The (allegedly) educated people behind the French pageant decided it would be in their best interests to only accept woman applicants who:
- are no older than 24
- are 5’5
- have never said marriage vows
- have never had their eggs fertilized
In response to their eligibility requirements, a lawsuit has been filed by a French feminist organization.
My question is: what if the woman has been engaged 3 times but never married? Or what if the woman was in a Hollywood movie and took off all clothes for important sex scenes? Or what if she got pregnant and lost the baby? Or she is 5’5 in heels? Or she adopted a baby from China? Is that considered a mom or do they just care if a 6’1 alpha impregnated her?
- are no older than 24
- are 5’5
- have never said marriage vows
- have never had their eggs fertilized
In response to their eligibility requirements, a lawsuit has been filed by a French feminist organization.
My question is: what if the woman has been engaged 3 times but never married? Or what if the woman was in a Hollywood movie and took off all clothes for important sex scenes? Or what if she got pregnant and lost the baby? Or she is 5’5 in heels? Or she adopted a baby from China? Is that considered a mom or do they just care if a 6’1 alpha impregnated her?