Sad story about a women self destructing without male guidance


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
My ex girlfriend just called me crying profusely. I recently went to see her. We had a great time. She is now a single mother who lives alone. She tried to finesse a rich guy by having a baby for him. She spent her life chasing rich men and materialism. Everyone warned her that this guy was not the one. Her mother tried to warn her, I warned her, her friend warned her etc.

She did not listen. She was mesmerized by this guy's financial situation and lifestyle. This girl never took an objective look at this mans character. Now she is going through hell because this guy is a ruthless NPD that is making her life difficult. She is approaching the wall and is very lonely.

I take no pleasure in this. My point is that women self destruct without male leadership. We have to protect them from themselves. It's a really sad ending when they rebel from male leadership. I know this is repetitive but i just needed to vent. It really breaks my heart to see this. I know the hell she will have to endure for the next 18 yrs. My mom has a similar story. Women chase rich men and end up miserable.


Sep 10, 2014
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I think you are going way too far to one side and not realizing that individuals are all different. Again the blanket statements made on this board are not based on reality.

You cannot simply apply them to an entire group of people and act as if they are true.

They aren't.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
I think you are going way too far to one side and not realizing that individuals are all different. Again the blanket statements made on this board are not based on reality.

You cannot simply apply them to an entire group of people and act as if they are true.

They aren't.
Could you be more specific? What points am I over generalizing?


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score

Could you be more specific? What points am I over generalizing?
You basically said every woman will self destruct without male leadership. That is generalizing about as far as you could generalize something.

Additionally, many males are not good leaders any more than many females are not good cooks.

So are you claiming that following a poor leader is better than following no leader?

Ever see what happens when soldiers follow a poor leader into battle?


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
You basically said every woman will self destruct without male leadership. That is generalizing about as far as you could generalize something.

Additionally, many males are not good leaders any more than many females are not good cooks.

So are you claiming that following a poor leader is better than following no leader?

Ever see what happens when soldiers follow a poor leader into battle?
I mean in general. I did not mean every man. More often than not a woman will be better off listening to the logic of a man. I probably should have specified.

The point is that many women are suffering like this. This all could have been laregly prevented by having a strong wise male figure who had control. It hits different when it comes home and its someone close to you.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I've got a similar story...I didn't realize it at the time but no one said anything until a few years after I got divorced and saw what was happening with my ex wife.

My friends told me I kept my ex wife grounded. She looked to me for balance. I helped her make good decisions.

After our divorce she got depressed, tried the lesbian thing, married a beta loser, had threesomes with her husband and other men, published sex vids on p0rn sites, got divorced after her crazy ex threatened to blow her house up, got into drugs, and is now fat.

They say that stuff would have never happened with me. I wouldn't have tolerated it nor would it have been considered. I've always been conservative and knew things like that aren't beneficial for healthy relationships.
After our divorce she always called me up for sound relationship advice and I would talk her thru it. Much like @Pandora said.
MAny times in our relationship she thanked me for keeping her in check. It was my leadership and guidance she was referring to. I think all women want that to some extent. Sometimes you have to look out for what's best for them, yourself, and the relationship. I think a good leader does that.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
I've got a similar story...I didn't realize it at the time but no one said anything until a few years after I got divorced and saw what was happening with my ex wife.

My friends told me I kept my ex wife grounded. She looked to me for balance. I helped her make good decisions.

After our divorce she got depressed, tried the lesbian thing, married a beta loser, had threesomes with her husband and other men, published sex vids on p0rn sites, got divorced after her crazy ex threatened to blow her house up, got into drugs, and is now fat.

They say that stuff would have never happened with me. I wouldn't have tolerated it nor would it have been considered. I've always been conservative and knew things like that aren't beneficial for healthy relationships.
After our divorce she always called me up for sound relationship advice and I would talk her thru it. Much like @Pandora said.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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Society has given women too much freedom. Women in general are more emotional and they will fail without male guidance. The only good thing is that the next generation will see the difference between women who are self-aware to know that they need rational males in their life to counter act their emotions, and those women who are "losers" because they are allowed to run wild emotionally.

Oh well... it is what it is...


