@Chuck Taylor and I are about the same age. I'm late 30s. Here's what I've observed about being an unmarried man in my 30s. This might not apply to everyone.
1. You are more likely to become somewhat of a lone wolf. It'll permeate through your life.
Somewhere between 27-33, a good portion of your friends with marry off. You'll receive a ton of wedding invites, wedding photos will be all over your Facebook/Instagram, etc. It can get annoying. A few years after the wedding cycle, baby photos will be all over your social media. While you may remain in a bachelor pad apartment closer to a singles dense area, most of your newly married friends will be buying suburban single family houses, getting a dog or two, and having kids 3-6 years after the wedding day. You will see less of your married friends, even if they are childless. Their suburban lives won't resemble yours. Your non-married LTR friends who have moved with their girlfriends also won't be much better about seeing you, though some of them might remain in urban apartments or condominiums.
Family get togethers will also be a bit uncomfortable. Your siblings and cousins are likely to have children, unless they are substantially younger. Even though childlessness rates have increased, it's still not likely that there will be another bachelor like you in their 30s in your family.
Due to lone wolf status, your nightlife options may diminish. You won't have any wings for nights out. Most men react to this by becoming swipe app guys. Some become mostly day game guys (what I did mainly). The occasional guy will roll solo at night, which I did at times prior to the pandemic. Rolling solo at night isn't that big of a deal. No women ever questioned me about it. Even when my friends were single, I never had good wings anyway. I rolled solo at night as early as 21-22.
2. You'll need to live in a bigger city or have a strong social circle in your current city if you want to date childless women.
In my 30s, I have not had much difficulty finding childless women. First off, I am a Millennial and childless women are more common in my age cohort. I live in a big city so I can go to places where I know childless women tend to congregate. I could also find childless women on apps if I wanted to, which I don't because apps are a shiit show.
3. Dating much younger can be challenging.
There's a lot that goes into dating a woman who is 5+ years younger, especially one 10+ years younger. In the first half of your 30s, a 10 year age difference won't be that common, but from 35-39, there will be women 22-27 you'll want to date.