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article: How Tinder “Feedback Loop” Forces Men and Women into Extreme Strategies


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Birth control actually makes women even less horny. It’s hormonal -women on birth control have no "horny cycles" because the pill tricks her body into thinking she's pregnant. Condoms make women less horny because they feel like crap.

Just because women can have sex all day every day, doesn’t mean they want to. Sex is inherently an emotional/fantasy-based experience for women, not a strictly pornographic one. Check out popular female erotica for inspiration (50 shades, Secret Garden). Porno and sex are only a small part of the entire erotic experience for women.

No, this isn’t right. Women don’t even need to masturbate or get that sexual “release” on anywhere near the same level as men. If we didn’t wank or get laid for a week we’d start to go a bit crazy. Not so for women.

Women, typically, can go years without sex if she doesn’t meet a guy who turns her on. She might just flick her own bean sometimes if she gets bored. Men aren’t able to wait out sex with nearly the amount of self-mastery. That’s the power that women eternally have over horny dudes. It’s funny to them. Horny dudes are like dancing monkeys on a chain.

Women lose this power if she meets a guy who she likes, and that guy doesn’t act thirsty towards her. Then she starts to feel attraction and horniness for him. But if he then starts to act horny towards her then gradually that will erode her attraction for him - she’ll view him as a sex-mad Simp.
You missed my point yet again. Im talking about the guilt felt after the act. Im comparing the guilt that men feel after masturbation with how women feel after a one night stand. Fun in the moment but slight regret later.

Secondly lets just agree to disagree on the women having sex for pleasure. Women can and do have sex purely for pleasure. They dont do it as much as men but it happens. Many women actually go in already categorizing certain men as " just for fun". They then attempt to compartmentalize their emotions going in. Again they have phases called " hoe phase" or " hot girl summer". In these phases they are relatively reckless sexually. This means they smash a few very good looking men.

This is especially true the older they get. Older women are more accepting of their sexuality because they no longer care about social shame.

You have a naive veiw of female sexuality because you never had a woman use you for purely pleasure reasons. Its ok.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Birth control actually makes women even less horny. It’s hormonal -women on birth control have no "horny cycles" because the pill tricks her body into thinking she's pregnant. Condoms make women less horny because they feel like crap.

Just because women can have sex all day every day, doesn’t mean they want to. Sex is inherently an emotional/fantasy-based experience for women, not a strictly pornographic one. Check out popular female erotica for inspiration (50 shades, Secret Garden). Porno and sex are only a small part of the entire erotic experience for women.
Not all birth control is hormonal. Yes, there are women who have reduced libidos on birth control. I've had active sex lives with women using birth control. I was also using condoms too. Condoms don't always feel that great for the man and most men would agree that sex without a condom is better. It's unfortunate that condomless sex can have some negative consequences. Condoms don't feel as good for the woman as no condom would.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Birth control actually makes women even less horny. It’s hormonal -women on birth control have no "horny cycles" because the pill tricks her body into thinking she's pregnant. Condoms make women less horny because they feel like crap.

Just because women can have sex all day every day, doesn’t mean they want to. Sex is inherently an emotional/fantasy-based experience for women, not a strictly pornographic one. Check out popular female erotica for inspiration (50 shades, Secret Garden). Porno and sex are only a small part of the entire erotic experience for women.

No, this isn’t right. Women don’t even need to masturbate or get that sexual “release” on anywhere near the same level as men. If we didn’t wank or get laid for a week we’d start to go a bit crazy. Not so for women.

Women, typically, can go years without sex if she doesn’t meet a guy who turns her on. She might just flick her own bean sometimes if she gets bored. Men aren’t able to wait out sex with nearly the amount of self-mastery. That’s the power that women eternally have over horny dudes. It’s funny to them. Horny dudes are like dancing monkeys on a chain.

Women lose this power if she meets a guy who she likes, and that guy doesn’t act thirsty towards her. Then she starts to feel attraction and horniness for him. But if he then starts to act horny towards her then gradually that will erode her attraction for him - she’ll view him as a sex-mad Simp.
Also what you say about women needing a backstory to porn is false. Sometimes they do and sometimes they dont. I deal with DATA like a man. Look up porn sites data on the type of porn females watch. Its often very degrading rough sex stuff.

I know this because females in the past sent me what they watch. I was shocked. Again they are not as bad as men but they aint angels like you believe. Like Chris Rock said, your girl is nastier than you think.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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You missed my point yet again. Im talking about the guilt felt after the act. Im comparing the guilt that men feel after masturbation with how women feel after a one night stand. Fun in the moment but slight regret later.

