Oh you guys are gunna love this...

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Yup, I’m in my 50’s and had kids in my mid thirties, even that took some doing, kids, if you’re going to bring them up right take effort, physical effor. No guy in his right mind that is age appropriate is going to want that. Even if I was nuts about the woman I would t do it.

Nevermind she’s going to be on clomid and a ton of other drugs to be able to gestate = miserable ups and downs. No thanks.

You snoozed, out of the gene pool

Also not gestating a child is linked to the onset of cervical cancer and other maladies for women. She’s a bad choice all around. Shame, she’s a decent looking broad.

Facts. She has this idea that all she has to do is pull her eggs out of the freezer and put them in the oven. She is on the cusp of entering into menopause, the natural phase for a women’s body to shutdown the baby making abilities. This is not a societal timeline, just human biology. Modern society has fooled women into thinking they can do whatever they want and have it all. Mother Nature has a plan and it does not care about ideologies.

Sure, her pictures don’t look bad for her age but come on. Say it takes a few years for the eggs to actually produce a child. She is going to be pushing 70 when the kid leaves high school. In reality she should be a grandmother by that age. This is going to be a harsh reality check for this lady and any guy that thinks this is a good deal. Not to mention a sh!t deal for the kid. What if she died from some reason soon after? 70 years old people. So the kid gets ~10 more years if she makes it to 80? Am I the only one that sees this as selfish? The kid seems like an another “achievement“ for her resume.

This lady has a great career, kudos to that, but postponed being a mother and now is feeling the loss. And in the spirt of delusional, she is gonna want a man that makes 200k or more to join her in this fantasy? Please don’t leave another kid behind in this world. Enjoy your financial earnings and get a cat.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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Same here, I’m in my 50s with teenage kids. It’s a sh!t ton of work. No way would I want to do this at 70. The sooner you start this process the better. Be fair to the kids too. You want to be young enough to enjoy being part of their lives too.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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The sooner you start this process the better. Be fair to the kids too. You want to be young enough to enjoy being part of their lives too.
Too many people postpone kids too far into life. If you haven't had your first kid by your 36th birthday, I think that it is best to move on from the idea of having kids. It's best to have kids when you have energy to keep up with them and they'll be independent before your own planned retirment. To me, 35 is about as late as one can go for that to be realistic.

A man who has kids in his early 40s isn't going to be done raising children until his early 60s.

Is she pleasant to be around or is she a ball buster? someone out there will if she is pleasant to be around and sexy.
She has an advanced degree and a big time career. Likely a ball buster.

She’s attractive, smart and a dermatologist so she knows how to take care of her skin and her health. My guess is she spent her youth in college and medical school and in training rather than partying so she may be lower mileage than you think, particularly if she was married for a time.
Attractive? Yes, for her age.

Smart and a dermatologist? Masculine, alpha/sigma type men don't care about either. Some betas who have had the feminist Kool-Aid might be fine with that. If she was constantly in school and working from 18-39, she might have a lower notch count. Also, if she's obsessed with work, that's not attractive either. I think there was a good chance she was married for a bit and had a childless divorce. Not too many women in her generation make it to nearly age 50 without a marriage to their names. That might change in the 2030s when the 1980s born Millennials start turning 50. Lots of 1980s born Millennials now are turning 40 without a marriage and children to their names.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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Women are extremely vulnerable to deception and we’ve lost entire generations to the Alpha male-invented lie that is Feminism.

The Feminist lie was invented for a range of reasons, but a main one being the female subject Zak being on the c0ck carousel….forever.
The cc is just one aspect of it, it was more to give women power so the genetically unblessed destroy themselves to get a woman by their sides to have semi-consistent sex. That way they are no threat to the powers that be.

Previously, a man could study hard, go to school, get a good job, and get a wife, and women had to be virgins before marriage. Now the feminists have made it about a man's genetics during their sexiest most fertile years, 20-29, and they are encouraged not to be virgins before marriage. And that has killed everything in terms of romantic relationships.

The Alpha Dogs are smart, they brainwash well.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I am fed up with women like the one from the first post. She's a typical, coastal big city out-of-touch, elitist, limousine riding woman who thinks her shiit doesn't stink.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
Reaction score
I am fed up with women like the one from the first post. She's a typical, coastal big city out-of-touch, elitist, limousine riding woman who think her shiit doesn't stink.
What's happening bro is the dating market getting to you.

Its all messed up out there..

People need to understand why. Humanity is going through changes faster than ever in history and from one extreme in the spectrum (patriarchy, nationalism, racism, abrahamic religions, immorality, greed, no respect for nature or animals) to the opposite extreme of real morality (balanced freedom for women, cleanliness, environment, thoughtfullness, love, humility, nature) and so the negativity in women and men is just a part of that.

These big changes affect women more than men who most are just weak all they want is a wife and a job they dont think above that.

Infact we are going through social changes extremely fast and i think both men and women are going to become humble very soon.

