Jesse Pinkman's approach/field reports thread.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
So I thought that since I am going out and approaching so much, why not post a field report thread. Yeah, it is a little over 3 AM and I am posting this but whatever. Hate to post a new thread every time I go out and do approaches so I will just keep bumping this one (until mods make an official field reports forum). Hopefully you all keep up with my journey and learn what to do (and most of the times, what not to do).


I am not gonna lie, today was a largely wasteful day. So I watched a lot of porn, mostly solos of Nicole Aniston and fapped like 4 times. Buddy told me that the first week after being unemployed you get that lazy feeling and yeah, I definitely had that. So not me at all today. Ordered McDonalds from Uber Eats and wasted the whole day. TBH, the whole week I have been getting insomnia and having instances of waking up at 1 or 2 PM. So unproductive. I have two options which include either staying in the whole night or going out every night like I have been. Since I secured a job that has me starting in November, I say why not.

The previous night, I went out and it hit me that maybe I am too old for nightgame. However, my first set the night before were these two cute blondes and it went poorly, they were disrespectful. Did get a decent vibe going from some Latinas but I just felt like calling it quits. The reason I wanted to go out is because of how terrible the previous night went for me.

So I head out, after having fapped like 4 times and oh yeah, boy was I mostly drained. However, I thought if anything tonight would be momentum for the rest of the week. I get to the spot and this is embarrassing, for the first thirty minutes I did not do anything. I am starting to find that perhaps I am naturally a daygame guy and need to avoid nightgame altogether, who really knows. What kills me is that music being so loud, I can barely hear people. I used to think that it was a nightclub thing but even at most bars, I feel like there is no way I can have a convo. What happened to me? From NYC nightclubs to being frustrated at not being able to talk at bars, maybe I just got too old.

I am a part of a pickup group and put the word out that I will be gaming and crickets. Whatever, there I was, solo and by myself. My mind became my own cornerman, get out of your own head and stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are almost hitting 30 boy and at some point, time is not gonna be on your side anymore. Then as I sat in the corner of the bar by myself, I saw some sets go by and I didn't approach. Yeah, that's it, just sit there like a loser and let the thought of not approaching destroy you.

Then I go to get a drink, I said 3 max for the night, no more. I get it and then turn out to find two Latinas and a black girl behind me. I open with telling them that the tip is included when you get the drink and then one of the Latinas says out "n-gga gonna come at us with that wacka$$ line yo" as she and the two girls laugh. They lean in to ask her what she said and then they look at me funny. Well I am not black so not sure why they'd call me that lol. I had a laugh over it and walk away.

It didn't hurt me at all but then I see these two girls dressed well and approach. I tell them that they are overdressed for the bar and ask them where the afterparty is, they roll their eyes at me and walk away. 2 opens and boom, rejected. So I stand around sulking at the spot, not doing an approach for another 30 minutes until one of the wings from my group comes out, he is this tall muscular black dude. We make small talk and he tells me that the bar is wack and there are no approachable sets. Instead, we go to another bar in the area.

The bar is packed but really ratchet. I tell my wing if I see a set I will approach and he is free to join. I see these two girls standing around, one is a blonde with huge ear rings and the other is a brunette in a pink dress. As I approach them, I tell them "you two are easily the least American looking girls in the whole bar", they nod and laugh. Brunette puts her hand over my shoulder and says "alright, so guess where we are from then". She had a British accent so I guessed the UK. Brunette and I banter for a few seconds and then she points to her blonde friend telling me to guess where she is from.

I say Lithuania for some reason and blonde pushes me back. Blonde was probably like 6'2 (brunette was 5'9) and I am 5'11 and barely weight 180. I almost fell back but caught my balance.

"We got ourselves a rugby player here huh!" I said to the brunette who laughed as blonde smiled and gave me that "oh you" look. I say to the blonde that she must be Swedish and she says I am in the right region. She is actually Finnish and I tell her that isn't even Scandinavian which has her laughing. Blonde says "you seem to know about life outside of America" at which point I tell her about my travel experience. However, I clearly have a better vibe going with the brunette.

We banter a bit and I notice that these girls are very conversational with me. My wing comes in and opens the blonde who is way more receptive towards him. We have a great conversation going and the brunette asks me for my Instagram, telling me she is here until Monday. They are giving me the whole plan of theirs for the whole week. I give her my IG and immediately, she follows me back.