Secondly lets just agree to disagree on the women having sex for pleasure. Women can and do have sex purely for pleasure. They dont do it as much as men but it happens. Many women actually go in already categorizing certain men as " just for fun". They then attempt to compartmentalize their emotions going in. Again they have phases called " hoe phase" or " hot girl summer". In these phases they are relatively reckless sexually. This means they smash a few very good looking men.

This is especially true the older they get. Older women are more accepting of their sexuality because they no longer care about social shame.

You have a naive veiw of female sexuality because you never had a woman use you for purely pleasure reasons. Its ok.
women described by you do se for validation , and usually they do it with the top tier guys

that is why most guys get sex only inside a relationship , as the hoe phase is not really for the vast majority of guys ( unless she is ugly )

and that is why guys become whipped inside a relationship , because they know that the sex They get will be very difficult to substitute so day by day they give more and more power inside the relationship to the girl . In the hope that the girl will see how much of a great guy he is


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Hey @Pandora just tossing this out for consideration but do you think it's possible the older a woman gets, the more she craves the validation she receives from having sex with different men? Rather than the physical pleasure she gets from it like men do?

As she gets older, she feels less valued, and seeks that value by having different men desire her sexually. She craves it and seeks it out.

Again just asking, personally speaking I cannot relate to it, it's foreign to me.

Oh, and I can be plenty nasty alright, lol, but within the context of an exclusive relationship not by having sex with a bunch of randoms.

Nothing to do with feeling social shame nor any moral judgment, I simply have no desire for casual sex with random men, I take no pleasure from it.

Anyway again, just tossing it out. I do contend there's no "one size fits all" re women, or men, and there are probably women, even young women who enjoy it for the physical pleasure same as men.

I just haven't seen in my circle; the women I know who seek out casual sex on Tinder or by frequenting bars have very low self esteem and crave the validation they get from it.
Validation is always a part of sex. Its part of the pleasure. I also state that sometimes women just want to get their rocks off. Female friends have explained to me that they are able to do it and have done it.

You are unique among women. You are more self aware than most women. You are a female on a male forum. Thats top 1% of women. You require a deep emotional connection before you sleep with a guy but many women dont. They often compartmentalize their emotions if they know the guy is only good for sex.

I am not saying they pick random guys off the street to have sex with. I am saying that modern women are able to know what guys are short term " boy toys" vs long term providers.

I agree though that very promiscous girls have deep seated self esteem issues. I am referring to women that are just normal levels of promiscous.

Btw if you part of the Gen X generation your morals are different. Millenials and GenZ look at sex differently.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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When a woman knows you just want to bang her, by and large, she loses interest.
Lol tell me you are not that attractive without telling me. Brother you must be joking.

Again you have no idea how the top handsome guys roll. Get some attractive friends. If you ever come to the USA give me shout because you seem like you have not seen much.

A super hot guy can literally sexually harrass a girl and she will be down. You have no clue what you talk about.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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@Pandora thanks for the kind words. Not that it matters, but I'm Millennial/Gen Y.2.

My values stem from how I was raised and basically what works for me.

I do NOT morally judge women who enjoy and seek out casual sex. Far be it for me.

If they're happy, that's all that matters however as I said the women in my circle, two in particular, who seek out casual sex aren't happy, they're quite troubled actually.

Not suggesting all are, clearly your experiences say otherwise, I have no reason to refute that.
No I didnt say they will be happy with this in the long term. I am merely stating that they do it. We all do self destructive things. Its an addiction. Thats why they call it the cawk carousel.

Dont take my word for it. Look up terms like " hot girl summer" and " hoe phase". This is common among young attractive women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
Pandora is spot on about the OLD cycle of CC, break, CC, Relationship, CC

Online dating is only trash if you’re not good looking, as much as people protest this is just the truth. Men on this site act just like the women on tinder, except those women smash 8s and 9s so at least have a reason for their delusion.

If you weren’t told as a kid “your gonna break hearts”, if your male friends don’t comment how good looking you are, if women don’t make it easy, if you don’t get matched and notches from tinder, you are not a handsome man.

I also agree with some of @Pan87 posts but your wrong, when women know you want to bang them it doesn’t dry them up, not in my experience.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Pandora is spot on about the OLD cycle of CC, break, CC, Relationship, CC

Online dating is only trash if you’re not good looking, as much as people protest this is just the truth. Men on this site act just like the women on tinder, except those women smash 8s and 9s so at least have a reason for their delusion.

