Observations on Miami's scene.


Jul 19, 2019
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A swing and a miss.

I was saying that nerds have a niche in San Fran, usually its lame overcompensating tech bros that get desperate Asian women to sleep with them. When they come to Miami, they lose that niche since there are not enough desperate Asian women and all other kinds of women find these guys to be cringe.

It's funny that San Fran and Bay Area dudes do not realize how bad their game is and how cringe they are until they step out of the PNW. Like Miami is a different level of legit cool.
But a guy not acting nerdy should clean up in San Fran then and stand out.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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So at some point during the pandemic, after about four years in NYC and seeing how much the city had gone downhill, I decided to come down to Miami. Like most others who heard of remote work, a lot of my friends moved to Miami and so I decided to pick the city because I had a curiosity for it. NYC was a shell of its former shelf and Bill De Blasio is one of the worst mayors in American history of any major city. I digress but screw it. Ever since being in Miami, I have noticed some trends around game that I thought I'd share with anyone who might be interested in the city. I am going to be away for a few weeks from the city so I thought I'd post this.

Let us get this out of the way, the women here are the best looking in the country.

Even hotter than NYC and way above LA. One caveat, if you like Asian girls then this city will suck but I am not really into Asian girls myself. Lately though, the Asian population here has been on the uptick due to big tech moving in (more on that later on in the thread). If you like white women and Latinas, the city is top notch. In NYC, I ran into more basic American white girls living in Manhattan. In Miami? You are far more likely to run into legit European women. As for Latinas, nothing to be said, best city in the US for them.

But like any other American city, it is declining. I give it five years.

Despite having a Republican mayor and an alpha governor like De Santis, Miami is declining. I notice more homelessness here than during the pandemic and Big Tech is flowing into the city. I have also seen the changes trickle in overtime where hot latin women are slowly being replaced by pink haired SJWs and dorky Asian ladies. Wynnwood is such a joke and I will plead with all men to avoid it, the place will make you barf and is located right next to a super sketchy neighborhood. Meanwhile, South Beach has gone from being once cool to now just being straight up ratchet. Crime is a serious problem in South Beach and locals do not go there.

For now, things may be good but within 5 years, I think Miami will be just like Austin. The techies and SJWs have the city in their sights as their next big haven.

PUAs, "game" guys, and the type of guys affiliated with those communities get slaughtered here.

At some point a few years back, I got into the game community upon moving to NYC. I got tired of staying with old college circles and at that point, RSD was under hot water and all. While I loved the idea of chatting up random women for a lay, I hated all else about the community. Majority of the guys I winged with that I met from those places were trash. The few good ones? I kept in touch with them and even met up with them for a few weekends. Not even in NYC was I seeing PUA guys get hopelessly destroyed, like sh1t was brutal man. Just the vibe these guys give off automatically turns Miami women off.

Most of the guys who struggle to score in Miami are those that moved here during the pandemic and work in finance or are techies.

I'll throw PUA and game guys into this mix as well. A lot of these dudes moved to Miami from the Bay Area and other more dorkier parts of the country for the purpose of game and man, they are struggling like none other. You will hear these dudes cry about how bad Miami is, how all of the women here are gold diggers, and just complain about the city nonstop. The reality is that these guys might have done alright in a San Francisco where some dorky and desperate Asian girl gave them head but in Miami, they aren't finding too much of that demographic (although Asians are moving here en masse).

A lot of the times, these tech and finance bro types thought they were cool in their own home cities only to come to Miami and get humbled fast.

A certain kind of a guy slays and does well in Miami.

I call Miami the Natural's Paradise. What I mean by this is that the guys who do well in Miami are just raw. Think about the douchey frat boy, the Rob Gronkowski types, or the loose MMA fighter. Women in Miami seem to care less about what you say and care more about the rawness and the vibes you give off. PUAs who are stuck in "theories" and "how tos" of "escalation" come off as very scripted and get wrecked here.

For example, I used to go to a popular bar in the city and when I went there with some wings I knew a while back from the game community? No one got laid and everyone was getting blown out. A month later, I go with a former roommate and his crazy and loose friend from Louisiana. The result? We all end up getting laid that need because of this clown with low inhibition. Even though the guy was not attractive, he seemed to give off that raw vibe that women picked up on.

It is also worth mentioning that the competition here is the toughest I've seen of any other city I have lived in.