As we chat, I get red pilled about gender dynamics as they said. Brunette tells me how they are going to LIV on Thursday and Friday because as soon as they touched down in Miami, some promoter had hit em up to get them in for free. LIV is Miami's top nightclub for the mainstream and you gotta pay to get in. I ask the brunette how her and the blonde know each other and she is telling me all about how they worked in nightlife in Australia in their early 20s and became good friends but now live in London.

I end up chatting with the brunette a good bit but then realize how loud it is and I am not a naturally loud guy myself. Brunette asks me to repeat what I am saying a couple of times so I put my head on her shoulder and face really close to hers. We chat and then she grabs my shoulder and squeezes it, gives me that look that yells she is interested. I ask her where she is staying, she tells me at a hotel in South Beach with her friend. Then like a few seconds later, out of nowhere, blonde grabs the brunette's hand and they walk away. Brunette doesn't want to go but the blonde seems really pissed.

Brunette stops to ask the blonde what is wrong and blonde has that intense look of anger on her face, she is saying something to my wing while pointing her finger at him. Both me and the brunette are looking confused as the wing shakes his head. Blonde grabs her friend and brunette looks back at me and I nod. I am overwhelmed by the moment on a night I didn't even want to be out.

I confront my wing but have to be gentle because this dude could kill me if he wanted. I ask him what happened and he said that the blonde was just being rude and took things way too seriously. Okay right, yeah a girl gets pissed to where she wants to drag her friend away, what happened bro. Wing then tells me that he tried to pull her closer and she got pissed. Well that makes more sense.

Dude come on. Well, the rest of the spot was really ratchet and trashy. My talks with the brunette went well but in my experience, in nightgame, if you do not pull then and there then nothing is happening. Oh well, live another day. Time for me to get some sleep and see if I can squeeze out a nice daygame session tomorrow.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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So I watched a lot of porn, mostly solos of Nicole Aniston and fapped like 4 times.

So I head out, after having fapped like 4 times and oh yeah, boy was I mostly drained
I like how candid you are being with this. Fapping is bad for going and trying to get laid. Most men aren't going to be motivated enough to go out and do the approaches well. The energy isn't right for approaching.

The most important thing you can do now is not masturbate for at least 1-2 weeks. You'll start to feel better after that.

The previous night, I went out and it hit me that maybe I am too old for nightgame. However, my first set the night before were these two cute blondes and it went poorly, they were disrespectful. Did get a decent vibe going from some Latinas but I just felt like calling it quits. The reason I wanted to go out is because of how terrible the previous night went for me.

However, I thought if anything tonight would be momentum for the rest of the week. I get to the spot and this is embarrassing, for the first thirty minutes I did not do anything. I am starting to find that perhaps I am naturally a daygame guy and need to avoid nightgame altogether, who really knows. What kills me is that music being so loud, I can barely hear people. I used to think that it was a nightclub thing but even at most bars, I feel like there is no way I can have a convo. What happened to me? From NYC nightclubs to being frustrated at not being able to talk at bars, maybe I just got too old.

I am a part of a pickup group and put the word out that I will be gaming and crickets. Whatever, there I was, solo and by myself. My mind became my own cornerman, get out of your own head and stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are almost hitting 30 boy and at some point, time is not gonna be on your side anymore. Then as I sat in the corner of the bar by myself, I saw some sets go by and I didn't approach. Yeah, that's it, just sit there like a loser and let the thought of not approaching destroy you.
Because you had masturbated earlier in the day, you didn't have the right energy going in the nightclub. However, some of your thoughts were valid, even the ones from 8/23, a day that you likely didn't masturbate 4 times.

If you do approaching at bars/clubs, it is best to select venues that are quieter. That gives you the best chances for success. In loud venues, it all depends on your looks and big time masculine energy. Some have even called that caveman game.

Buddy told me that the first week after being unemployed you get that lazy feeling and yeah, I definitely had that. So not me at all today. Ordered McDonalds from Uber Eats and wasted the whole day. TBH, the whole week I have been getting insomnia and having instances of waking up at 1 or 2 PM. So unproductive. I have two options which include either staying in the whole night or going out every night like I have been. Since I secured a job that has me starting in November, I say why not.
Food from restaurants like McDonald's compounds the problem. There are a lot of processed ingredients and soy-based products in food like that. Avoiding processed ingredients, any ingredients from some product with a soy basis, and not masturbating are important parts of projecting the correct image in approaching. You'll have the right energy to approach and close.