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
My ex girlfriend just called me crying profusely. I recently went to see her. We had a great time. She is now a single mother who lives alone. She tried to finesse a rich guy by having a baby for him. She spent her life chasing rich men and materialism. Everyone warned her that this guy was not the one. Her mother tried to warn her, I warned her, her friend warned her etc.

She did not listen. She was mesmerized by this guy's financial situation and lifestyle. This girl never took an objective look at this mans character. Now she is going through hell because this guy is a ruthless NPD that is making her life difficult. She is approaching the wall and is very lonely.

I take no pleasure in this. My point is that women self destruct without male leadership. We have to protect them from themselves. It's a really sad ending when they rebel from male leadership. I know this is repetitive but i just needed to vent. It really breaks my heart to see this. I know the hell she will have to endure for the next 18 yrs. My mom has a similar story. Women chase rich men and end up miserable.
While it may be sad, she cannot run from accountability. She decided and choose this. Not everyone else and decisions always come with a price. Now she will have to pay it.

Female accountability is a serious issue in our society these days, especially when females enter critical leader roles in companies and governments. We see it all over again and again. When things goes wrong they usually do not hold themselves accountable and play the victim role instead. It is never her fault, it is all the others fault for the bad outcome of her choices.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
I think you are going way too far to one side and not realizing that individuals are all different. Again the blanket statements made on this board are not based on reality.

You cannot simply apply them to an entire group of people and act as if they are true.

They aren't.
Seems like your being pretty rough on the OP here in my opinion. He said he was venting. And he was expressing his opinion. Blanket statements get made on this board hourly. It’s allowed.


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
Reaction score
While it may be sad, she cannot run from accountability. She decided and choose this. Not everyone else and decisions always come with a price. Now she will have to pay it.

Female accountability is a serious issue in our society these days, especially when females enter critical leader roles in companies and governments. We see it all over again and again. When things goes wrong they usually do not hold themselves accountable and play the victim role instead. It is never her fault, it is all the others fault for the bad outcome of her choices.
Facts! Add the lack of logic and reason and you have the makings of a good dumpster fire. The ones that I’ve seen to be the worse, struggle with emotional regulation. Every action is dictated based on how they feel at that moment. Logic and reason are usually an afterthought. They play the victim role when they make a mistake or don’t like the situation.

One I know went to a casual friend gathering, got drunk, had edibles, drove home at 3am, got a DUI on the way home and then proceeded to blame the police during her trial. WTF? All they did was stop her from hurting herself or someone else! Zero self-control or accountability. I asked her why she didn’t just sleep it off and drive home after? Almost got my head torn off, LOL. Crazy beatch. No, the police were wrong for catching her. Complete chaos.

Part of me believes that this is how women are raised and they don’t know any better. They are coddled like little children their entire lives. Boys have to make something of themselves, become a productive and responsible pillar of society. Girls just have to be pretty and their bad choices or actions will be forgiven. Women also have multiple contingency plans. They can rely on a boyfriend, husband or big daddy government to provide for them, guide them or bail them out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
Facts! Add the lack of logic and reason and you have the makings of a good dumpster fire. The ones that I’ve seen to be the worse, struggle with emotional regulation. Every action is dictated based on how they feel at that moment. Logic and reason are usually an afterthought. They play the victim role when they make a mistake or don’t like the situation.

One I know went to a casual friend gathering, got drunk, had edibles, drove home at 3am, got a DUI on the way home and then proceeded to blame the police during her trial. WTF? All they did was stop her from hurting herself or someone else! Zero self-control or accountability. I asked her why she didn’t just sleep it off and drive home after? Almost got my head torn off, LOL. Crazy beatch. No, the police were wrong for catching her. Complete chaos.

Part of me believes that this is how women are raised and they don’t know any better. They are coddled like little children their entire lives. Boys have to make something of themselves, become a productive and responsible pillar of society. Girls just have to be pretty and their bad choices or actions will be forgiven. Women also have multiple contingency plans. They can rely on a boyfriend, husband or big daddy government to provide for them, guide them or bail them out.
Well we have on one going in Denmark now with the current PM Mette Frederiksen ( that thought it was a brilliant idea to break the Danish laws by ****ting down a whole mink industry and kill all the minks in Denmark under the crazy idea of protecting people from covid. She completely ignored the fact that it was totally illegal and as she is totally high and drunk on the power cool aid she thought she was above the law.

