
New Member
Jul 18, 2022
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Hello all. I'm new here on the SoSuave forum. Just thought I'd join this forum instead of reddit or similar forums so I can get authentic discussion on intersexual dynamics. I have a few field reports I'll post every now and then so I can get some outside perspective on the experiences I have with women in general. Mind you, it's not like I'm trying to get with them or anything, it's just that I'm trying to understand why they acted in a certain way when I said something. Even in casual conversation, I'd like to understand women more.


Sep 10, 2014
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Hello all. I'm new here on the SoSuave forum. Just thought I'd join this forum instead of reddit or similar forums so I can get authentic discussion on intersexual dynamics. I have a few field reports I'll post every now and then so I can get some outside perspective on the experiences I have with women in general. Mind you, it's not like I'm trying to get with them or anything, it's just that I'm trying to understand why they acted in a certain way when I said something. Even in casual conversation, I'd like to understand women more.
Welcome to the forums. Feel free to ask away. Lots of differing opinions on various topics, but usually you'll start seeing similar points of view from posters enough to where you might be able to glean some knowledge.

That being said, women are some strange creatures and it's simply our best guess and not definitive facts. Much of the way that act are based on how they feel around you in the moment


New Member
Jul 18, 2022
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Welcome to the forums. Feel free to ask away. Lots of differing opinions on various topics, but usually you'll start seeing similar points of view from posters enough to where you might be able to glean some knowledge.

That being said, women are some strange creatures and it's simply our best guess and not definitive facts. Much of the way that act are based on how they feel around you in the moment
Yeah, I know they operate based on how they feel. When I talk to women and introduce myself to them, I seem like a smart guy to them. It's true, though. However, I am a sociable guy too. I'm naturally quiet and don't say much so I try to play to that strength. I actually want to give and example of how talking to women at my workplace goes.

So I was talking to this new girl and I introduced myself to her one day and shook her hand and everything. The next day I tried to guess where she was from based on her accent. Kinda missed the mark there actually but worth a shot. The next time I talked to her, she discreetly mentioned her boyfriend during the conversation. I didn't react to it but we continued talking. In this instance, I was wondering why she felt the need to mention it. Was I indicating sexual interest in her? Because the way I see it, I'm trying to look past a girl's looks and treat her like any other girl I'm not attracted to. I'm trying to unlearn acting noticeably different around a girl I find attractive. What does everyone else make of this?


May 23, 2013
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If she dropped the I have a bf line, she likely thought you were starting to come on to her or give her too much attention.
Your spending time thinking about where she was from and then guessing probably indicated that to her.
The ‘you have an interesting accent, where are you from’ line would have been more appropriate.


Sep 10, 2014
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Unless a girl makes a move on you at work, I wouldn't advise it if you are in the US. Sexual Harassment is not something you want on your permanent record.


New Member
Jul 18, 2022
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If she dropped the I have a bf line, she likely thought you were starting to come on to her or give her too much attention.
Your spending time thinking about where she was from and then guessing probably indicated that to her.
The ‘you have an interesting accent, where are you from’ line would have been more appropriate.
Yeah I agree with you there. I telegraphed that too much by taking a wild guess at it. Would've been better to let her talk about it herself and start a convo from there. By the way, I didn't really talk to her much after that given that she picked up on some level of interest, but I'm just experimenting anyway.

There was actually another girl who was new that I spoke to before the one I was just talking about. When I first introduced myself to her we talked about college and everything. I ended up going on a whole schpeel about computer science to her but then something came up and I had to get back to work. The second time around I decided to start a conversation again and then within the first minute or so, she immediately pulled the boyfriend card saying "my boyfriend likes doing that" or something along those lines. I find it annoying how she did this despite me not having sexual interest in her. As far as I'm concerned, I just wanted to talk. I took it as her being loyal or reserved since she is always in a corner away from other people while working. Thoughts?


May 23, 2013
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When I first introduced myself to her we talked about college and everything. I ended up going on a whole schpeel about computer science
Too much attention. Workplace introductions are usually only that. After working together awhile it gets more casual and informal, work demand permitting.
Sounds like you’re immediately coming across as the hot and horny getting to know you approach, Or these women want to focus on their work.…


New Member
Jul 18, 2022
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Too much attention. Workplace introductions are usually only that. After working together awhile it gets more casual and informal, work demand permitting.
Sounds like you’re immediately coming across as the hot and horny getting to know you approach, Or these women want to focus on their work.…
Right. Figured as much. When I get in situations like these where I already came across as too interested, I go cold on them knowing that it’s not worth the effort. Trying not to be autistic about it though. I still say hi every now and then to them.