Experiences and observations with social circle game.

Mar 9, 2021
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I'm not sure that your friend staying & gritting in Atlanta would have been better than the safety of his Nashville cocoon. There's a good chance he'll end up as a divorced guy in Nashville, but the social circle will bail him out and keep him away from cold approaching, similar to the guy I know after wife #1 divorced his beta bucks butt.
Nah he's basically a washed-up party simp without a degree jumping from unskilled labor jobs to another lol. He's about to turn 30 with nothing to show for, but a bunch of Instagram photos with washed up suburban redneck white women and fat black women. He doesn't even get laid a lot either lol. There's a handful of people doing well from my old social circle, and they basically got married and moved into a modest house at age 23 lol. The other people just live like NPC clouds week to week hoping some random golden opportunity falls in their hands lol. I ain't saying staying in Atlanta was 100% success, but the barometer was pretty low in Nashville lol.
Mar 9, 2021
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TBH there's a reason we aren't in Social Circles right now. It's either accept that you are a rogue/hunter and continue from there or continue crying about not being in a HS built social circle lol.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Nah he's basically a washed-up party simp without a degree jumping from unskilled labor jobs to another lol. He's about to turn 30 with nothing to show for, but a bunch of Instagram photos with washed up suburban redneck white women and fat black women. He doesn't even get laid a lot either lol. There's a handful of people doing well from my old social circle, and they basically got married and moved into a modest house at age 23 lol. The other people just live like NPC clouds week to week hoping some random golden opportunity falls in their hands lol. I ain't saying staying in Atlanta was 100% success, but the barometer was pretty low in Nashville lol.
What race/ethnicity is he? He seems like he's Black but I'm trying to imagine a White guy doing this. It sucks for him that he doesn't get laid a lot.

TBH there's a reason we aren't in Social Circles right now. It's either accept that you are a rogue/hunter and continue from there or continue crying about not being in a HS built social circle lol.
I am a bit of a rogue/hunter. That's why I chose the avatar of the lone wolf that I chose. At age 39 right now, it would be impossible for me to a part of a high school built social circle. I'm not in the same city as my high school. I've had multiple relocations since high school. I have next to no contact with anyone from high school.

Roosh wrote that article above in 2018, before his Christianity conversion. If you look at that framework, I am rootless and atomized.
Mar 9, 2021
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What race/ethnicity is he? He seems like he's Black but I'm trying to imagine a White guy doing this. It sucks for him that he doesn't get laid a lot.
he’s a black guy that grew in the white suburbs. Single mom household, no strong father figure to guide him unfortunately.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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he’s a black guy that grew in the white suburbs. Single mom household, no strong father figure to guide him unfortunately.
That sounds like a Black guy. To be fair, plenty of White men grow up in single mom households with no strong father figure providing guidance. I can relate to that experience because my mom was close to a single mom. Although my parents did not separate until I was 15 or finalize their divorce until I was 16, my dad was absent most of the time. My mom was fully a single mom upon my parents' separation.

I had to learn how to be a man on the internet.
Mar 9, 2021
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That sounds like a Black guy. To be fair, plenty of White men grow up in single mom households with no strong father figure providing guidance. I can relate to that experience because my mom was close to a single mom. Although my parents did not separate until I was 15 or finalize their divorce until I was 16, my dad was absent most of the time. My mom was fully a single mom upon my parents' separation.

I had to learn how to be a man on the internet.
I think the biggest difference between a single parent household black vs white:

black: guy is a complete deadbeat, in jail or never grew up. Black women are the worst when It comes to mate selection

white: this will largely depend on the age that the woman got married. Young white women tend to have bad mate selection, but they grow out of it. Aside from that, the dad will have a job and at least have some impact in the kids life. There’s a difference between a single mom with a deadbeat dad and two working divorced parents.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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white: this will largely depend on the age that the woman got married. Young white women tend to have bad mate selection, but they grow out of it. Aside from that, the dad will have a job and at least have some impact in the kids life. There’s a difference between a single mom with a deadbeat dad and two working divorced parents.
A lot of the divorced White guys are big time beta males. They dutifully pay child support and are fuccked over by system. These spineless beta males won't walk away from their kids when divorced, but they won't be good at teaching any sons to be men and they also manage to fucck up their daughters too.
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Mar 9, 2021
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A lot of the divorced White guy are big time beta males. They dutifully pay child support and are fuccked over by system. These spineless beta males won't walk away from their kids when divorced, but they won't be good at teaching any sons to be men and they also manage to fucck up their daughters too.
yeah but that’s much better than having a non existent dad or complete loser absent dad in general lol. The difference shows in crime statistics lol.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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yeah but that’s much better than having a non existent dad or complete loser absent dad in general lol. The difference shows in crime statistics lol.
My dad was absent due to working a lot. While he didn't spend much time with me when my parents were married, he was not financially absent. That kept me in a decent socioeconomic strata and that was reflected in the crime statistics. I also was able to get a bachelor's degree at "Hot Girl U" and participate in a SoSuave discussion about college sex lives at party schools.

Stuff from your childhood does have a way of staying with you and can affect how you experience social circles. I never had a capable social circle simply because of all of the relocations due to my father's work. The relocations were more harmful from a social circle perspective than my father being absent and not teaching me how to be a man.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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In the OP you are referring to situations which is basically a group of long term friends with little or no new people coming in or going out. These groups tend to be too narrow and stable to be able to attract women.

What you need is a social group that has a core group and other men and women coming and going. So I dunno maybe a bunch of guys regularly hit up a bar or some other places where the people there are also regulars. Then over a few occasions you 'befriend' some of the women and run game on them. Obviously its up to you where you wanna take it from there if you want a casual thing or ltr.

Obviously most guys are not gonna be able to bang hot women regularly. Its just a question of what level you are in the game. At the moment more low-quality men are getting sex from women because there is no real value out there to pull that stuff away from ONS. But the game will likely develop in the future and then I expect slim pickings from cold-approach, nightgame or whatever simply because women will actually know which type of guy is the best guy that brings the most value and by comparion some guy cold-approaching for a date or to get laid will be seen as low-value.

Social groups are gonna be where the developments the game are likely to come in the future. Women are looking to be part of groups that include men and especially other women moreso for younger girls. A guy who can network girls with other girls and provide them with the life experience they want that they cannot get elsewhere is gonna be able to trump every other type of guy.

Game has many more levels than just "be aggressive, open, stupid boring convo, number, date etc" infact I think all of this is gonna be irrelevant in the future as it is mostly going to be all some form of social circle game.