Miami guys seem to really care about lifting and style but they also approach in a natural sort of a way. When I went out in NYC, not that many guys were approaching. When I go out in Miami? Dudes clearly approach and they do not come off as PUAs. Guys here give off that carefree yet alpha vibe that would slay just about anywhere on the planet. Unlike an LA where social circles are based on your fake career or popularity in entertainment, in Miami it seems like genuinely cool and alpha guys just naturally get the circle they want. Like if I take an LA guy out of his circle, he gets slaughtered in other cities but a Miami guy would slay in just about any city out there.

Nightlife here is doable but underwhelming.

Miami's nightlife mostly sucks and it is in some ways a pay to play city. Wynnwood is awful and overrated while the women are hideous, it's Williamsburg's uglier trashier cousin. From what I have observed, your best chances are with a sizable group of women who are fed up with Miami nightlife and likely to go to Happy Hour type of spots that can get wilder in the night. Thankfully, these spots are still off the radar for the PUA and Game guys that have infested the city in recent years and practically ruined the vibe. Naturals tend to hunt in these types of bars and usually get lucky with a girl by the end of the night. A PUA spam approacher type will look really out of place in these sorts of spots.

For the sake of buying Miami more time before it becomes infested with PUA spam approaching creeps everywhere, I will not share the name of the bars that naturals I know have done well in.

All in all, it's nothing like NYC where you just have rows after rows of bars with hot girls. It's more concentrated.

Daygame here is very doable for a socially adjusted and normal dude, once again, PUAs suffer.

It stands to be repeated, Miami is not a PUA friendly city. Meanwhile, normal and socially adjusted men can do quite well with daygame here. If you do a certain amount of approaches and focus on quality rather than spam approaching like some maniac, Miami can work for you. I have known guys that spam approached in the city and were burnt hard. Meanwhile, I have known men who focused more on quality and just coming off as natural in the approach who were able to get good things going.

Now this thread looks like I am berating PUAs but I am not. What I am saying is that while a PUA might score in a Vegas or an NYC, their vibe will not be welcomed in Miami. I am not sure why this is but I think it might be because women here are used to men that are naturals and genuinely cool guys to where some spam approaching PUA would really stick out like a sore thumb.

I'll add more as I get more time, got a flight tomorrow fellas.

I went to Miami during peak covid drama in 2020 when it was the the hotspot of the US and had an 8 pm curfew so it's hard for me to properly guage it. This is when everyone was actually scared of covid so beach or any public approaches were kind of frowned upon and the nightlife was all shut down. Some of the latinas seemed open to my cold approaches on the beach though but i didn't see anyone else doing it besides me. One girl really freaked out on me about possibly spreading covid by talking to strangers on the beach. Shows how easy it is for the media to brainwash people. So I was mainly confined to OLD. Met a nice Venezuelan on bumble app though.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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San Fran sucks but at the same time, it doesn't for certain guys. Certain men, like tech bros, are tailor made to get dorky desperate Asian women who are likely to go for them. Even though the quality of women is exponentially higher in Miami and ratios better, the standards are high as well. This is part of why so many techie and finance bros that come to Miami alongside PUAs end up getting rejected and wrecked outright. The problem is not the ratios or anything, it's just that these guys suck.

While San Fran is lame, its scene makes it possible for lame dudes to find a lot of lame girls to game. Miami is the opposite of lame so despite how good the ratios are, some tech bro isn't going to be able to compete against a natural in the city.
There are way more lame dudes than lame women in the San Fran area/Silicon Valley. A lot of times, white Aspie tech guys are trying to get with white careerist/feminist women. A white careerist/feminist woman has much better social skills than a white Aspie tech guy so that's not going to be a match. Additionally, white careerist/feminist women have sky high expectations for a match. It's a bad dating environment. And, single men greatly outnumber single women in that area.

Miami doesn't have that dynamic at all, though I think single men outnumber single women there though probably not to the extent of the Bay Area.

Historically, Miami has not had many headquarters of big companies, so fewer big time career oriented women go to Miami for career development purposes. There are a lot of areas where career oriented women go instead. The women who live in Miami are mainly Latinas. Miami is majority Hispanic/Latino. The white population is more in Broward County (Fort Lauderdale).


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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San Fran sucks but at the same time, it doesn't for certain guys. Certain men, like tech bros, are tailor made to get dorky desperate Asian women who are likely to go for them. Even though the quality of women is exponentially higher in Miami and ratios better, the standards are high as well. This is part of why so many techie and finance bros that come to Miami alongside PUAs end up getting rejected and wrecked outright. The problem is not the ratios or anything, it's just that these guys suck.

