I think that women with masters degree and so on , or working very competitive jobs , suffer mainly from a superiority complexWomen like money. They like outward displays of wealth.
All sex is transactional, whether directly or indirectly. Men will always use money to get access to sex. Some men have money as the entirety of their game. Bill Gates is the classic example of this, but there are plenty of business executives who use their salary as the basis of getting laid and getting relationship. You don't want to primarily compete for women just based on money. You'll need a lot of money to compete mostly on money.
The Wall Is Softer Than We Think – Roosh Valizadeh
One popular maxim of the manosphere is the wall. It goes something like this: Once a girl is done riding the **** carousel, she will find herself at an age and lower attractiveness where she can no longer get the alpha male she wants. She will then have no choice but to load up on cats or find a lowww.rooshv.com
The wall is softer than we think. Plenty of women in their 30s/40s are heavily pursued. @B80 -- Your aunt is her 60s was pursued. There are post menopausal women in their 50s/60s now getting heavily pursued on Match and OurTime. @BeExcellent is over 50 with children under 18 living at home and has a boyfriend who is 8 years younger. In the mid-2010s, my mom was in her early 60s and on dating websites. She was more pursued as a woman in her early 60s than she was as a high school cheerleader.
Fewer people are getting laid as a result of their presence at their workplaces. That's a trend that's been happening since the 1990s. The trend has likely accelerated with a lot of white collar work now substantially work at home.
I don't know if male nurses or male occupational therapists are getting laid a lot.
Nurses are more dateable than doctors, at least the nurses with a bachelor's degree or less. In general, women with advanced level degrees (more than a bachelor's) are not very dateable. Women with advanced level degrees are usually working a ton. Ever try to date a female lawyer? Good luck with that. Even if they are physically attractive, their schedules are insane and getting on it regularly is very difficult. Getting a female lawyer for one night of sex is possible or maybe even a casual bang scenario for a few months, but they are terrible girlfriends. It's a similar story for female doctors. Nurses are more likely to have enough free time to be dateable. Some nurses have the attitude problem that @HaleyBaron describes but writing off the entirety of that profession isn't an idea that makes sense. It's much more sensible to write off females in a profession requiring an advanced degree.
they just think that they are better than you , which in return try emasculate the man
I date both medics and lawyers . They will always feel the need to contradict with you .
so you have 2 things working against them : the work which affects how much they sleep and relax ( you need a lot of good sleep to maintain your youthness , no matter the gender ) + the need to contradict you
this a Molotov ****tail for relationships
my current ex was really smart and so on , and she was extremely weak as well . Having panic attacks , having nightmares . But despite this , she still felt the need to argue with me on stupid topics , and she would get very defensive when I would rip off her arguing points
she knew that she was quite weak , and instead of following the lead , she rather argued . Her argues more or less was about demonstrating to her that she is not as weak as she thinks
I suspect that this is why women argue a lot with me , to demonstrate themselves that they are not as weak as they think