Never Go on a Date With a Woman Who Demands a Dinner Date


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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The bottom line is that when a woman makes a fuss about not being taken out on a "proper date", it's an immediate red flag. Either she's not really into you and just wants you to pay for her night out OR (and this is actually worse) she's an entitled b!tch who feels slighted because you are not treating her like a "lady". Women who fall in the latter category are a huge pain in the @ss and not worth pursuing. They will make your life a living hell if you make the mistake of taking them seriously.

The tranny-like, fake-lipped youtuber in the link posted by the OP is a product of American simp culture. In her native Croatia, she'd be lucky to have 2 followers on Instagram.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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And frankly Eastern European wimmens in the US…

The bottom line is that when a woman makes a fuss about not being taken out on a "proper date", it's an immediate red flag. Either she's not really into you and just wants you to pay for her night out OR (and this is just as bad) she's an entitled b!tch who feels slighted because you are not treating her like a "lady". Women who fall in the latter category are a huge pain in the @ss and not worth pursuing. They will make your life a living hell if you make the mistake of taking them seriously.

The tranny-like, fake-lipped youtuber in the link posted by the OP is a product of American simp culture. In her native Croatia, she'd be lucky to have 2 followers on Instagram.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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And frankly Eastern European wimmens in the US…
they are no different than Western European or Latinas

try to get an Italian , French or Latina out and let me know how it was

you guys talk from stereotypes , but most of you do not have any relevant experience in the matter in order to have an opinion

or who knows … maybe it is a big community of EE women in North Carolina that do rock climbing or whatever you were saying that you are doing , and you do have a very relevant point and not talking just for the sake of talking

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
You’re a case study for the Dunning Kruger effect.

they are no different than Western European or Latinas

try to get an Italian , French or Latina out and let me know how it was

you guys talk from stereotypes , but most of you do not have any relevant experience in the matter in order to have an opinion


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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You’re a case study for the Dunning Kruger effect.
you are nothing more than a troll , so go back to your redneck place and do whatever men do to goats down there

you have no business talking about women . Maybe about female goats you will have more relevant things to say

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Calling me a goat, hehe how quaint. Goats are cool, amazing animals smarter than dogs and many humans.

Check out the show called Kloe on Netflix, it’s a cool series, you might enjoy it. It’s made in Germany, but translated into several languages.

you are nothing more than a troll , so go back to your redneck place and do whatever men do to goats down there

you have no business talking about women . Maybe about female goats you will have more relevant things to say


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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Calling me a goat, hehe how quaint.
no , it is called zoophilia

you have no idea about women and dating , but for sure you are an expert when it comes to goats or whatever animal is cool down there
Aug 2, 2022
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$10 To bang a hot 19 y/o is nothing. This is a good thing.
I paid her taxi back home with the hope that I would bang her again, but it never happened. I strongly believe that I should stick to the stingy as*hole way. It's never done me wrong.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Provincial much? Wow he pulled out a $5.00 word (zoophilia), you even spelled it correctly. I’m impressed son of farmers (that’s a compliment btw). And hey the software you used to autocorrect and or copy and paste it was probably written here.

Clearly your ancestors missed the Progrom…

What amazing country do you hail from big guy?

no , it is called zoophilia

you have no idea about women and dating , but for sure you are an expert when it comes to goats or whatever animal is cool down there
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Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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Kornelija Slunjski (KokoBeaute on social media) lays in this video why she refuses all coffee dates, all walk in the park dates, and all drinks date.

She is a Croatian who has lived in New York City and now lives in Miami. She won't accept any date other than a dinner date in a restaurant for a first date. She says she won't accept a coffee date because she has a Nespresso machine in her home that makes coffee. If we use her rationale, she also has a microwave, stove, and oven in her home too and those appliances can be used to make food at home. She has no reason to demand a dinner date using the Nespresso machine logic. It's amazing that she doesn't perceive that logical extension.

Anyway, dinner dates in restaurants stink for so many reasons. I can't believe in 2022 that there are still men suggesting them as first dates. That's especially bad when the date is arranged via swipe app or DM on social media, and that's how most dates get arranged now. You're spending a lot of time and money with someone who you know nothing about and have no in-person basis of interacting.

It is fortunate that most women don't follow KokoBeaute's advice and only consider dinner dates as the only acceptable first date.

I think a lot of Kornelija's first dates have been arranged through in-person means.
Rollo tomassi destroyed her in a podcast.

I am not rich enough to waste money on diner date. I learnt dinner date are boring,expensive, increase "free meal type women".

Action date only, meal after if hungry/had fun with her.

My dating approach has been since discoring SoSuave... Action/what I wanna do! (Refering to RangerMike)...

