Master Don Juan
Long story short I have outgrown the liberal dunghole I live in, most of my friends are either married (which I'm not) or have moved to other places. The main critieria for my move is to advance my business(es) because I will be starting a new one this year.
Some of the critiera I'm looking at
Tax Friendly(espeically captial gains,crypto, stocks and housing tax, business etc)
Housing Market-Looking to get a house a condo is fine to
Weather-I don't Mind winters but I'm tired of living in a state where winter is 6 months long
Traffic-Traffic is important but since I work for myself it's not a big deal
Cost of living-well anywhere you go now with inflation,cost of living is gonna go up
Culture-I enjoy going to art galleries, music festivals (chrisitan), etc I don't care for the fast life been there done that
People-I'm tired of virtue signaling leftist, yes I'm a minority no I don't vote democrat, no I don't need you to feel sorry for me I'm not a victim
Top States/Cities I'm looking At
Florida-Very Tax friendly,great weather traffic sucks depending on where you're at
Atlanta-Decent taxes, and a place where my business ventures could flourish (traffic sucks)
Puerto Rico-very friendly for taxes espeically crypto taxes, great weather but do I wanna live there?
Arizona-great weather, decent culture, and decent Tax, hot weather yikes (but hotter women)
Texas-great taxes, pletny of things to do, but the weather in the summer may be to much
Colorado-Checks most of my list however having visted there I tend to get nosebleeds cause of the air etc
anyway please chime in gents, all the places I listed I have visited multiiple times except for Puerto Rico FYI
Thank you
Some of the critiera I'm looking at
Tax Friendly(espeically captial gains,crypto, stocks and housing tax, business etc)
Housing Market-Looking to get a house a condo is fine to
Weather-I don't Mind winters but I'm tired of living in a state where winter is 6 months long
Traffic-Traffic is important but since I work for myself it's not a big deal
Cost of living-well anywhere you go now with inflation,cost of living is gonna go up
Culture-I enjoy going to art galleries, music festivals (chrisitan), etc I don't care for the fast life been there done that
People-I'm tired of virtue signaling leftist, yes I'm a minority no I don't vote democrat, no I don't need you to feel sorry for me I'm not a victim
Top States/Cities I'm looking At
Florida-Very Tax friendly,great weather traffic sucks depending on where you're at
Atlanta-Decent taxes, and a place where my business ventures could flourish (traffic sucks)
Puerto Rico-very friendly for taxes espeically crypto taxes, great weather but do I wanna live there?
Arizona-great weather, decent culture, and decent Tax, hot weather yikes (but hotter women)
Texas-great taxes, pletny of things to do, but the weather in the summer may be to much
Colorado-Checks most of my list however having visted there I tend to get nosebleeds cause of the air etc
anyway please chime in gents, all the places I listed I have visited multiiple times except for Puerto Rico FYI
Thank you