That's great that you already got another job and can take 2 months off prior to starting. You can chill out in Miami and do approaches for 2 months.
Mar 9, 2021
Reaction score
I am not gonna lie, today was a largely wasteful day. So I watched a lot of porn, mostly solos of Nicole Aniston and fapped like 4 times. Buddy told me that the first week after being unemployed you get that lazy feeling and yeah, I definitely had that. So not me at all today. Ordered McDonalds from Uber Eats and wasted the whole day. TBH, the whole week I have been getting insomnia and having instances of waking up at 1 or 2 PM. So unproductive. I have two options which include either staying in the whole night or going out every night like I have been. Since I secured a job that has me starting in November, I say why not.
Funny, I haven't watched porn in over a week because of one of your previous topics about breaking NoFap haha. Also, why did you Uber Eats Mcdonalds lol?

I confront my wing but have to be gentle because this dude could kill me if he wanted. I ask him what happened and he said that the blonde was just being rude and took things way too seriously. Okay right, yeah a girl gets pissed to where she wants to drag her friend away, what happened bro. Wing then tells me that he tried to pull her closer and she got pissed. Well that makes more sense.
**** like that just happens lol. One time me and my friend were out in Nashville on the not Broadway side of bars and we met two hot girls. They said they were studying to become masseuses or something and offered to give us a shoulder massage while sitting out on the patio, so we were like okay. We progress to the bar and we start making out and my girl's boyfriend pops up and starts freaking out lmao. He didn't say anything to me lol, but he pulls her away and that was the last time I saw her haha.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Appreciated the advice guys and you two are definitely amongst my favorite members too. @SW15 DM'd me saying that I should try to game girls that look like Nicole Aniston but bro, even in South Florida, not that easy to find a prime Nicole Aniston lol. However, I managed to get up early enough today and get through a couple of interviews. I know I have a job offer but if something better comes along in the meantime then why not with companies rescinding offers left and right today.

Felt exhausted today since I was getting by on little to no sleep. As much as I kind of wanted to, I really stayed in for the most of today to catch up on chores and didn't manage to get much done in terms of game. I wish I could go out but I have an 8 AM interview tomorrow for a job that will pay me well into the six figures if it goes right. Did a lot of journaling today on my game approach too and am going to look to fix some gaps. Already some new things I will look to improve.

1. Approaching more readily in nightlife instead of standing around.
2. Not caring as much about what people around me think.
3. Not leaving a set.

As for the girl from last night, just noticed today she removed me from IG. Well, no more excuses. Just have to roll my shoulders up and go out again.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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@SW15 DM'd me saying that I should try to game girls that look like Nicole Aniston but bro, even in South Florida, not that easy to find a prime Nicole Aniston lol.
I figured that if you are going to fap to Nicole Aniston, you might as well bang a Nicole Aniston look alike in real life.

Get some sleep and no fap for a bit. Also McDonald's or any sort of processed food for a bit.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Nicole Anniston looks like a straight skank. How about someone like this?

Smart, cool, chic, mysterious...what's not to like?

And as a kicker, she won't be deleting your from IG.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
8/26/22: Daygame.

Alright bros. So got up early today for an interview with Google and needless to say, it went really well. Got a next step for Wednesday of next week. However, I felt kind of drowsy so I am surprised I did as well as I did. Feel like a real life Jesse Pinkman sometime lol. Had a couple more interviews. As I said, I already got a job lined up but companies are rescinding offers left and right so I am going to keep my options open.

Around 3 or so, I head over to South Beach to do some daygame with my usual wing and we start out slow. I have not eaten anything all day except for a couple of table spoons of peanut butter so I am worn out. However, I make it and meet up with my wing and we look around for some sets to approach. I see this one blonde and open her based on a Contiki shirt she is wearing.

Me: Contiki, I took one of your tours
Her: No sorry I am busy (in an Eastern European accent)

Okay, b1tch. Whatever. It reminds me of how stuck up and arrogant the EE and Russian women in Miami are but life goes on. I then walk around with my wing and see an opportunity for a second approach. It is a blonde in pigtails. I open as usual with the Austen Summers method (Attention, context, tells her she looks good, etc.) and get a "sorry not interested".