It worked so well after a few year I got married :p


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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The average gdp in North Carolina is 52k dollars

Lithuania has 47k , Estonia 44k and Latvia 38k

and not to mention that the vast majority of the population in this countries is in the capital and around

have no idea what you want to prove , but for sure North Carolina is not better for living than the countries that you mentioned

plus , people usually tend to stay where they are born here , while young people from small places tend to go to the big cities in us . So for sure it is better even for dating these 3 examples you gave
The Baltics are Bachelor paradise compared to ANY USA state. :rolleyes:
Aug 2, 2022
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But the good thing about places like Bangkok is that decent restaurants are fairly cheap.
Not that cheap. $10-20 per person. And who wants to go to SEA to have to simp for getting laid? I think bangkok is one of the simp capitals of Asia. It's all about overpriced rooftop dates, restaurants, and living in a rich neighborhood. Watch the difference of thai women's attitude when you live somewhere cheap. Fortunately in countries like Vietnam it's not the same, or at least there aren't enough foreigners yet to raise the standards.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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Clearly your ancestors missed the Progrom…
That was only in Ukraine if you really want to learn new things

but let’s not change the subject , and stop projecting your farm animal world on me

tomorrow is Friday , you should shave the assh0le of your goat to look nice
Aug 2, 2022
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The bottom line is that when a woman makes a fuss about not being taken out on a "proper date", it's an immediate red flag. Either she's not really into you and just wants you to pay for her night out OR (and this is actually worse) she's an entitled b!tch who feels slighted because you are not treating her like a "lady". Women who fall in the latter category are a huge pain in the @ss and not worth pursuing. They will make your life a living hell if you make the mistake of taking them seriously.

The tranny-like, fake-lipped youtuber in the link posted by the OP is a product of American simp culture. In her native Croatia, she'd be lucky to have 2 followers on Instagram.
Let's not forget that more and more women get hooked on "women red pill" forums and channels. Many websites like FemaleDatingStrategy, youtube and tiktok channels are advising women how to get treated like a queen and to never accept cheap dates, etc.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Serbian? Croat? You’re blustery.

And while yea many of the Progroms were in Crimea they were in other locations too. Anyway…

Я возглавлял многонациональные команды инженеров по всему миру, но в частности в Саратове, Киеве, Кракове, Москве и Будапеште. Но блуждающий, большой человек.

Спокойной ночи

That was only in Ukraine if you really want to learn new things

but let’s not change the subject , and stop projecting your farm animal world on me

tomorrow is Friday , you should shave the assh0le of your goat to look nice
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Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
Serbian? Croat? You’re blustery.

And while yea many of the Progroms were in Crimea they were in other locations too. Anyway…

Я возглавлял многонациональные команды инженеров по всему миру, но в частности в Саратове, Киеве, Кракове, Москве и Будапеште. Но блуждающий, большой человек.

Спокойной ночи
prague , Czech Republic

progrom is a Russian word that was used to describe events that happened in Ukraine . You can not just use it as you want ,in the hope that you will look smart

quite the opposite . The more you talk , the more you look like a low social iq person . But … I am not surprised at all that this is the case

you are the same guy that was saying that simping is ok and other stupid stuff
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Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

Northern California is an entire Universe different than North Carolina. It’s not only 2500 miles apart, but culturally worlds apart, lol.

People are much more physically active in the western US and SW US. Here where I live tons of beautiful people hike on the regular, and in cities like San Diego or Austin the culture is fit and people are generally very active & outdoorsy. In the Carolinas there is not that fitness culture and the BMI of women in NC is substantially higher than CA women. The humidity is less and the weather much better in CA as well. But I digress.

Here’s the thing. Women with high SMV can select for dinner dates. Now. I’ve never used online dating platforms to speak of. (For a week until I saw how many losers & idiots I’d have to sift through to have a decent date…complete and total time sink & waste of time)…so I have always met men IRL and typically when the guy approached me.

For high value women this is good advice. Men know this. Men understand that a 9 with plenty of options is going to require more effort & investment than a NetFlix and chill or a cup of coffee. The two typical type of outings I get invited on (this is over a 30 year period) are drinks at a high end place 30% of the time roughly or dinner (more often than not at a high end place) 70% of the time. And I don’t have to ask, it’s what is offered. But that is the result of my SMV. And I show up in $500+ shoes, a $1000+ dress, a $5000+ handbag and 10K+ in jewelry. That’s before you factor in my car, lol.

And I’m not gold digging at all. I own all that stuff and can afford that lifestyle. I simply expect a man to be in a similar social eschelon as myself, and frankly most men don’t qualify. Which works out well. You see, you are rarely going to meet women like me online. I don’t need to be online. If you are a woman like me, you just need to leave the house. Seriously.

So I go places I prefer and enjoy and I meet men who also can afford to go there. It’s preselection in action. So a first date is about whether there is compatability and common interests. I’m not out with him at all if I don’t find him attractive. Attraction is required.

There are free meal taker women out there, so I get it. But with some women you gotta step up to the plate or miss the boat.

My fiancé? Asked me out for brunch at a nice place for first date, paid for the date. And he’s a very attractive man 8 years younger. He proposed, ring and all. We marry next summer.

What this video and others like it fail to drive home is that what you can expect in the dating landscape has everything to do with SMV. True for either women or men. The highest SMV people have the most choices, and if you want to date high SMV people you have LOTS of competition. Period.


Sep 10, 2014
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You invite women to cook in your kitchen as part of your seduction strategy. You would just counter offer to have dinner at home.
But this doesn't have to do with that...this has to do with a woman who feels entitled to have a free meal on a first date. I haven't ever had that happen...where I suggest drinks or something fun and they say no, it has to be dinner.