If you're top 20%, why would you go on OLD to get the bottom 50%? The healthy chicks aren't on OLD during their peak years.
I'm not sure. There are plenty of guys 8-10 enjoying a buffet of pusssy from swipe apps, especially women in the 5-7 range. There are plenty of 6's on the swipe apps. Acceptable looking prospects. These 6's on the apps have incredible choice.
If you're an 8.5 guy on a swipe apps, you will bang a 5-6 because it will be easier to get the bang than a 7.5-8.5 in real life (pandemic or no pandemic). You're not going to commit long term to a 5-6 so you'll just get the bang and maybe stick around a few months.
I'm not a Top 20% guy as evidence by the lousy time I had on swipe apps and website dating even before swipe apps.
What level of quality photos do you need? I am a good looking guy with a nice body. I got several matches, hardly any of which converted to an actual date. My
text game is okay. I suspect if I wanted more matches I'd have to up the quality of my photos, first and foremost.
Good quality, likely professional quality. If you're a guy that's a 5-7, the pics will make or break you, so professional photos are nearly mandatory to deal with the ultra competitive environment. Once you hit the low to mid 7's as a guy, your photos don't need to professional but still good.
The Big 3 swipe apps are 65-75% male so it is a shiit environment to compete in for most men. 7.5-8+ can have a decent time on them but the rest of men shouldn't even bother. Competition is too fierce.
I'm probably in the 6-7 range on looks and I have found it extremely difficult to compete on them. Fortunately, I am able to approach strangers, even during the day at non-bar venues.
OLD is bad because it’s filled with toxic Disney Princesses so y’all are not missing out on going out on dates with these monsters.
True. Also women treat men from swipe apps worse than men they'd happen to meet in real life. I'm still convinced you could meet the same woman on an app and the same woman from cold approach and that she'd treat you better if you cold approached. The end result might be the same.
Realize that no woman wants to be on swipe apps. They are on swipe apps because they can't put anything together through their social circles first and they are unsatisfied with the quality of men who cold approach them and occasionally the quantity of men who cold approach them.