Hey, been a long time since I posted on here, but just got out of a LTR and wanted to try out the waters again. Not trying to brag but I have always been told that I am an attractive guy, 8-8.5 usually, I made a tinder profile and posted what I thought were a few good pics. Although I am getting a few likes here and there they are not what I know they could be, and from those likes wayyy fewer responses. What can I do to improve these numbers and turn them into dates? And is there a place here where I can get my profile critiqued so that im not just shooting in the dark? Thank you guys any advice is much appreciated!
Unless you plan to use OLD as practice and get more exposure, sure use it. In my humble opinion, the time and effort you put on those platforms vs the ROI is simply not worth it. What you get is probably 5-10% in return for the effort/time you put in.
If you want a clear visual of your chances in OLD (even if you are attractive), ask a HB5-8 girl to show you her profile matches/convos. They are up in the 1000+. For a HB9-10, just take a wild guess. They simply do not take it seriously. We all know OLD is often used for attention/validation.
If you are attractive, I'd recommend cold approaches at social events (as I've recommended throughout my membership on this forum).
But I know that is not what you want to hear, so here it is:
1) There are services that can help you come up with a good dating profile. (Not worth the money when you have Youtube and other platforms to learn from).
2) Always show your face in the first pic, preferably with a dog (as others stated)
3) One or two pics tops with friends/socializing. Preferably just one doing something fun and somewhat casual (not posing).
4) One of you doing something you love (rock climbing, MTB'ing, running, etc, etc).
5) If you are tall, make sure you add your height. If you are short, don't include that.
6) Make funny/witty statements such as "If you don't look like your pics, you're buying drinks until you do."
7) I recommend against body pics unless you are toned and its casual. If you are ripped and you are posing, its a toss of a coin. Some women will dig it, some won't. There are too many of those out there. The idea is to set you apart.
Once that all works to your advantage and you get a match, then you really start the uphill climb to even get the girl to agree a meetup but that's a separate conversation.
In that sense, it is a numbers game:
100 girls see your profile ( profile exposure is based on different algorithms unique to each platform)
25 match
5-7 engage in conversation
1 to zero are actually committed to meeting in person
Modern Man Advice