Shy is an attractive trait for women, but not men


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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Shy and introverted men will always have a hard time getting women, even if they look like Ben Affleck or Matthew McConaughey.

How come? Women are attracted to a man's "strong" personality traits and shyness will be seen as a weakness and a turnoff.

It's okay to be shy and introverted perhaps somewhat, but if you are moderately to extremely shy please do your best to change.

Just take a look around you and see all the "not so handsome" looking men with hot women. I guarantee you the man is not shy or introverted (that's how he got her). Conversely, we all know male friends and relatives who are on the good -looking side, but never seem to get any women.

I used to be shy (up to about 25) and once had a guy who was good with women tell me "Shyness is cute when you are a little kid".

Women on the other hand can be extremely shy and still get men as long as they are physically attractive. Her shyness can even be seen as a plus because it can come across as feminine. I used to work with a woman who was shy, quiet and I would even call her "socially awkward". However, she was physically attractive and always seemed to have a boyfriend.

I am not suggesting you become a loud- mouthed obnoxious boor, but look women in the eye when you talk to them and approach women who are giving you IOI's. Who cares if you get "rejected" as it is wayyyyy better to try and fail than not try at all.

I am not super outgoing, but I do not consider myself shy. I have been rejected so many times, I am desensitized by it.

One tip I keep in mind and regularly practice is to make small talk with cashier women. It does not have to be woman you are attracted to nor does it have to be flirty. Small talk will build your confidence level up.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 17, 2019
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In my experience, the shy, introverted women are often the ones wh-ring it up behind everyone's back. They come off as approachable and welcoming, and often have more offers than more extraverted "alpha" women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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In my experience, the shy, introverted women are often the ones wh-ring it up behind everyone's back. They come off as approachable and welcoming, and often have more offers than more extraverted "alpha" women.
If a woman is shy and also physically attractive; a lot of men will be turned on by that. Since it is a passive personality trait, it can be seen as feminine and can make a male feel more masculine. I find shyness in women similar to lack of height in women. Shorter women (5'2" and below) can be seen as more feminine and their lack of height generally isn't a strike against them (like it is for short men).


Jul 19, 2019
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Also, a more shy lady will possibly take less effort too. Those hyperactive, social butterfly women see to always be big on social circles