Oh right- trying to fvck your female supervisor is a great idea. Manosphere logic.
if you are afraid of getting a sexual harassment complaint , then you also know that this happen in any possible context , not only when you try to sleep with your boss . Being afraid is not the way , as slowly you will get more risk adverse
if it is a matter of job security , like I have stated the guy is young and most likely has an entry level job that can easily be changed if the circumstances require it
Most likely he even thought about being fired by her and he does not really care
since he is young I think that the story “ bro , I banged my boss “ would do him way better down the liken even if this would mean that in the worst case he will be fired . Most likely he will not be fired
how many guys from those who write here “ bro do not do i , there are risks “ actually banged their boss ?
Since most likely the real number is close to 0 , then how would you know that you will be fired if you sleep with your boss ?
people talk from a place of fear mainly , which makes you more and more risk adverse till ultimately your d1ck will fall off and grow a vagina instead