Master Don Juan
It is different. Men suffer more in the short term, women in the long run. When a woman has what she thinks is the "perfect" guy and it doesn't work out, it is very damaging. Often she tries to find a carbon copy of that guy or someone even better, usually someone that doesn't exist. What happens is it leaves her frustrated and she'll make poor choice after poor choice. You've all met women like this, they are pathetic. They are the single 35+ year olds here on spring break lol.
They can fall off and get back on the saddle again while they are young but it doesn't last forever. That's the double edge sword when it comes to looks. I know someone will say "But they still get attention from guys when they are older" - yeah, undesirable guys that they would've laughed at 10+ years before.
They can fall off and get back on the saddle again while they are young but it doesn't last forever. That's the double edge sword when it comes to looks. I know someone will say "But they still get attention from guys when they are older" - yeah, undesirable guys that they would've laughed at 10+ years before.
I really liked this post and in MY experience I have found this to be exactly right. If you younger guys take this wise man's words, internalize it and shift the focus from women to yourself, you will not sweat any of this stuff. Issues arise because men often put a woman's needs above their own.I think it does effect men more in the short term. But long term, definitely the women. I had a ex-wife that crushed me after she cheated on me. It took months for me to get my head half way right after being together for almost 15yrs. But years down the road, and on her second divorce who still reaches out to me? She has experienced pain and never healed. She has carried that with her all these years. She never dealt we it when she should have. Women tend to internalize and carry baggage with them. They aren't great problem solvers like men who fix things and move forward.
Failed relationships definitely scar women. I've seen the carnage in women I've dated.
Address your problems, forgive, and forget. And go find another woman to share good times with. Remember no woman lasts forever. Enjoy your time with them, and when it's done move on to the next one.
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