Now when people started go after her for doing this she totally make a fake scene where started crying on TV saying that she was so "sooooorrrrryy!" and and it was not her decision while sobbing even more and crying.
Totally fake of course, but she did it like most women do with no accountability in mind.

The below pics and video (in Danish) is just embarrassing in my opinion:

Worst part is that she seems to get away with it and that she is getting a free pass.
She did this and she doesn't want to pay the price. It really piss me off that they let her even keep her job as PM of Denmark.

If it was guy that done this he would have been sentenced to jail for a very long time and his career a politician (or whatever) would be finished for eternity.

She has destroyed so many life's and hard working families that had built up these mink companies over sometimes many generations.
It is just flabbergasting.


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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
While it may be sad, she cannot run from accountability. She decided and choose this. Not everyone else and decisions always come with a price. Now she will have to pay it.

Female accountability is a serious issue in our society these days, especially when females enter critical leader roles in companies and governments. We see it all over again and again. When things goes wrong they usually do not hold themselves accountable and play the victim role instead. It is never her fault, it is all the others fault for the bad outcome of her choices.
Yes. First of all, why even stay I touch with an ex? Even if you ended it. There is always a possibility of getting back together ( you may also have weak moment gentlemen).

She wants a rich guy. The best of the best option. Meanwhile she could build a life with a good dude like pandora, but she rather takes the risk. Good for her she gets burned.

I have no sympathy of a dude wants a OF insta model stripper and then complains he "can't control her". You knew what you got into. If someone believes he is so special he only needs a 10/10 woman , then I wouldn't be surprised if he has a miserable life because of his entitlement.

OP, cut all contact now. What's in this for you if I may ask? How do you get better from this , if it's not a morbid sinister way of watching her crumble without you? Dont talk to her anymore bro!

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
My ex girlfriend just called me crying profusely. I recently went to see her. We had a great time. She is now a single mother who lives alone. She tried to finesse a rich guy by having a baby for him. She spent her life chasing rich men and materialism. Everyone warned her that this guy was not the one. Her mother tried to warn her, I warned her, her friend warned her etc.

She did not listen. She was mesmerized by this guy's financial situation and lifestyle. This girl never took an objective look at this mans character. Now she is going through hell because this guy is a ruthless NPD that is making her life difficult. She is approaching the wall and is very lonely.

I take no pleasure in this. My point is that women self destruct without male leadership. We have to protect them from themselves. It's a really sad ending when they rebel from male leadership. I know this is repetitive but i just needed to vent. It really breaks my heart to see this. I know the hell she will have to endure for the next 18 yrs. My mom has a similar story. Women chase rich men and end up miserable.
Personally, I don't find it sad. I think she got exactly what she deserved. It's not as if she was an honest, good and kind person that had good intentions and got taken advantage of. She tried to use someone for their money and she ended up getting used and thrown away herself.

A lot of women don't realise that their "clever strategies" to hook are rich guy are pretty transparent to anyone with a brain, particularly to the rich guys themselves that see women like this throwing themselves at them all of the time.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
You basically said every woman will self destruct without male leadership. That is generalizing about as far as you could generalize something.

Additionally, many males are not good leaders any more than many females are not good cooks.

So are you claiming that following a poor leader is better than following no leader?

Ever see what happens when soldiers follow a poor leader into battle?
Women go out of control without strong male leadership. Every woman, even the most independent woman desires strong male leadership.

This is biology. Biology always trumps ideology.

Society has forgotten how to raise strong male leaders. Society desperately needs strong male leaders to make the world a better place.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
Women go out of control without strong male leadership. Every woman, even the most independent woman desires strong male leadership.

This is biology. Biology always trumps ideology.

Society has forgotten how to raise strong male leaders. Society desperately needs strong male leaders to make the world a better place.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
Women go out of control without strong male leadership. Every woman, even the most independent woman desires strong male leadership.

This is biology. Biology always trumps ideology.

Society has forgotten how to raise strong male leaders. Society desperately needs strong male leaders to make the world a better place.
To the point!