If you weren’t told as a kid “your gonna break hearts”, if your male friends don’t comment how good looking you are, if women don’t make it easy, if you don’t get matched and notches from tinder, you are not a handsome man.
Exactly bro. Some one these guys want to live in delusion. I am not a very handsome man. But i have super chad/ tyrone friends. Its a different universe for them.

Also dudes on this site think women dont engage in casual sex. Wow......yeh they are just freaking out about abortions just becase lol.

Pan87 does not want to admit that other perspectives might be valid. He knows everything about women lol.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
Rebound sex isn’t about sex for women, it’s about replacing her old relationship. This is more likely if she was dumped.

If she ended the relationship then she might try her luck with higher value guys (than her ex), she gets pumped and dumped a few times and then decides she doesn’t like it. That’s the typical cycle.
It’s not rebound sex, it’s “I’ve been dumped, I’m getting older, I better use tinder as it’s the only way I know how to get into relationships”

Then they match sexy alpha guys who know what to say, bang them, ghost them, “men ain’t sh1t” one simp comes along puts up with a relationship and takes her off the market for 6-18 months. Then back on tinder going on 3 dates per week selecting 1 to bang.

It’s time men that are not chads start wifing these 5s and 6s because they are just getting in the way of my quest for true happiness with a low body count 8.5

The work it will take for these low smv guys to get the gold isn’t worth it, it’s why men are so unhappy just like the low smv women. Two ugly deluded peas in a pod.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
Exactly bro. Some one these guys want to live in delusion. I am not a very handsome man. But i have super chad/ tyrone friends. Its a different universe for them.

Also dudes on this site think women dont engage in casual sex. Wow......yeh they are just freaking out about abortions just becase lol.

Pan87 does not want to admit that other perspectives might be valid. He knows everything about women lol.
I think you’re attractive and your face shouldn't rule you out if your in shape and have game to go with it.

Also pan87 is 6’4 so I’m sure even if he’s ugly he gets women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
I think you’re attractive and your face shouldn't rule you out if your in shape and have game to go with it.

Also pan87 is 6’4 so I’m sure even if he’s ugly he gets women.
Thanks homie. Yeh a man has to be in shape to get any traction at all.

Am Shaegar

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2021
Reaction score
This does not get talked about enough, the actual pool of dateable women on Old is extremely low, compared to the Hordes of men on these apps.
It's not even the other men on the apps that are a problem. Simply the amount of women is so small that if you use only these companies for OLD, you are just simping for a small group of women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
I think you’re attractive and your face shouldn't rule you out if your in shape and have game to go with it.

Also pan87 is 6’4 so I’m sure even if he’s ugly he gets women.
I have a good looking friend , tall , good job but he only bangs mainly single moms or girls that pursue him ( but this does not happen that often )

the main problem with him is that he has the frame of someone that looks in charge but actually he has a lot holes in it . Women sense this

then I have a friend that is an entrepreneur , not as good looking as the previous guy , but his frame is the one of a leader

he is super successful with women

being good looking is just the beginning , but not enough tk have a good sex life just based on that


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
I have a good looking friend , tall , good job but he only bangs mainly single moms or girls that pursue him ( but this does not happen that often )

the main problem with him is that he has the frame of someone that looks in charge but actually he has a lot holes in it . Women sense this

then I have a friend that is an entrepreneur , not as good looking as the previous guy , but his frame is the one of a leader

he is super successful with women

being good looking is just the beginning , but not enough tk have a good sex life just based on that
Agreed, my best-looking male friends all settled, the "players" are all average to above average with high confidence. I don't have any fat/ugly/lazy friends and I encourage everyone to do the same.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score

He had a 3.7% match rate in 2022. I doubt I hit 1%, even for when Tinder was brand new.
he is not that good looking and also looks a bit gay

he only is tall , anything else is average or bellow average

very likely also very bad conversationalist based on the stats

Even though I agree that online dating is bullsh1t if you only rely on that

also by having a high swipe right rate , the tinder algorithm is decreasing the profile value
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
also by having a high swipe right rate , the tinder algorithm is decreasing the profile value
He only swiped right on 47% of women, which is much lower than most men.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
He only swiped right on 47% of women, which is much lower than most men.
no , I have a 30% swipe right percentage and the average is 40%

this guys swiped right almost 50%

me at 30% I still had most of the matches from average women . Do not want to imagine the matches of this guy at 50%