I feel like his words were too open ended...in regards to WHAT to drink. Bourbon or whiskey seem to lend themselves to a slow, languid savor in sturdy rocks glasses. I feel like the martini glass requires too much concentration tp keep from having it spill. Especially if you are sitting in an over stuffed chair , or on a couch with a young lady.
But he hit the nail on the head about the company you are in for that drink. And that is the moment when you should be deep diving the woman at the dinner you are going to spend the night with. Most often though it is with friends and colleagues. Here is where generational wisdom gets passed down, and you are granted the trust of someone sharing their experiences and emotions.
When travelling this is the Hotel bar in the lobby or by the fireplace at the Hunting lodge, somewhere you can be comfortable, and relaxed. Not on guard, not trying to make a point or win an argument.