Is Status as You Age Determined by Your Posessions?


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2020
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Is the idea that your SMV increases as you age heavily determined by the fact that your income increases and therefore your ability to purchase status symbols will allow you to attract women? If this is the case then I'm screwed, because I live a minimalist lifestyle and hate wasting my money on fancy crap. I may not have fancy crap by the time I'm older, but I will have a solid net-worth. Net-worth > Fancy BMW, IMO. But if I am significantly hampering my ability to attract and retain women, then maybe I should reconsider my minimalist lifestyle.

Also, the notion that women are inherently attracted to older men is complete BS. If your a 45 year old dude with a civic vs a 25 year old dude with a civic then a 22 year old chick will choose the 25 year old dude because at least she won't face social backlash for dating someone out of her age range. I've gotten rejected quite a few chicks on the cold-approach because they thought I was too old, and I'm not that old. All things being equal, women prefer a person of their age group. Unless the older man has something distinct to bring to the table that a younger man cannot, his age will be a hindrance in attracting younger women.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
I think different generations see this differently. The baby boomers seem to think that the fancier the house and prettier the yard, the higher status they are. Can’t have 6 leaves on my yard if my neighbor only has 5. If his grill has 3 burners I need one with 4. My generation, gen X, is less concerned of what others think of us. Some, but less then the boomers. We would rather spend extra money on a nice vacation than a fancy house. Then you got the millennials. Success for them is having more than their friends have without having to work hard for it. They work, but only as little as they have to so they can afford their weed.

Am Shaegar

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2021
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Minimalism and a solid grasp on your finances isn't a bad thing, but you still have to live with a certain style and you need to avoid looking like the average frustrated chump in your age range. Just because you are buying cheap clothes isn't an excuse to run with a style that dosn't suit your face and body or clothes that are ill-fitting. Having few clothes, but those clothes being of a higher quality from well respected producers isn't a bad alternative either. Same goes for cars, even among the cars for which you don't have to take a loan out to buy, there are good looking useful cars and bad looking useful cars. And your home, is the color composition of the rooms right? Is your furniture a hogepoge of badly self made solutions or solid looking stuff in a uniform style?

Bottom line is, the less a man has the easier it actually is for him to peacock and show value.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Minimalism and a solid grasp on your finances isn't a bad thing, but you still have to live with a certain style and you need to avoid looking like the average frustrated chump in your age range. Just because you are buying cheap clothes isn't an excuse to run with a style that dosn't suit your face and body or clothes that are ill-fitting. Having few clothes, but those clothes being of a higher quality from well respected producers isn't a bad alternative either. Same goes for cars, even among the cars for which you don't have to take a loan out to buy, there are good looking useful cars and bad looking useful cars. And your home, is the color composition of the rooms right? Is your furniture a hogepoge of badly self made solutions or solid looking stuff in a uniform style?

Bottom line is, the less a man has the easier it actually is for him to peacock and show value.
This quote is accurate. I think to some degree possessions become more important as you age but you don't need to go overboard on conspicuous consumption.

I perceive that a certain subset of women expect men in their 30s to own nicer looking stuff. You'll most commonly find this attitude among white women with bachelor's degrees or higher.

When a man is in his 20s, he can get away with adequate possessions more easily than a man over 30. In your 20s, women can perceive more future potential. The future is now when you are 35-44. 30-34 is sort of the transition zone on this.

You don't need to own a single family house, townhome, or condominium to impress a woman. A more upscale apartment will help a lot more than an adequate apartment. In the US Sun Belt cities, that typically means an apartment less than 20-25 years old as compared to 1960s-1980s construction.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
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Status is determined by behavior--at least as far as how girls evaluate you sexually/emotionally. Obviously, if you're not appealing to that side of women, possessions become increasingly important. Or if you're dating older women. But as far as meet > sex, when exactly are girls actually seeing your possessions? When they're already home with you? By that point, it's a done deal anyway. Also, disagree that age is a big factor with younger girls--tho some percentage of them will have knee-jerk reactions to it.

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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This all depends on if you are an independent thinker or someone that feels incomplete unless participating in groupthink.

Personally, I don’t really care what defines a person as far as their labor or possessions. I’d much rather know what the person does and thinks between the eight hours they work and the eight hours that they sleep.

This might seem like a foreign concept to some, but as I’ve said all along… there are thinkers and there are believers. How any of you view this (or the companion that you choose) will reveal more about yourself than some of you may realize.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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Also, the notion that women are inherently attracted to older men is complete BS.
Guys like younger chicks because of fertility. A younger chick has a higher probability of being fertile - of conceiving kids. Its a primal thing.

A lot of girls like older guys because of his ability to take care of her - though resources, established family ties, etc.. as an older guy, there is a higher probably he has these abilities either though savings, being competent in his job through experience, established social networks that he cultivated through the years, etc.

If your a 45 year old dude with a civic vs a 25 year old dude with a civic then a 22 year old chick will choose the 25 year old dude because at least she won't face social backlash for dating someone out of her age range. I've gotten rejected quite a few chicks on the cold-approach because they thought I was too old, and I'm not that old.
If women only chooses men for their cars, you would be correct. Women choose men for their ability to protect and provide. Hollywood celebrities use to buy priuses, and they had no issues getting women. Also the sexiest vehicles to have is the lowly truck.

That being said, if u are cheap... women don't like that. They want to know that you can provide resources AND are WILLING to provide resources especially when she has kids or a family. If she thinks you are a miser, then that's not very attractive. If you don't look like some one that would provide resources and protect her, than why should she go out with you even if "rich"? She could go out with a homeless person.

All things being equal, women prefer a person of their age group. Unless the older man has something distinct to bring to the table that a younger man cannot, his age will be a hindrance in attracting younger women.
If all things being equal, yes women would prefer younger guys. But that is not reality. Things are not equal. Older guys have time to build up resources, work experiences, wisdom, etc.. just by still being alive is proof he has good enough genes that his immune system is good enough he didnt die earlier from colds, childhood cancer, etc....., or prone to stupid mistakes like drug overdose.

Its like saying: all things being equal, men (even older men) would love dating women their own age. This would be true, but things are not equal. Younger women are more fertile.. and that's what drives a lot of men into relationships.

So yes, women in general are inherently attracted to older guys and men are inherently attracted to young chicks.

If an older guy comes off as a "loser", she will not be interested. But most older guys do not come off that way because they have gone through the test of time.
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