Well, I think I am obligated to give you gents some context that led to this scenario, since this thread would be nothing without your input:
I met this girl through Tinder. At the beginning of our
text game, she seemed conservative and at times annoyed at my attempts to make sexual jokes or remarks about sex, saying some bs like "
I'm sorry but I don't think we are close enough to have these kinds of conversations".
So, finally, when I asked her this magical question "
So what are you looking for on Tinder"?
To which she gave me the classic BS answer: "
I'm only on Tinder to make friends, no more no less"
To which I said: "
Well I'm kind of the same. I'm there to also make new open, casual relationships, to have a companion who we can share our stuff after busy long days at work, including the bed. Because sex is fun, isn't it."
To which she said something BS like: "
Well, I respect that, however I have ignored many guys who tried to make me their FWBs or want to lock me a in a relationship. I don't want that at this time of my life. Now I just want to go to work, go home, have fun (Pay attention to this word - "FUN") and nothing more. So please you can have your casual open FWB relationship elsewhere, but just don't force it on me, especially the sex stuff." (Typical Anti-Slut Defense)
Wow, I knew I hit the jackpot, so I said: "
Well, I totally get what you're saying. I want you to know what I appreciate what you're sharing with me about yourself. Rest assure that I won't try to make you my anything like those guys did (COME ON, AS IF I WANT HER TO BE MY GF), what we're going to have, whatever you'll call it, will be civil, fun, relaxing, respectful as much as possible. About the sex, I don't wanna have sex with somebody who's not willing to enjoy it with me. Forced sex is not fun, what's fun is the sex that both sides enjoy willingly. And I'm sure you get what I'm saying, right?"
And when she reacted positively to this text (lots of funny emoticons and stuff), I quickly said good night, and then the next day, when she initiated contact again, I immediately made the date. I have planned the logistics so that we could have sex on 1st date as follows:
We went to a food bar where they served good food and drinks for very reasonable price, and where we could sit NEXT TO EACH OTHER (this is very very very important, NEVER EVER SIT ACROSS EACH OTHER ON 1ST DATES because you need to kino her). This date is set at 8:15 PM, we sit there for a good 2 hours, and then I suggested a movie at the late showing time, and we made out heavily during the movie, I grabbed her boobs and her soaking wet pvssy while we exchanged saliva.
So, knowing she's all horny, after the movie, when we finally reached her doorstep, I just asked her hey could I use the toilet, and you know what happens when you open the door for the wolf to come in.