But without men fixing the social issues and putting in real work which is much harder than going to the gym, making money and getting laid they shudnt expect women to behave postivily cos we dont live in a positive society and for that we only have men to blame.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2023
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A dermie isnt a millionaire, she probably makes 200-250k if we’ll established. In the Bay Area that’s like upper middle class.
That's an accurate salary range for the national average, according to a quick search. Stanford is located in Palo Alto, where her salary range should be double that. Actually, "upper middle class" and "millionaire" aren't mutually exclusive there (where the median home price is $3 million). Given all that I'd bet she's a millionaire.

Hah ain’t happening, that woman has red flashing lights all over, never mind that in this dating market she’s only looking at guys with a net worth of 10 and over.

and has baby fever
I wonder if having a baby will still be non-negotiable for her at age 60.
Besides "baby fever", what are some "red flashing lights all over" you see?


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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Oh I agree, but I guarantee you she has hundreds of potential takers - it’s just what it is here. I went through the rest of my stack probably 100, didn’t find any I’d think were in the even 7.5> range - plenty of gals with nice yoga bodies but from the shoulders up didnt elicit a reaction from me. Frankly even this gal’s face isn’t that nice. I’m sure I’ll come across a full package (40-555 range) in a day or two, I’ll post here for your entertainment.

I rarely swipe right here, and maybe about 2-3x a month I get a match that I’d consider workable - of those I’ll go on a date. It works fine for me, as I’m having more trouble scheduling time than Heathrow does gate scheduling.

It’s a time game, usually as a plate drops I have an option or two in the wings. Again just life here..adjust or don’t.
Love it man! Great attitude about this.


New Member
May 31, 2023
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I won't keep her as she will have a very big inflated ego. A one night stand with, count me in.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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I am by no means the most empathetic person, but to be realistic we have no idea what her life story is. Could have been filled with lots of tragedies etc.

Alot of women physicians date/marry other physicians. Maybe she did but never found the right person.Thats better than her trying with the wrong person just to meet societal expectations than divorce raping him because she didnt feel it for him…

Not sure what to think about her


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
Reaction score
What's happening bro is the dating market getting to you.

Its all messed up out there..

People need to understand why. Humanity is going through changes faster than ever in history and from one extreme in the spectrum (patriarchy, nationalism, racism, abrahamic religions, immorality, greed, no respect for nature or animals) to the opposite extreme of real morality (balanced freedom for women, cleanliness, environment, thoughtfullness, love, humility, nature) and so the negativity in women and men is just a part of that.

These big changes affect women more than men who most are just weak all they want is a wife and a job they dont think above that.

Infact we are going through social changes extremely fast and i think both men and women are going to become humble very soon.

But without men fixing the social issues and putting in real work which is much harder than going to the gym, making money and getting laid they shudnt expect women to behave postivily cos we dont live in a positive society and for that we only have men to blame.
Agreed our society is going through major changes. Some for the better, many for the worse. Am I reading this correctly that you believe our society is becoming more moral? If so, I am speechless.

Part of the reason that women - especially those you meet on OLD - are becoming so pointless to interact with is their brains are fried by social media. The constant validation being radiated onto them over and over destroys any semblance of reality for them and they all think they are these beautiful, independent goddesses that we men should be in awe not because of any real accomplishment but because they hit the genetic lottery (and this is even if they are in reality about a HB 6).


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
I am by no means the most empathetic person, but to be realistic we have no idea what her life story is. Could have been filled with lots of tragedies etc.

Alot of women physicians date/marry other physicians. Maybe she did but never found the right person.Thats better than her trying with the wrong person just to meet societal expectations than divorce raping him because she didnt feel it for him…

Not sure what to think about her
Well its quite simple actually . She's 55, but she looks good. You can assume she will have a much higher SMV than 95% of men she encounters. I bet she dates men from ages 30- 45.

Her wish to have children can be solved easily. She can adopt a kid and end life being a mother.

This thread proves what I've been saying all along; women now KNOW how to push the wall back. There are formulas how to increase/manintain their looks so they'll look fresh up untill their sixties. And thats the thing we must learn from! How to maintain your smv as long as possible. Anything goes. Surgery, top level fitness, ect.

Women in their 50's are no longer grandmothers that are ready to die. Nah, 50 is the new 30, and that's a great thing gentlemen.

What's happening bro is the dating market getting to you.

Its all messed up out there..

People need to understand why. Humanity is going through changes faster than ever in history and from one extreme in the spectrum (patriarchy, nationalism, racism, abrahamic religions, immorality, greed, no respect for nature or animals) to the opposite extreme of real morality (balanced freedom for women, cleanliness, environment, thoughtfullness, love, humility, nature) and so the negativity in women and men is just a part of that.

These big changes affect women more than men who most are just weak all they want is a wife and a job they dont think above that.

Infact we are going through social changes extremely fast and i think both men and women are going to become humble very soon.

But without men fixing the social issues and putting in real work which is much harder than going to the gym, making money and getting laid they shudnt expect women to behave postivily cos we dont live in a positive society and for that we only have men to blame.
Thats why we're here. To inspire each other to to out there and get it. A member like @SW15 has done plenty of approaches. Perhaps so much he's burned out for now. But imo he was on the right path all along.

A few tweaks here and there and he can reenter the game with tons of experience to back up his game .
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