So what happens if you strikes gas blowout and this toxic chick you gamed ends up destroying part of your life? Y’all are no where to be seen when this happens. This is why game/pua community has failed and become a small enclave of hopium chasers. All of your leaders have left the scene yet y’all still pushing this shvt?
I’m not criticizing game itself, I’m upset that y’all are unable to answer any questions and instead resort to Motte and Bailey fallacies when confronted.
What I was trying to explain is that you have to beable to see through the BS out their and not everything out their has validity.
Natural "Game" is different then that internet learned fake pua stuff spurred years ago by hopeless bald dudes trying to mentally convince women into sleeping with them. Now a days its these youtube dudes bashing women for views and likes. Just like the pua "community" years ago the youtube "community" will die soon once people realize its all just BS for hopeless wannabe players, think alpha strategies or the newest act, Kevin samuales. Kevin at least interacts with actual people (even though its normally the lowest gremlins of society) and actually gives good advice, telling men and women, marriage is the ultimate goal. But then you have guys like alpha strategies who says to lie to women and "sell them a dream". This is the lowest game and is an act of desperation. If you cant tell thats some losser/no game sh1t, then their really is no hope for you. A prime example of why we have such a huge "incel" society nowadays, because men and even women now, cant see through the BS and know its all a hustle for views and likes. A new video, a new mental gymnastic trick on "why you cant get laid". Its almost a form of control and your better of not listening to any of it all, if your really struggling out here, but thats a whole topic in itself.
If a women is able to destroy your life, you got out gamed. Its why you cant turn a h0e into a housewife, women will always win the h0e game, thats a fact of life. But we are taking game to far again. I dont think you understand "game" yet. Game should be used to get you into the door with a women and a few dates, after that you have to actually have some kind of connection after "the game".
Gaming toxic women is fine short turn, if you just want s3x (what most men use game for). But if you getting into relationships with toxic women thats on you and either means you didnt do your due diligence, you dont care or most likely, your a wannabe player, "
fakin the game". Something this community has always been filled with.