You missed my point yet again. Im talking about the guilt felt after the act. Im comparing the guilt that men feel after masturbation with how women feel after a one night stand. Fun in the moment but slight regret later.Birth control actually makes women even less horny. It’s hormonal -women on birth control have no "horny cycles" because the pill tricks her body into thinking she's pregnant. Condoms make women less horny because they feel like crap.
Just because women can have sex all day every day, doesn’t mean they want to. Sex is inherently an emotional/fantasy-based experience for women, not a strictly pornographic one. Check out popular female erotica for inspiration (50 shades, Secret Garden). Porno and sex are only a small part of the entire erotic experience for women.
No, this isn’t right. Women don’t even need to masturbate or get that sexual “release” on anywhere near the same level as men. If we didn’t wank or get laid for a week we’d start to go a bit crazy. Not so for women.
Women, typically, can go years without sex if she doesn’t meet a guy who turns her on. She might just flick her own bean sometimes if she gets bored. Men aren’t able to wait out sex with nearly the amount of self-mastery. That’s the power that women eternally have over horny dudes. It’s funny to them. Horny dudes are like dancing monkeys on a chain.
Women lose this power if she meets a guy who she likes, and that guy doesn’t act thirsty towards her. Then she starts to feel attraction and horniness for him. But if he then starts to act horny towards her then gradually that will erode her attraction for him - she’ll view him as a sex-mad Simp.
Secondly lets just agree to disagree on the women having sex for pleasure. Women can and do have sex purely for pleasure. They dont do it as much as men but it happens. Many women actually go in already categorizing certain men as " just for fun". They then attempt to compartmentalize their emotions going in. Again they have phases called " hoe phase" or " hot girl summer". In these phases they are relatively reckless sexually. This means they smash a few very good looking men.
This is especially true the older they get. Older women are more accepting of their sexuality because they no longer care about social shame.
You have a naive veiw of female sexuality because you never had a woman use you for purely pleasure reasons. Its ok.
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