The root of what you are talking about is a side effect of red pill. We are brainwashed growing up to believe a specific narrative on what love is, feels like, and means. The unfortunate part about that is that most of it involves feelings and patterns that are counterproductive to not only the relationship, but your own mental health. Examples include codependence, neediness, pedestalization, thoughts that someone else must "complete you" and you cannot be whole without that person, and lack of abundance/faith in yourself in finding other women to date should the relationship not work.
The truth is, no one can really define "love." Everyone has their own definition. The best definition I can give, is when two people who already feel COMPLETE (happy without a partner, awesome social life, good job/career, plenty of hobbies/interests and passions, and who don't need to take anything from anyone to feel whole), come together to share that completeness with each other, and who are attracted to one another sexually, who admire each other in some ways, and who enjoy spending time with each other (can make each other laugh, have good conversations, etc). That's really it. The extreme high-emotions we feel toward women during our blue-pill days are not caused by any of the things I just mentioned in this paragraph. The highs happen due to the things I mentioned in my previous paragraph (and of course, the lows follow the breakup from those situations).
So one of two things is happening:
1. You are still in the phase of yearning for the unhealthy "high" that dysfunctional blue pill dynamics gave you (this can happen outright even if you aren't suffering from the issues in my first paragraph because you are simply chasing that old "high", or it can happen because you ARE suffering from those issues - for example, you don't feel "whole" alone because you haven't achieved that state of being yet and each time you get a girl you realize you still don't feel whole and you don't realize it's your issue to fix and not something a girl can provide you so the cycle repeats - you look for someone to fill a void no one but you can fill and get disappointed when they can't and blame them) or
2. You have not found a woman you admire, enjoy being around, and are sexually attracted to. This can be HARD to do. It's one thing to find a girl with one of these. It's another thing to find a girl with any two of these. And it's yet another to find a girl with all three of these. Then you have to tack on #4 which is really just an extension of #3 which is: Is she mentally healthy enough to be able to be in a relationship.