I was watching a blackpill video earlier today, and I was wondering what the endgame was for blackpillers? Like any other philosophy, they make some good points here and there, but I don't buy into it myself. But let's say okay, they're right about everything. Let's say it's all about looks and you don't fit the mold. Then what?
What are they advising their flock to do? Just forget about women because they'll never have success with them?
I think they are advising their flock to hurt women emotionally and destroy them emotionally. Not directly or head on, but slowly and surely. Just like women destroy a woman destroy a man’s self esteem, they want to do the same thing,
Focus on other things in life that they can be successful at? Max out their looks? Just give up? What's their point?
Blackpillers aren’t so mad at women perse, they are angry that society has sold them a bunch of crap regarding women and when they find out about it, it’s too late, the women are used up.
In a way they are right, in high school/college it’s all about looks, but after 25 or so, the women only cares about the man’s use. But who wants a girl who has been f*cked 20 different ways from Sunday?
Like Redpillers, Black pillers only care about getting the virgin. No Black piller is angry about not getting the 42 year old single mom whose face is melting by the day, or is he?