It is time to mention that the weather, according to my app, felt like 100 degrees due to the humidity hence the women being rude. I then go into a coffee shop with my wing who needs a cooler and we run into an OG from our game group. Dude is a Colombian guy who has been living in Hungary with his girlfriend and he seemed really out of it. Not the legend my wing made him out to be. We then head out and I see these two blondes, one with a nice hat, and I approach. Needless to say I get a poor uninterested response. Meanwhile, wing is doing nothing even though he is usually more active.

I then see this one hot blonde in a pontyail, I am talking hot hot. I then approach her and she is very warm to me. Tell her I was going to the beach but had to stop to tell her she looks good today. She has to take a phone call midway but I stick around, she tells me so how I am doing. I make small chat, ask for a coffee date and get rejected. Meanwhile, wing and the group legend have not done one approach.

Then, one other guy from our game group shows up and this dude is bold but he has low standards. Immediately, he opens a two set with the group legend and it doesn't go well. I see two blondes across the street and tell him I am going to open, he helps me open but it is not going well. Dude sees another two set in thongs and opens. Like he jogs up to them and opens lol. I engage with the blonde who is fat and he gets the skinny brunette. I keep the blonde happy for a but she is not really my type while brunette is digging my wing.

Both women had a very trailer trash look to be honest but the blonde grabs my shoulder and tells me I have beautiful eyes. Wing then tells my usual wing to come over and talk to the blonde. Like WTF was that even? I had no clue but I decide it is getting late, I have nightgame to do, and so I bail. Could I have scored? Maybe, but the chick was not really that hot.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
8/26/22 - Left For Dead.

After a daygame session, I get ready to go out at night to the usual bar to be in the city but get there early, like 10 PM early. Thankfully the bar is outdoorsy so I can actually hear. The goal was for my wings in my game group to get there too, including one who said he would be there soon but he never got back to me.

Immediately, I hook a set where the girls look Brazilian but end up being Italian and Arab. We have a longass convo, they are cool as heck. However, as I have gotten older, I realize that it is important to be observant of your own vibe. Me and the Italian girl hit it off so well while the Arab girl is sort of back there. The two met through Bumble BFF and they seem like cool girls. Then they finish their drinks after 20 min or so of us talking, we exchange Instas, and they walk around. They have to go to the loud area of the bar, soft rejection but whatever.

I knew the set was going downhill when they started to comment on other guys. It was me solo, no wing to come save me or anything. I am proud I held in there.

I saw them talking to other dudes later on in the night, not sure if other dudes pulled. Either ways, I was not upset. I feel like I didn't sexualize the convo enough and need to work on doing that more in nightlife. I am not a natural nightgamer anymore so there's that. However, I know I could have done a lot better in that set because the girls were cool.

After them, I approach another set and these girls had known each other since kindergarten. It was decent but they were not interested.

After them, I approach two blondes who were clearly drunk. Tall blonde was into me but her short friend was being a huge ****block and even pulled her away. I am doing all of this solo, with wings backing out on me.

So now I meet another wing from the group who tells me to meet his friend. We get a drink and then walk around. However, I point out a 4-set and these dudes bail to the point that they do not even want to approach. Yup, all there left for dead by myself.

I then approach a 4-set, yeah, a 4-set, and I go for a girl taller than me in heels. I am a 5'11 guy and this chick is a 6'2 Norwegian chick. We have a good vibe going and all but then when I ask for her number and all, she has a boyfriend.

I see another set where the girl has a Leopard handbag, asked her how she killed that thing, and she finds it funny but it is a freaking 7-set lol.

After that, I run into the wing from earlier in the day who had approached the girls in thongs. Anyways, he is of little help and tells me to approach this brunette in a ponytail so I do. I approach her and all by walking behind her but cannot get ahead of her. I tell her "you are such a good defender" and she finds it funny. We have a great chat for a bit but she genuinely has to be with her friends. She then gives me her IG.

So overall, an awful night but I did get out there.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Wings are largely worthless and a lesson learned.

I am not a night gamer but I have learned that even from the game group, and yeah game group here, that I am a part of how worthless wings are 9/10 times. Only one wing has really come through for me and it has been in day game. In night game, I have usually had unreliable wings who:

1. Do not approach or open.
2. Leave sets early when I am holding my own in there.
3. Are just there to stare around and look around.

