I have at least half a dozen pieces planned, whichever of those 6 we can get done in the time.
One is a visual representation of the Fibonacci sequence. (Inner right forearm.)
One is three flaming dice above a star. (Left side of neck)
One is an old worn out boot. (Outer right calf)
One is a cannon taken from the coat of arms of the Royal Navy submarine my father served on. (Left ribcage)
One is a simple graphic representation of the shift pattern of a motorcycle. (Outer ball of ankle - left foot)
One is the number 73 in a gothic text. (Just below left elbow)
There's a meaning or reason behind each of these some more obvious than others. I'll be booking up another
full day regardless, I have dozens more ideas in mind and plenty of money to make them a reality. It's just a
question of availability of my preferred tattooist.