Ok so i have been daygaming a bit for about 5 years, my daygaming is more opportunistic rather than full on meaning i talk to girls i find attractive when and where i see them, anyway out of about 30-35 approaches i only have 2 numbers which i think is less than half of the normal rate for a young daygamer between 18-35 anyway of my approaches the majority are on girls who are very attractive i.e 8s and 9s and maybe even 1 or 2 10s, half of the girls were with friends or in groups when i approached them, maybe 20% of the approaches were blowouts with the the rest being maybe generally disinterested but a few maybe 6 or 7 warmer sets. The numbers i got were from an 8 and a 9 respectively so i feel i can attract hotter girls but it is just a matter of time tbh. The vast majority of the daygame has taken place in and around London and a bit in Spain, France and Portugal where language was a challenge but that was only about 4 sets.