This is awesome advice. I had to re-read it a couple times to make sure I got it all.
Appearance, for sure. I’ve heard that club game is mostly an appearance game. So you’ve got to focus on your fashion, hairstyle, and fitness, look like a “bad boy” lol.
I’m guilty as charged with having a goofy ass smile too much of the time when approaching, though. So it would go from goofy grin -> neutral expression/slight smirk at the most, right?
So if I’m understanding it correctly, then the way to get around the loud environment of the clubs is to get in very close, unapologetically, and talk near her ear as you were saying. Then from there, I can run my verbals or whatever PUA game I want to do from there. Is that about right?
Think of it this way. In a club you must attract from a distance. That’s the secret. It is completely visual. Completely non-verbal. This means you cannot remain invisible among all the crowd. The best seducers are observed from afar by the target. The target becomes intrigued from a distance (i e across the bar or across the room etc.) the closing is often a foregone conclusion because the intrigue and mystery has already been established visually by posture, appearance and body language before an interpersonal interaction occurs up close. Read that again.
I’ll give an example. I utilize the same way of being myself when I am out. I dress to flatter my physical appearance and I carry myself with confidence and moxy. Men notice me. I know HOW to attract interest without vulgarity & without saying a word. It is in the eyes, the posture, the steady presence & the essence of cool self assuredness.
When I met the man I am dating now AND the man I dated previously for 3 years the initial interaction was very similar. I arrived in a venue, crowded and busy, full of attractive people. I circulate through the venue with confidence and a steady gaze. In both instances I notice the man in question from across the venue. I notice but do not approach. With my exBF he noticed me too. He broke the ice by asking me to take a photo of him and his wingman. At that moment I knew he had interest in me…but his approach was indirect, giving him an ‘out’.
With my current BF he had on a distinctive hat, had long hair & was tall (further accentuated by the hat)…he noticed me from afar and had his eye on me. I had registered him as interesting from afar. He looks like an LA rock star (appearance is everything), edgy dressed & utterly unafraid to stand out…
When I needed a refill on my drink (which another attractive man had bought), the only place clear to approach the bar was next to him.
I found out later he had seen me moving toward the bar & had told his wingman to clear out, leaving a space right next to him at the bar.
When I got to the bar I said hello & asked how his night was going (I made it easy for him)…but I was already intrigued from having noticed him earlier (and he was interested in and focused on me too)…he played it cool that night. We started dating the next day when he reached out. We are still dating and have been exclusive for several months.
Both men in the examples above comported themselves with unapologetic confidence and coolness.
Any whiff of desperation or thirst in a club and you’ll blow it. You act as if your Johnson falls into hot women all the time. You behave in an unaffected manner. Those are the men who are drowning in women if they want to be. That’s the key. IF they want to be. From there it’s a steady unapologetic gaze (no smile) a smirk & a wink, or an “Oh I just happened to be here” conversation…
It’s nuanced and subtle but full of sexual intent.
Master that & you become the man.
Trust me.