I mean this is a game group. I did feel confident though because I am thinking that heck, I was imperfect tonight and still had some decent sets. I know what I need to work on (sexualizing convos in night game, day game has given me massive results) and I can do that. TBH, old me would have been bitter and angry but new me is like whatever. I get this weird feeling that I do not need any of these bums who have no idea of what they are doing and are all bark no bite.

I have one good wing for day game who is reliable and that is all I can rely on. Outside of him, screw everyone else and I'll be great. I feel like by the end of this, I can be that guy who can do this solo and do it with results.

No excuses, I realized I am very imperfect with night game but I can do it on my own here. I've done it own my own before (albeit drunk and 20 lbs lighter) and I can do it now. Tonight did not produce good results but it was a blessing.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Around 3 or so, I head over to South Beach to do some daygame with my usual wing and we start out slow. I have not eaten anything all day except for a couple of table spoons of peanut butter so I am worn out. However, I make it and meet up with my wing and we look around for some sets to approach. I see this one blonde and open her based on a Contiki shirt she is wearing.

Me: Contiki, I took one of your tours
Her: No sorry I am busy (in an Eastern European accent)

Okay, b1tch. Whatever. It reminds me of how stuck up and arrogant the EE and Russian women in Miami are but life goes on.
I can relate to this. One of the more drastic instances of this occurred on a walking path where I made a comment about the tourist destination (a mountain town in the Rockies) on a woman's t-shirt and tried to make conversation around that. She started walking faster when I did that and acted like I was a homeless man asking her for money. That was socially inept. She wasn't the only one to do that. The incident I just described didn't even happen on a hot day, it was about 75 degrees at the moment that happened.

"Okay, biatch!" is the only way to react.

the weather, according to my app, felt like 100 degrees due to the humidity hence the women being rude.
There is a legitimate relational between hot weather and antisocial, rude behavior. Numerous studies have confirmed this over decades. This is why there are environments like Miami, Dallas, and Phoenix with attractive women wearing little clothing and giving men big time attitude problems.

one other guy from our game group shows up and this dude is bold but he has low standards. Dude sees another two set in thongs and opens. Like he jogs up to them and opens lol. I engage with the blonde who is fat and he gets the skinny brunette. I keep the blonde happy for a but she is not really my type while brunette is digging my wing.

Both women had a very trailer trash look to be honest but the blonde grabs my shoulder and tells me I have beautiful eyes. Wing then tells my usual wing to come over and talk to the blonde. Like WTF was that even? I had no clue but I decide it is getting late, I have nightgame to do, and so I bail. Could I have scored? Maybe, but the chick was not really that hot.
One of the best ideas to live by in pickup is to keep a certain standard of attractive in women that you pursue for sex.

bar is outdoorsy so I can actually hear.
This is so important. I learned early in my bar visiting career that loud venues are only good for what's commonly called "caveman game". You must have good looks and be sexually aggressive. If she is into your looks in a nightclub, she'll go with it. You must move your body well on hers. If you can do this, you can get sex from the interaction.

I hook a set where the girls.... we exchange Instas
Exchanging Instas is worthless in the vast majority of cases. The woman has to agree to a date or to go back to your place for the same night lay. If she agrees to a date, then you get her phone number.

One of the big ways that game at bars/nightclubs changed from the mid-2000s until 2015-present is the ability to get dates from bar/club interactions. In the mid-2000s, you didn't have to push as hard for the same night lay in a bar/nightclub interaction. If you got her number and made a good impression in some fashion, the flake was not that likely. Sure, there were still some flaky women in that era but flaking had yet to reach epidemic levels.

Getting phone numbers at bars/nightclubs now is essentially worthless due to the flake rates. You must push more for the same night lay. You can accept a phone number now if you absolutely can't get the same night lay but realize that you'll have a much higher chance of the flake than you would have in a similar nightlife scenario in 2005.

I see another set where the girl has a Leopard handbag, asked her how she killed that thing, and she finds it funny but it is a freaking 7-set
7 sets are not serious about meeting men. When you get 5+ sets, there are often a lot of Girls' Night Out sets, birthday party sets, or bachelorette party sets. These sets are more into staying to themselves or possibly attention whorring. Neither of those social goals align with your social goals. It's difficult to do isolation and hold interest long enough either to make progress in getting the same night lay or holding interest long enough to make solid date plans and get her number in the hope she won't flake.

The best sets to approach are 2-3. Those sets are most serious about meeting men. Women won't roll solo to nightlife venues.

