If she were unmarried and I saw her at a bar, I would absolutely try to bang her. I think you’re capping…
there is a small difference between a 4 and a 10 in terms of male attention
and also quite a small difference between a 2 and a 4
basically 50% of men would think that a 1 woman is attractive , and almost 80% of men would think that a 2 is attractive
One of the reasons on why we have this sh1t environment is that men have so sh1t tastes , that even a woman that is a 1 thinks she is good looking
which made women in return very very demanding
if you are not extremely handsome guy ( 9 or 10 ) you have no chance with your looks alone
a guy that is an 8 would be enough only based on looks to 4s and bellow
i”ve seen this also on photofeeler . A girl that was like 6 got to be rated as a 10 by guys , while me even though I am a good looking got score between 8 and 9
if women would not rate so tight , most likely I would have got between 9 and 10
and makes sense the rating , if like 10 years ago 6s were really easy for me , now it is like 50-50
Makes sense , as women can easily get a guy who is 3-4 points above him
while guys go 3-4 points bellow
this is also maybe
@DonJuanjr story . Being an average guy and having to bang 1s and 2s and sometimes 3s and 4s , as girls more or less at the same SMV level are banging guys has access to guys who are 8s easily
now , I also understand quite well the pain of most guys , but this is the reason on why you should thrive to be the best version of yourself in order to be successful with the ladies , otherwise things will be just bad