This is somewhat true.
When I was super new to this PUA stuff and more naive (believing people could actually 'seduce' anyone they wanted as opposed to simply banging girls who were already attracted), i'd overthink my rejections so much.
I'd spend hours searching PUA forums for topics on 'plowing' and 'hook material' and all this stuff after a night out of literally being Ignored! (UK girls are super happy to just not say a freaking word and look at you like you are on fire and just walk away if you open one who isn't into you at night lol)
Along the way, I got some absolutely awful advice (mainly 'experts' on seddit). Stupid advice like 'she didn't speak back because you made a comment on her outfit after you opened. Too boring. You need to ask her what she would do if she won the lottery or something exciting like that after you open! Also your approach angle was probably a few degrees wrong and that could also be why you weren't able to keep a convo going' lol
The truth is that conversation is a 2 player game. If you open someone and they are not attracted or interested in you (or even talking to you at all) for whatever reason, then all of the techniques and 'game' in the world as just delaying the rejection. Also, you'll likely be talking too a brick wall! Literally. You'll come out of the interaction blaming yourself, feeling like a you lack conversation skills etc, when in reality, you never stood a chance. SHE made it awkward (essentially on purpose, most of the time. They learn how to put an end to unwanted attention)
It's probably why I felt like a social God in comparison when I gamed in the US. The cultural difference in how 'polite' and talkative US are basically trained to be in comparison was very welcome
But it wasn't until i'd laid a decent number of girls from cold approach where I was finally able to look back and think 'you know what? Them instances where I 'ran out of convo' and it was awkward and she wasn't talking back etc, were nothing to do with me and nothing I could have done. You can't seduce someone who doesn't want to be seduced by you, and you often can't even talk to someone who doesn't want to talk!' lol