While San Fran is lame, its scene makes it possible for lame dudes to find a lot of lame girls to game. Miami is the opposite of lame so despite how good the ratios are, some tech bro isn't going to be able to compete against a natural in the city.
This is an interesting conundrum. I want to be in the tech field and be damn good at what I do so that I can have the monetary means to live(or just travel to, every month or every other month) Miami. I love Latina women.

I’m already a software engineer so I’m starting to stack my cash.

I was talking to my friend at home about potentially living in Miami. He was like: “Bro, if you want to live in Miami, you need two things. A beach body, and a nicer car.”

So the tech job finances the new car. By the way, I don’t expect the new car to automatically get me laid. I know guys that literally drive sports cars and still can’t get laid.

But the point is, how does one leverage the money from engineering without falling into this STEM-Cel archetype that I hear railed against so much here lol.

3 Things off the Bat that I Can Think Of:
1.) Be in great shape. (That’s a low Bodyfat percentage and good muscle mass.) Miami also has a really big gym culture, like has been mentioned previously. If you are trying to game and have success in Miami as a fatass, you are just doomed.
2.) Fashion sense on point
3.) Have some game BEFORE you get there, rack up as many successes as you can back home before you go to Miami.

But that’s just my theory. Maybe you can add to it?
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Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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If you are facing competition from club promoters, you are gaming at high volume spots like South Beach. The guys winning might dip their feet in the water and go for daygame in South Beach but they are hanging out in more low-key neighborhoods. I refuse to give those out because PUAs read this forum and I have seen the damage they have done to this city. You can see them at spots like The Wharf spam approaching as girls laugh at them, they always hang out in their group of a few guys and are overly dressed for the venue. You'll see them taking laps around the venue just on the ****ing prowl.

Most guys who are naturals that get it, they hang out far away from downtown and know certain strips to go to during certain nights that are promised to bring a lot of approachable sets.
Totally agree that you shouldn’t be overdressed for the venue though. Nearly as bad as being underdressed, in like sweatpants or something lol.

A lot of nuance and detail that can go into the fashion.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I’ve spent a lot of time in both Miami and NYC. All my dating experience is in NYC. I vehemently disagree with this OP. Miami is ratchet as fvck and full of gold digging clout chasing bvtches. NY women are more careerist caliber.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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So at some point during the pandemic, after about four years in NYC and seeing how much the city had gone downhill,
Ive been hearing this every day for the last seven years. NYC is dying. Yet they are building on every fvcking corner and housing prices throughout the tri-state area go up 15-20% per year.

Let us get this out of the way, the women here are the best looking in the country.

Even hotter than NYC and way above LA.
No. Just no.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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I’ve spent a lot of time in both Miami and NYC. All my dating experience is in NYC. I vehemently disagree with this OP. Miami is ratchet as fvck and full of gold digging clout chasing bvtches. NY women are more careerist caliber.
How was your Miami experience, women wise? What did you make of it, and what tips would you give for success?


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
awesome post as some who was born in ny and raised in miami.I have to say miami public transportations sucks and the public school system is horrible.If you come down south try broward not the keys or miami dade.Hosing has gotten more expensive girls are hot but you should aim fr the sunset place crowd which has always been a great place to find girls.


Jul 19, 2019
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Ive been hearing this every day for the last seven years. NYC is dying. Yet they are building on every fvcking corner and housing prices throughout the tri-state area go up 15-20% per year.

No. Just no.
Same way here in FL. Housing prices astronimical. One plus though is NYC at least has higher salaries. Here in FL the pay sucks. For example a job in NYC that pays 150k a year might only pay 65k here in FL. Even 65k a year here in FL in a big city like Tampa or Miami won't get you much right now. The housing and the rent is that bad dude.

Chuck Taylor

Mar 26, 2022
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Same way here in FL. Housing prices astronimical. One plus though is NYC at least has higher salaries. Here in FL the pay sucks. For example a job in NYC that pays 150k a year might only pay 65k here in FL. Even 65k a year here in FL in a big city like Tampa or Miami won't get you much right now. The housing and the rent is that bad dude.
Taxes are also higher. Plus, there's a woke liberal on every corner. It's the stuff horror films are made of.


Jul 19, 2019
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I’ve spent a lot of time in both Miami and NYC. All my dating experience is in NYC. I vehemently disagree with this OP. Miami is ratchet as fvck and full of gold digging clout chasing bvtches. NY women are more careerist caliber.
It's like that on the west coast too with gold digging. I see it daily. Women in their 30s with guys in their mid 50s. Even see a hot Asian chick in her 30s shop at the store I work at and her guy is like 60.