Wings are largely worthless and a lesson learned.
I've never had a good wing. I have had male friends. The skill set needed for being a decent male friend and the skill set needed for being a good wing aren't the same skill set.

I remember a night when I went out to one of Dallas' most trendy bars at that point in time. I was going out with a male friend who had recently become engaged to his girlfriend, who at the time was in the cute range but already showing signs of decline in her late 20s from her early 20s looks peak.

I recall one 3 set we approached. I was talking to some woman, likely the one that was best looking/most interesting, and I was noticing my friend wasn't handling the other 2 women all that well. He was being boring AF. He's a decent guy overall and we've had a long friendship. In night game, you've got to show yourself as an entertaining guy. The article below explains it well.

When I go to bars and even in daygame, I present myself as a big personality guy to go along with my decent looks. Women don't have a long attention span and they need to feel excitement fast and constantly. My friend that night wasn't doing that.

You can roll solo to bar/nightclub venues and do approaches. I've done that many times. No woman has ever questioned me for doing that. 2 sets are best for when you roll solo, but if your game is tight, you might be able to handle a 3 set. I prefer daygame when rolling solo because a lot of time you can get the woman already isolated. 1-on-1 approaching is the best. Since the early 2010s, I've done way more non-bar approaching than nightlife venue approaching.

I don't know why you do daygame with wings either. Non-bar approaching is perfectly suited to guys who roll solo.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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@SW15 Appreciate the advice and feedback bro. However, I'll add that I am starting to learn that it is solo that is the way to go. With daygame it can be tough since you need a wing to push you but with nightgame, it can be done once you get out of your own shell. I was on day 3 of nofap today but busted a nut in bed just fantasizing about an old sexual success. Gah, starting back from zero bro.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I'll add that I am starting to learn that it is solo that is the way to go.
For most of the past 23 years, when I have needed to game, I have been gaming solo. It doesn't matter whether it has been non-bar approaching, bar approaching, or showing up to random off campus apartment complex parties during undergrad.

I was never reliant upon social circle because I never had a good social circle. I had many relocations prior to graduating high school and few relocations in early adulthood before settling into my current city, where I've now been for 10+ years. Relocations are not good for social circle development. I've had constancy in my current city and have friends here. My friends here now are all married or living with a girlfriend. The newest LTR among my friends is an 8 year old relationship. How has that helped me in the last 5 years?

With daygame it can be tough since you need a wing to push you but with nightgame, it can be done once you get out of your own shell.
I haven't had that experience. For me, it has been the complete opposite. I find it easier to do non-bar approaches while solo because you can find women alone during daylight hours at non-bar venues. At nightlife venue, every woman has at least one other person with her.

I had never heard about non-bar stranger approaching until I was 22 and had recently graduated college, I had heard about guys going to yoga classes for ratios and getting dates. I knew almost nothing about approaching women in grocery stores. It would be another 5-6 years from that point before I started taking daygame seriously in my late 20s and became a mostly non-bar approaching guy.

I can relate to the idea that it can be difficult to get started approaching during the day. Most men lack the courage to randomly start conversations with strangers in parks, on paths, in grocery stores, and in malls.. It is more comfortable to stay within yourself.

Nobody ever wanted to go to non-bar approaches with me so my only choice was to do them alone.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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This is the absurd pontificating that happens when you fail to naturally meet women during your student days, or early in your career in the city you've established yourself in.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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This is the absurd pontificating that happens when you fail to naturally meet women during your student days, or early in your career in the city you've established yourself in.
There is nothing absurd about any of this and I did meet women in my college days. However, you are adding zero value to this thread so kindly take your bitterness elsewhere.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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This is the absurd pontificating that happens when you fail to naturally meet women during your student days, or early in your career in the city you've established yourself in.
There is nothing absurd about any of this and I did meet women in my college days. However, you are adding zero value to this thread so kindly take your bitterness elsewhere.
@Jesse Pinkman graduated college multiple years ago. Even if most men graduate college with a steady girlfriend, that college relationship typically ends within 2-5 years after graduation. Bringing up anyone's student days is irrelevant after a man has been out of school for 3-5 years.

People also move cities a lot too. Let's say a man graduates college at 22. A man may live in 3-4 cities in between 22 and 35. At a certain point, it's not easy to establish in a city even a man slows his pace of relocations, such as I did in my late 20s.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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8/27/22 - An amazing date.

