Master Don Juan
I never said things are going to work out fine.We are on the same team in this regard.
However, I think it’s naive to assume it’s all going to work out fine. It’s good to be optimistic, but I think optimism is misguided this time around. The situation is very dire for freedom.
This is off topic but it's simply the way I conduct my life. I do not worry about things I cannot control.
What I meant by "wants to **** all the time" is that they will always **** you no matter what, and enjoy it immensely. I get it's a different type of libido and desire, but at the end of the day if you compare a woman's desire and enjoyment of sex (with her guy) and his desire/enjoyment for her, it often seems like 70:30 . They would happily **** 6 hours a day whereas I certainly wouldn't.On this, you’re misinterpreting it.
When a woman likes a guy she because sexually receptive to him. So, when the guys makes a move she accepts him, submits and gets wet.
This is very different from a woman who “wants to fvck all the time” which suggests she’s proactive about it. Women signal when they want you to fvck them, but it’s still the men who do the fvcking. Not her.
A woman’s sexual configuration is completely different to men’s. it’s hard to comprehend. A woman’s sexual configuration is centred around around surrender, submission and even fear.
So saying that a woman “wants to fvck” all the time without mentioning how differently women are sexually configured to men, for the benefit of the spergs on this forum, is dangerous advice. Women absolutely do not want to “fvck” all the time in the way that most men understand. It’s a different matrix.
Whether or not any of this applies to other guys is an important distinction, but you can assume if other guys do what you do (and look as good) they might at the very least get the 'gina tingles from other guys.
"Horny women" can mean promiscious, yes. But of course being promiscious is rarely about sex drive and raw lust in the same way that it is as a man.I think the disconnect here is that when men encounter REALLY "horny" women, it's not because she's horny for the sex, she's horny for the validation she receives from being sexually desired, big difference.
I actually knew a woman like this, she used to be extremely overweight and after losing 100 pounds she began feeling desired by men. She became addicted to the validation she received and proceeded to have sex with any man who expressed interest.
It was sad.
I'm talking more of a "nympho" type which seems to be literally every girl I date. Nymphos aren't necessarily the type to sleep around a lot, but they'll probably want a lot of deep ****ing from their guy all the time. The types who are soaking wet constantly and will orgasm 12 times in an hour. The types who will get soaking wet just from smacking their ass once and saying you're going to **** them. If that's not high sex drive, what is it?
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