Below are threads started by 3 different posters.
Can a guy in his 40s get a woman in her 20s without being rich or famous or without paying for it?
3 questions for the guys under 30
What are the BIG cheating signs to look out for that you have experienced from a cheating woman?
Do women like guys that shave their heads bald?
Intimidated by high value women
In what occasion do you find using violence appropriate?
Rude cashier
Too horny to game
How comes that douchebags naturally pass **** test?
What is happening? I started bulking and women despise me now
How to tell a girl you want her to be your girlfriend
What Zodiac signs have you dated/your opinion on them
Finding the best city in terms of meeting women.
Why do I have a higher success rate on first date dinner dates than drinks
Tips for Surviving Hot Girl Summer Season?
Guys in their 30s, how often have you gotten with older women in your 30s?
Did Eastern European/Russian women let it all get to their heads?
Reasons on why Hypergamy is extremely overblown
Got to be a little skeptical of the lay numbers thrown around here by the Alpha men when no one has called any of the above posters below out for trolling, When no Alpha dog has called them out and responds to their threads, any hot girl would destroy them in 120 seconds.
But hey, maybe all the Alpha men on here are so genetically blessed they just have to show up and the girl would be so lucky to have sex with them.

Can a guy in his 40s get a woman in her 20s without being rich or famous or without paying for it?
3 questions for the guys under 30
What are the BIG cheating signs to look out for that you have experienced from a cheating woman?
Do women like guys that shave their heads bald?
Intimidated by high value women
In what occasion do you find using violence appropriate?
Rude cashier
Too horny to game
How comes that douchebags naturally pass **** test?
What is happening? I started bulking and women despise me now
How to tell a girl you want her to be your girlfriend
What Zodiac signs have you dated/your opinion on them
Finding the best city in terms of meeting women.
Why do I have a higher success rate on first date dinner dates than drinks
Tips for Surviving Hot Girl Summer Season?
Guys in their 30s, how often have you gotten with older women in your 30s?
Did Eastern European/Russian women let it all get to their heads?
Reasons on why Hypergamy is extremely overblown
Got to be a little skeptical of the lay numbers thrown around here by the Alpha men when no one has called any of the above posters below out for trolling, When no Alpha dog has called them out and responds to their threads, any hot girl would destroy them in 120 seconds.
But hey, maybe all the Alpha men on here are so genetically blessed they just have to show up and the girl would be so lucky to have sex with them.