I'm convinced once women get into their 30s it's money over looks from what I see here in Floriduh daily.

OLD is hilarious too for this reason. The women are even open about their financial requirements on their profiles.

I think this is because here in FL wages are lower and you have these guys in their early 50s from the NE retiring early with money.

You're pretty wealthy right? I recall you're 5-7 and bald? With all your money you'd do okay down here with girls. Why not move here?


Jul 19, 2019
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Taxes are also higher. Plus, there's a woke liberal on every corner. It's the stuff horror films are made of.
To meet hot women you're pretty much going to have to live in major cities which are typically are democrat.

Eventually the housing prices down here will override any savings on taxes. Even then, the property taxes are shooting up in many places here.

If you want a cheap place to live I'd recommend places, like Arkansas, Missouri, TN, even Texas. Wages are a lot higher in TX. Mom's friend's daughter just moved to the Austin area because her husband has a high paying job. Rented a big, 5 bedroom house. The rent is only 2 grand a month!! Here in FL around here that same house would be at least 3500 a month right now!


Don Juan
May 21, 2021
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Anyone have experience with both LA/OC/SD and Miami? How do they differ?


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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How was your Miami experience, women wise? What did you make of it, and what tips would you give for success?
Not much. I’ve only banged two chicks from Miami. Pops lives down there. The Miami girls are ratchet, clout chasing hood boogers compared to what is found in NYC.

Same way here in FL. Housing prices astronimical. One plus though is NYC at least has higher salaries. Here in FL the pay sucks. For example a job in NYC that pays 150k a year might only pay 65k here in FL. Even 65k a year here in FL in a big city like Tampa or Miami won't get you much right now. The housing and the rent is that bad dude.
This is pretty accurate. I know people that live in Philadelphia that commute 100 miles to NYC, because they were offered over two times what they were making in Philly. I’d rather take the pay than bvtch and complain about the small tax difference. Florida has no income tax, but the sales taxes, fuel, registration fees, and all the other bull shvt is high there too. And all the goddamn traffic and tolls.


Jul 19, 2019
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Not much. I’ve only banged two chicks from Miami. Pops lives down there. The Miami girls are ratchet, clout chasing hood boogers compared to what is found in NYC.

This is pretty accurate. I know people that live in Philadelphia that commute 100 miles to NYC, because they were offered over two times what they were making in Philly. I’d rather take the pay than bvtch and complain about the small tax difference. Florida has no income tax, but the sales taxes, fuel, registration fees, and all the other bull shvt is high there too. And all the goddamn traffic and tolls.
Very true. The fees for everything is more like a liberal democrat state than a Republican one! Missouri has a income tax, so does GA but the savings on everything else outweighs it. Unless you're like a uber rich person but for the majority it cost more in the long run. Registration for cars, if you bring a new car into FL is a joke. For my car it was $350 in 2015.

Tolls roads too. In MO, AR, TN no such thing. The voters would never vote for a toll road in MO. They couldn't even get voters to raise the tobacco tax in MO.

Chuck Taylor

Mar 26, 2022
Reaction score
Very true. The fees for everything is more like a liberal democrat state than a Republican one! Missouri has a income tax, so does GA but the savings on everything else outweighs it. Unless you're like a uber rich person but for the majority it cost more in the long run. Registration for cars, if you bring a new car into FL is a joke. For my car it was $350 in 2015.

Tolls roads too. In MO, AR, TN no such thing. The voters would never vote for a toll road in MO. They couldn't even get voters to raise the tobacco tax in MO.
I don't mean this as an insult BG, but you do not strike me as a guy who is very successful with women. You're great at explaining, and finding things to intellectually discuss, but the image I have of you is of a nerdy tax guy.

Like, who cares about toll roads in Missouri? wtf man. Nobody!


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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To meet hot women you're pretty much going to have to live in major cities which are typically are democrat.

Eventually the housing prices down here will override any savings on taxes. Even then, the property taxes are shooting up in many places here.

If you want a cheap place to live I'd recommend places, like Arkansas, Missouri, TN, even Texas. Wages are a lot higher in TX. Mom's friend's daughter just moved to the Austin area because her husband has a high paying job. Rented a big, 5 bedroom house. The rent is only 2 grand a month!! Here in FL around here that same house would be at least 3500 a month right now!
If theyre paying 2 grand a month for a 5 bedroom, might as well take out a loan and buy it.