dating . You will see that the vast majority of them date guys who are also good looking
then Look at most top value guys , and you will see that most of them date women bellow their value
the top value women could have easily dated a top value man , but most of the times they just choose some not known guy who is smart , sexy and successful in whatever he does ( not necessarily rich )
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