Due to the events of the previous night, I ended up sleeping in a ton on Saturday. I did however have a date planned for later in the afternoon and it was from Bumble. Before that, I was largely just in my bed watching TV because I was spent from that night of drinking. Unfortunately @SW15 I thought of that one time I had this skinny blonde riding me in her tiny NYC apartment and that just gave me a raging erection, bye bye no fap. Still, show up to the date and she is taking a while to get there but she finally does.

She had on those white shorts with a dark blue shirt that went so well for her. Somehow she was able to tan real easy in the sun because her pics on Bumble show her as pale as a ghost. She had brunette hair with those bright blue eyes and pale skin that has freckles. We sit down for coffee and I comment on her blue color saying that it says a lot about a woman who is wearing blue, the fact that she is a bit cautious and careful about things.

Then she asks me then what does red say, I tell her that red means she is the type to go head first into things and worry about consequences later. She tells me how red describes her better and I start to get the subtext a bit from sexualizing this conversation. Overall, a really cool girl. Not any of the woke types despite being a young brunette from Maryland of all places. Tells me how Baltimore never really recovered from the riots during the pandemic and how common it was for people to get mugged in it.

I tell her about a fancy new place that opened that is all outdoors and we should check it out. She is all for it and we finish and then talk the long walk over. I put my arm around her with little resistance and she puts hers around mines. The place is near a Marina with scenic views and I stop when we are like almost there to show her that view. I then go for the kiss close and she is down for it. It was a heck of a kiss.

Then I bring up the dog in her pics and she tells me about her dog. I then use that as an excuse and tell her "well, okay, too much hype I need to meet your best friend now". She laughs and says "my best friend is not a first date type of girl". I laugh a bit and then walk with her more. We go to the restaurant but there is a long wait time so I say screw it. Only place open is the bar and a Saturday night bar in Miami? No way I am dealing with a horny dude trying to come at my date that is already going well.

I then walk her home and it is a good convo as we are walking. I ask her for her schedule in the coming week and she gives it to me, tells me about what she will be doing and when she is free. Soon after that, we agree that we will meet again at a bar. As she is in her area, I kiss close her again. She tells me it was enjoyable.

TBH, I am shocked it went so well for me since I once again rubbed one out earlier in the day.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
8/27/22 - An amazing date.

I am shocked it went so well for me since I once again rubbed one out earlier in the day.
That is impressive. You might have gotten away from one.

I thought of that one time I had this skinny blonde riding me in her tiny NYC apartment and that just gave me a raging erection, bye bye no fap. Still, show up to the date and she is taking a while to get there but she finally does.
The honesty is great there. That skinny blonde in NYC must have had an amazing vagina. I'm sure that was a great life experience.

I tell her about a fancy new place that opened that is all outdoors and we should check it out. She is all for it and we finish and then talk the long walk over. I put my arm around her with little resistance and she puts hers around mines. The place is near a Marina with scenic views and I stop when we are like almost there to show her that view. I then go for the kiss close and she is down for it. It was a heck of a kiss.

I then walk her home and it is a good convo as we are walking. I ask her for her schedule in the coming week and she gives it to me, tells me about what she will be doing and when she is free. Soon after that, we agree that we will meet again at a bar. As she is in her area, I kiss close her again. She tells me it was enjoyable.
You might have been able to have had first date sex if not for the fap earlier in the day. That is a big maybe and it's best to go forward and not think about the past. The big test right now is if she'll show up for a 2nd date. It can be challenging to get women, especially women you meet from swipe apps, to show up for a 2nd date.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
You might have been able to have had first date sex if not for the fap earlier in the day. That is a big maybe and it's best to go forward and not think about the past. The big test right now is if she'll show up for a 2nd date. It can be challenging to get women, especially women you meet from swipe apps, to show up for a 2nd date.
I have done it a few times before and had it lead to sex so it can happen. Fingers crossed for this one. Something about pale brunettes with blue eyes that just gets me going. They have that innocent feel to em compared to a flashy blonde.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I have done it a few times before and had it lead to sex so it can happen. Fingers crossed for this one. Something about pale brunettes with blue eyes that just gets me going. They have that innocent feel to em compared to a flashy blonde.
I can imagine how a pale brunette look with blue eyes can be a turn on. I've had sex with many flashy blondes and brunettes.