New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern is also a prime example of that.
She is also a power hungry creepy person that gone totally wild on New Zeeland people in her power intoxication.

But is she accountable for her actions? No, no of course not.
She is just also crying and blaming others.

Full article:


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
Reaction score
My ex girlfriend just called me crying profusely. I recently went to see her. We had a great time. She is now a single mother who lives alone. She tried to finesse a rich guy by having a baby for him. She spent her life chasing rich men and materialism. Everyone warned her that this guy was not the one. Her mother tried to warn her, I warned her, her friend warned her etc.

She did not listen. She was mesmerized by this guy's financial situation and lifestyle. This girl never took an objective look at this mans character. Now she is going through hell because this guy is a ruthless NPD that is making her life difficult. She is approaching the wall and is very lonely.

I take no pleasure in this. My point is that women self destruct without male leadership. We have to protect them from themselves. It's a really sad ending when they rebel from male leadership. I know this is repetitive but i just needed to vent. It really breaks my heart to see this. I know the hell she will have to endure for the next 18 yrs. My mom has a similar story. Women chase rich men and end up miserable.
What exactly did the guy do to warrant the "NPD" tag you are giving him? Sounds like he dropped a woman who was (likely) more trouble than she was worth. He knew his value and kicked her ass to the curb. So why vilify him? If he was a poster here and told us his side of the story we would likely be giving him a pat on the back.

Women are not leaders. It is not in their DNA. Even women that are in higher end corporate jobs are generally only in those positions due to backing from men who are even in higher positions than they are. So, without men of course their cookie is going to crumble. Your ex is Exhibit A. I agree men should protect women from themselves; but the problem is our society actually looks down on that very action now as some sort of "toxic masculinity" or chauvinism to just act naturally. It is not a good thing.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
What exactly did the guy do to warrant the "NPD" tag you are giving him? Sounds like he dropped a woman who was (likely) more trouble than she was worth. He knew his value and kicked her ass to the curb. So why vilify him? If he was a poster here and told us his side of the story we would likely be giving him a pat on the back.

Women are not leaders. It is not in their DNA. Even women that are in higher end corporate jobs are generally only in those positions due to backing from men who are even in higher positions than they are. So, without men of course their cookie is going to crumble. Your ex is Exhibit A. I agree men should protect women from themselves; but the problem is our society actually looks down on that very action now as some sort of "toxic masculinity" or chauvinism to just act naturally. It is not a good thing.
I know the guy well. I have taken medical licensing exams on this stuff and did a 16 week rotation in psych. Trust me the guy is NPD. I dont throw this tag out lightly unlike most people. I am a very objective person ( as much as possible).

I have been on the phone while she was locked in the bathroom. He was raging outside the bathroom yelling and going nuts. I see the texts mesages etc. He has also called my phone and sent me death threats. I sent him my address and a picture of boxing gloves and said lets fight and grab a drink after. The guy is 100% cluster B and ticks most of the NPD boxes. He might even be officially diagnosed.

Our mutual friends also hate this dude. Btw i am not saying that this girl does not deserve it. I am not saying that the guy is an evil man. The point of this post is that women make bad decisions when they dont have male guidance. Our role is protect them from themselves ( in a sane society).

Oh btw the guy is morbidly obese and is living off parents wealth.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
What exactly did the guy do to warrant the "NPD" tag you are giving him? Sounds like he dropped a woman who was (likely) more trouble than she was worth. He knew his value and kicked her ass to the curb. So why vilify him? If he was a poster here and told us his side of the story we would likely be giving him a pat on the back.

Women are not leaders. It is not in their DNA. Even women that are in higher end corporate jobs are generally only in those positions due to backing from men who are even in higher positions than they are. So, without men of course their cookie is going to crumble. Your ex is Exhibit A. I agree men should protect women from themselves; but the problem is our society actually looks down on that very action now as some sort of "toxic masculinity" or chauvinism to just act naturally. It is not a good thing.
Btw this NPD does not even buy clothes for the baby. He does the bare minimum. I have bought more clothes for this kid than he has. The guy is a bad person. Low IQ women will marry the worst guy they can find.

Yes Barrister I 100% agree with your 2nd paragraph. Well stated. That is my point of this rant. Society does not let men enforce any authority over women.
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