There seems to be a common misconception among people that things were drastically better for the average man in the past. That's not really the case. Regardless of whether your frame of reference is 2012 or 2002 or 1972 or 1822, the historical records suggests that there was rarely if ever a time when the average man was swimming in pvssy.
I agree that there was rarely if ever a time that the average man was swimming in pusssy. Most men don’t have the goal of swimming in pusssy. The average man wants to have some solid extended relationships without longer sexual droughts. If one of those relationships lasts a very long time, possible until death do they part, that’s a bonus. That’s becoming more difficult to achieve. Women had fewer options in the past and most areas in the United States did not have a surplus of single men relative to single women. On raw numbers, women have had a huge advantage since 2000 and that advantage has gotten compounded by the swipe apps. This is why there’s been a rise of incels. There aren’t enough women to go around.
Not only is there a younger women shortage, there is also a shortage of women who are worthwhile of the time and effort it takes for an extended relationship.
Conditions are more difficult for the average man than they were in the past. In more recent times, the males of the GI Generation (1910-1925), the Silent Generation (1926-1945), and the Baby Boomers (1946-1964) had more favorable conditions in the mating environment than subsequent generations. By the time the early Millennials (1982-1996) were reaching sexual maturity in the late 1990s/early 2000s, it had all gone to shiit.
Can you think of an era when your average, working class/middle class dude could effortlessly score a date with an 8 or 9 (or even a 7, for that matter)? Me neither.
The fact of the matter is that most men ended up marrying some average/below average broad they met in high school or church. And then they spent the rest of their lives in relatively miserable, sexless marriages. That was the reality of most "average" men.
The women that the more average men met in high school, college, church, or as secretaries in workplaces in the 1950s and 1960s were better than the women of the 1990s-present.
Those women had fewer options, were less likely to ride a cocck carousel, and were more concerned about being a good girlfriend and a good wife than the women of the 1990s-present.
An average woman of 1960 on looks might rate better today simply because she isn’t overweight. There was less single motherhood, less SJW/careerist/feminist women, less pet obsessed women, etc.
“Relatively miserable, sexless marriages” is an overstatement. 40-80 years ago, marriages did suffer a diminishment in passion and sexual frequency as time went on. That’s normal. However, women of the GI Generation and the Silent Generation more frequently understood the concept of the wifely duties. They would be more willing to throw their husbands some sex in order to keep the relationship going. Even if they were doing it out of obligation, they would do it more gleefully than a modern woman because they saw more benefit in doing that. Gen X and Gen Y/Millennial women in marriages have no concept of wifely duties. That’s a part of why sexless marriages have gone up in recent decades.
Women generally were not ****s to you if you were average in the early 2000's, they loved attention because the only place they got it was after they did their hair for 2 hrs and skipped into town to see the boys there, so any attention they got they consumed and smiled and said hello to you.
Opposed to now when they put on yoga pants and boot up onlyfans.
Cast your mind back to 1999-2003, because MySpace and Facebook launched in 2004.
In 1999-2003, if you were an attractive woman who wanted attention, you had to do more to get less attention. You had to leave your home at a minimum. Doing hair, makeup, and looking super sexy would only get you the attention of men in that venue, typically a bar/nightclub. Now, without leaving the home, a woman can snap sexy selfies, post them somewhere on social media/app/internet, and get more attention than more men who were present in a 1999-2003 bar/nightclub. Women receive more attention and are “approached” more often now due to social media and swipe apps.
During the late 70’s and early 80’s, there was this ‘sweet spot’ era.
Females (Of higher caliber) were becoming comfortable enough to sleep around before having a serious relationship... but they also still had the past generation environment of traditional values (more femininity back then).
Yes, this was the tail end of the Baby Boomer era of being the dominant group of singles. Boomers were the last generation to have access to women who held some traditional aspects of femininity in higher regard. There were some rare exceptions in Gen X for this among white women, mainly women from smaller towns in middle America. The exceptions became even fewer and far between for the Millennials.
I never had a dry spell of more than a month or two from 2010 to 2017. My SMV has gone up and I do hook up with hotter women than I did even back then, but the market has tightened faster than my SMV. Relationships get shorter and shorter, flaking gets more and more frequent etc etc.
I believe you experienced a geographical change too. You are currently in one of the worst U.S. metro area mating environments. Otherwise, you have valid points.
I can also tell that you haven't dated GenZ.
How much of Gen Z have you dated? Realize that Gen Z is defined as 1997-2012 births. I haven't dated anyone in Gen Z. The oldest Gen Z members were 14 calendar years after I was born. I sense you have more experience with younger Millennials (1990-1996) than Gen Z.