Karl Marks, not Lenin. Lenin was Mark's student. More over, Lenin, an external force, overthrew Tsars, and then Lenin got overthrown, he conveniently died. So external political agenda got ruined.
If we going to be more technical. This idea of crap, this particular thought virus, was an invention of secret societies -- same people that push LGBT down your throats today. They implemented communism in Russia and seeded fascism in Germany in order to self destroy both countries. This long term agenda can be seen even today with next world war unfolding. You can see Europe being destroyed, primarily German economy.
So no. Communism was invention of Marl Marks, it was an external European invention. If you read wikipedia on Russian there is less fuss over religion. Карл Маркс был третьим
[27] ребёнком в семье
трирского адвоката еврейского происхождения
Генриха Маркса (1777—1838), происходившего из рода
Carl Marks was 3rd child in the family of Tririan lawyer of Jewish origin Henry Marks, descendant of Rabbi bloodline.