Because Ukraine chose the West, they deserve to be invaded? Insane.
Ukraine didnt chose the West... The West chose Ukraine.
Russian are 22% of the Ukraine pop
East of Ukraine is Russian populated and want dictatorship.
West of Ukraine is Ukrainian populated, with people supporting démocraty and nazi group (which are part of the gouvernement, they were sheltered in the 1950 in the USA to avoid Soviet assasination).
Crimea is Russian populated and has the Black Sea Russian fleet Naval base) which Russia lost direct land access due To Ukraine indépendance.
Crimea and part of Ukraine voted for indépendance and join Russia in 2014s, Ukraine army Attacked them and committed Génocides.
Today, Russian armies are applying the Ukrainian méthode to ukrainiens.
In 1994, Germany was allowed réunification in promise NATO would NEVER extend to Russia (Thus Ukraine).
In 2008, Georgia and Ukraine were invited To NATO.
European Union rejected Ukraine application for being corrupted-refusing To fight oligarchie and nazi groups. Russia sent à counter-offer.
Btw, remember Georgia where after a Coup-Detat the new PM was George w Bush best friend?
Following Georgia annexation, George W Bush friend is governor of odessa and paid 300 000$ US dollars to promote the American way of life in Ukraine.
Thé USA policies has been coup-d'etat To promote liberalism and bring ressources back home.
Thé military budget never went away after the SovietUnion collapse.
Russia has been a dictatorship for 500 years, and its leader Saïd: Lèave us alone.
Putin applies 20th century politics strategies: Buffer zone and réalism.
Putin Attack Ukraine? Yen, hé did order it..but the USA sure pushed him in the back.
So, what Will happen? Russia Will take the Russian land, push for a pipeline, and nato Will cercle the Kremlin more.
After all in 2008, USA did put nukes in poland.
Remove them, remove NATO and Russia Will pull back exactly like they pulled their Nuke out of Cuba after the USA removed their Nuke from Turkey (USA putted their Nukes first, starting the events of the cuban crisis)
Usa poke, Russia answer. Its 70years of history